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    mentally retarded example sentences

    mentally retarded

    1. At least the barbaric Germans, who declared war against the entire world, against all of humanity, not only murdered Jews, but also murdered Poles, priests, gypsies, the mentally retarded and homosexuals

    2. The Supreme Court, by a six to three margin, recently ruled that the mentally retarded could not be subject to the Death Penalty on the basis of ―evolving standards of decency‖, whatever that means

    3. Virginia, a case involving the death penalty for the mentally retarded, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the Court

    4. He observes in a footnote that “within the world community, the imposition of the death penalty for crimes committed by mentally retarded offenders is overwhelmingly disapproved

    5. To understand how mentally retarded savants can do such complex calculations subconsciously, Darold Treffert says, we need to examine one of the oldest, least-evolved regions of the brain: the primitive storehouse of memory

    6. For instance, I was presented with a hypothetical case of a teenage, mentally retarded, and sexually active women brought in by her mother requesting a permanent sterilization for her daughter

    7. Remedios the Beauty, who seemed indifferent to everything and who was thought to be mentally retarded, was not insensitive to so much devo-tion and she intervened in Colonel Gerineldo Már-quez’s favor

    8. That at least was the point of view of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, for whom Remedios the Beauty was in no way mentally retarded, as was generally believed, but quite the opposite

    9. Roughly 85 percent of the mentally retarded population is

    10. Medicaid pays for medically necessary nursing home care for patients in skilled or intermediate care nursing homes or in intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded

    11. in a group home for the mentally retarded where we had 3 residents and

    12. for the mentally retarded which I will not name

    13. “The story had just come out in Time that Rosemary had been ‘mentally retarded,’” Seigenthaler recalled

    14. ’” Eunice, Joe bragged to Seigenthaler, “knows more about helping the mentally retarded than any other individual in America

    15. Less than a month later, the publication of the National Association for Retarded Children, Children Limited, revealed in a photo caption that “the President elect has a mentally retarded sister who is in an institution in Wisconsin

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