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    Use "masterstroke" in a sentence

    masterstroke example sentences


    1. “Your plans for facilities that are designed to be usable by any race is a masterstroke

    2. With a masterstroke of manupulation he managed to drown the worship of the One Lord in rules, regulations and stipulations

    3. That visit in retrospect proved a masterstroke, as it provided her future air group with nearly all the trained radio operators and intelligence specialists Ingrid needed

    4. The capture intact of the whole French Fleet in Toulon had also been a masterstroke

    5. By a masterstroke, she had placed her hidden intentions to that of justice

    6. This is his masterstroke – full control of the world

    7. Still it was a masterstroke 'losing' that ten grand order - no business could survive a blow like that

    8. “No, that was a masterstroke

    9. Matcham often thinks of the masterstroke by which he won the laughing witch who now

    10. I can't imagine how he learned it, but Stebelkov already knew all about Anna Andreyevna down to every detail ; I will not describe his conversation and his gestures, but he was in a state of enthusiasm, a perfect ecstasy of enthusiasm over this " masterstroke

    11. ‘Why not, after confessing, borrow money from him?’ You see, this confession was a kind of masterstroke; I intended to use it as a means to your good grace and favour—and then—then I meant to walk off with a hundred and fifty roubles

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    "masterstroke" definitions

    an achievement demonstrating great skill or mastery