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    Use "maverick" in a sentence

    maverick example sentences


    1. The lairs of the pale, Stalactite Orcs and Goblins in Mount Crow have proliferated since the subjugation of the stone trolls and maverick wizards

    2. “The maverick Summoner, Ankharet unleashed a horde of wolf-creatures upon this Plane

    3. The maverick Summoners have been defeated and the detrimental breach to the Plane of Chaos sealed

    4. “Taliesin, I detect the presence of maverick magic-users in the direction of Arkadia,” said Gilead

    5. The maverick mages evaded their attack

    6. Nighthawk, the defected goblin, and his assistants forewent parlaying with their maverick kindred and engaged in battle with full force

    7. Our group intended to sway the maverick humanoids and their chaotic cohorts to accept the proposal of a peaceful coexistence one way or another

    8. We are on the lookout now for the alien invasions prompted by the maverick Summoners and Demigods of Chaos

    9. He was a maverick

    10. He was well dressed, a maverick blaze in his eyes, and old rock-n-roll style hair style, pulled back into a pony tail

    11. The maverick entrepreneur with one healthy, listed

    12. maverick, irrespective of ability; instead of creating an ambience of wealth, dependability and

    13. Erickson accomplished through conversational hypnosis, but I’d like to tell you just one…How Conversational Hypnosis Saved A Maverick Doctors License And Changed The USA’s Laws About Hypnosis

    14. Erickson discovered or invented on conversational hypnosis has now been exposed for the first time by a maverick hypnotist who has finally broken the silence after 27 long years

    15. As to his performance metrics, Sam had determined that he didn’t need to crow; but nevertheless, he would get the message across, that maverick as he may be, he got results

    16. Could he, though? (Being such a maverick)

    17. these maverick moguls for you!"

    18. So Joseph guilelessly accepted his minimum wage salary as he aspired to become a creative maverick

    19. remembrance of a line from Lekka Meysie had stated in his, „Poem to a maverick sailor'…

    20. After a few minutes, an old white Maverick pulled over

    21. My future neighbors: families, surfers, local officials, maverick beekeepers

    22. Investments in real estate or other hard assets can have the same maverick characteristics

    23. Maybe it was because Baba had been such an unusual Afghan father, a liberal who had lived by his own rules, a maverick who had disregarded or embraced societal customs as he had seen fit

    24. In investing, such a maverick is called contrarian

    25. He is also a founding member of Maverick Business Adventures, which has the aim of training over 100,000 young entrepreneurs by 2020

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    Synonyms for "maverick"

    maverick rebel irregular unorthodox

    "maverick" definitions

    someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action

    an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it

    independent in behavior or thought