Use "mental process" in a sentence
mental process example sentences
mental process
1. When some fundamental process that answers a
2. And yet they may have only been a product of his imagination, such was the collapse of partitions between the conscious and underlying mental processes
3. In the part of “science” called Psychology there is the duality of the physical body (the Id) and then the mental processes called the Ego
4. Neurology also studies the way the brain answers the “calling” of this body, and how it also supports a theory of the “consciousness” of self and others as part of this mental process
5. In ending the mental process as we know it
6. only kill the body, you cannot stop the mental process, nor can
7. lasts, it has its needs like any other, but my mental process has
8. Hegel conceived the subject matter of philosophy to be reality as a whole, or the total developmental process of everything that is
9. This isolation can only be brought about by the restraint of mental processes
10. According to Sensei, Buddhist meditation serves to deconstruct mental processes which we have developed during our lifetime
11. ‘Nor, in this vein, should the savants’ astonishing feats of recall for detail reveal anything new about mental processing,’ Snyder says, ‘since much evidence supports the view that we all store an enormous amount of information, with only a minute subset available for recall
12. concentrating on mental processes 13 The bodies inhabit the causal universe
13. Mental processing is done with word tokens; without a token it won't have an equal effect on you as other colors
14. ‗Ego‘ would be more fruitful if we stopped using the word as a noun, which immediately implies some ‗thing;‘ and instead we thought of ‗Ego‘ as mental processes that can occupy our attention
15. someone? This mental process is called a buffer and
16. also required much more mental processing and thus spurred physical evolution in the form of increased brain size
17. mental processes, they ultimately are empty of much resembling
18. investigates the mental processes of attention,
19. I contend that if we can find a common platform for our observations then we will see we are really talking of apples and oranges, but where is that platform? Where is the foundation we need to build upon in order to clearly know the fundamental process of our very being? A basic platform for us consists of a vantage point far enough removed from the process that we are able to see the big picture
20. Their mental process wasn’t a matter of constant thinking, but rather of direct knowing what their ancestors, spirits, and the earth were telling them
21. It is the whole mental process in one of its aspects
22. Concentration is purely a mental process
23. you are insistent on raising this child in a human fashion, any prolonged exposure of Tammas to my presence risks undue influence over his mental processes and could be
24. Something in me is producing a constant flow of thoughts, is always feeding me, so I am seduced into identifying with my mental processes
25. Our bodies, our emotions, our mental processes, our sense of being in the world are all being affected by the EM explosion
26. It will then return to us many fold, and the giving is simply a mental process, because thoughts are causes and conditions are effects; therefore in giving thoughts of courage, inspiration, health, or help of any kind we are setting causes in motion which will bring about their effect
27. What, more explicitly, is to be understood by the term “polarity” as applied to the mental process?
28. Therefore, germs must be the result of a mental process
29. It's all part of the experimental process
30. That is, the observer becomes an object that participates in the experimental process and, as a consequence, influences its course by some of his qualities or expectations
31. through our mental process and stamped it with our individuality
32. Then, take that separating line and use it in your mind: separate everything inside and outside yourself: use it to separate yourself from everything you examine, use it to separate your mental processes from your emotions, use that separating ability to feel nothing while you are killing a living animal merely to satisfy your intellectual curiosity: that is called: Science
33. The complete disregard for any wider contextual approach to human health and illness illustrates how the progress of segmentation and the progress of technology: splitting things, separating things without connecting them, is basically a detrimental process for all living organisms
34. � Judgmental meaning perspectives interfere with that process, but we have learned these judgmental processes instead of what we might have learned about ourselves
35. � If caring adults assume such a mental process as an essential part of the child for whom they care, what could possibly become of unconditional positive regard?� Such unconditionality disappears in a fog of suspicion and distrust
36. And perhaps it really was not yet baby Jesus’ time to teach or work miracles or perform out of the normal context of the human developmental process
37. As we take the time to look around us, we can see evolution in its minutest form in all living things, in the developmental process from conception and birth through to death
38. At first there was only the terrible photograph – all mental processes had ceased – but then, very slowly, like an amphibian crawling out of the primal swamp, a clear image emerged from the pulped mess in his head, an image of this foul creature with the woman in red, and of himself watching as it casually strolled away over the crest of a low hill
39. the beneficial effects of alcohol on the psychic and mental processes, let us now see what the
40. That means that during the developmental process, these kids are slower by three years than normal
41. My mental processes came to a dead stop
42. “Working our way through the earlier steps in the developmental process is necessary for moving on to the later phases
43. If a business man were offered a 5% interest in some concern for $10,000, his first mental process would be to multiply the asked price by 20 and thus establish a proposed value of $200,000 for the entire undertaking
44. She did not hurry them; she had lived three years in this village and she knew the slowness of their mental processes, the caution with
45. Although it is not necessary it would be valuable if the applicant for an aerial engineer has studied airplane mechanics, sheet metal, bench metal work, welding, woodworking, mechanical drawing, blueprint reading, pattern making, mathematics including the fundamental processes, equations and formulae, circular and angular measurements, scales, laying out geometrical figures and development, science, including the physical characteristics of materials used in aircraft construction and maintenance, and physical training