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    Use "martin" in a sentence

    martin example sentences


    1. Aston Martin swept spray and stones out from under its wheels as though the driver

    2. Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged

    3. manoeuvred the Aston Martin onto the hard shoulder and stilled the throbbing beast

    4. The ribbon of wet sheen running towards the horizon begged the driver of the Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged

    5. The diabolic driver of the Aston Martin pulled up alongside the Metro and peered through the passenger window at the wreck of a car parked on the hard shoulder

    6. He manoeuvred the Aston Martin onto the hard shoulder and stilled the throbbing beast

    7. Martin Gilfoyle, BBC Spotlight South West

    8. In what year did Martin Luther write his 95 theses?

    9. Birds include woodpecker, hawk, pine martin, falcon, owl and golden eagle

    10. that it was missing – all except for Frere Martin, of

    11. ‘What proof?’ Martin was starting to panic

    12. Frere Martin was about to continue his protest,

    13. has the endorsement, even the active support of Martin

    14. A vigorous fire crackled in the grate, the table was submerged beneath a satisfying quantity of cold meats and cheeses, and the aforesaid gentleman, Mr Martin Pinscher, had his legs firmly beneath it, sucking the meat off a chicken drumstick

    15. “Have a minute?” Martin said to the solidly built woman with her gray hair pulled back in a bun behind her head

    16. I’ve got at least a year, here, young man,” she said in a deep and empty voice as she turned towards Martin

    17. “What’s down there?” Martin asked

    18. I …”, she said as she was interrupted by Martin

    19. “What the hell is that?” Martin snapped at her with an incredulous look on his face

    20. She punched away at the thin keyboard, then looked up at Martin and said, “Here’s an outline

    21. Martin came around behind the counter and looked at the screen

    22. Martin was impressed, but how would he gain asylum at the border

    23. Martin suddenly was aware of the whole scheme Sloan was attempting as he looked at the screening visual which stopped at the entrance way to Georgetown

    24. Martin looked away from the monitor at the old lady, who stood with her hands on her desk with, a look of fear in her eyes as he said, “I thought you told me that all you could get was an outline? That was GPS video concept

    25. Just generate a copy of that, now,” Martin said to her as they stood beside each other

    26. Martin looked at the thin disc he had, back to her, and then walked away

    27. Martin now thought he knew where Sloan was headed and how he planned to get there

    28. He had been very cooperative, for an Anglo, Martin thought

    29. Martin explained to him that he was fairly certain his employee had left the area and did he know where he had gone

    30. Alexander was visibly upset at what Martin said and vehemently discounted it

    31. Then Martin had asked if he could contact him while Martin was there, so he did

    32. He had rubbed his face and looked out of his office window and then said to Martin that he was sure Kurt would be back as he said he would

    33. Martin asked if he had any idea where he would go, if he would have left Pittsburgh

    34. He had no clue, but that if he got more information, he would be glad to pass that on to Martin

    35. When Martin left, he felt for sure that Sloan had even fooled his boss

    36. Martin could tell he was devastated and said if Martin found him, that he, Dr

    37. “Sloan’s work was important and no one could just pick up and leave”, he had said as Martin was leaving

    38. He thanked Martin for alerting him

    39. He was impressed with the old man and he had picked up another clue about Sloan’s destination when the old man had said what Martin already knew, that Sloan had talked about Scotland many times

    40. One piece of information Martin found important and that was that Raoul had a sister, Carla, who was engaged to a man in Security

    41. Martin thought maybe she might be willing to tell him something that her brother would not

    42. She asked if she could help him and Martin explained he was looking for Raoul

    43. They sat down in the same front room that Martin had been with her brother

    44. She sipped quietly and smiled at Martin with a hint of shyness

    45. “That’s important information,” Martin answered

    46. Carla then went on to tell Martin that Kurt had been a great help to Raoul when he had first come to Alleghenia

    47. Martin was interested in this information about Maria

    48. As he left, Martin thanked her and said she would get an accommodation when he filed his report to Security

    49. Martin promised he would not tell anyone, except that her help would be in his report

    50. Martin realized that he needed more information to convince Security that his suspicions were valid

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    Synonyms for "martin"

    martin dean martin dino paul crocetti mary martin steve martin st. martin

    "martin" definitions

    French bishop who is a patron saint of France (died in 397)

    United States actor and comedian (born in 1945)

    United States actress (1913-1990)

    United States singer (1917-1995)

    any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas