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    Use "merited" in a sentence

    merited example sentences


    1. Before the rehearsal was over, each Player was sure he or she was the first one to conceive of the new Village Theatrical Society Educational Fund, for the awarding of College scholarships to deserving and merited graduates of the Tahoe City School

    2. for customer service was not merited

    3. things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell

    4. and destiny is merited

    5. your staff when it is merited by their performance

    6. The surprise was the words that he whispered in my ear, and that I would remember forever, even years later, whenever I was facing so drastic and final situations such as the ones I was facing there which merited the aid of a foray into the joys of life

    7. He had thought that his generosity in the matter of the hat might have merited some gratitude, but evidently not

    8. She knew it was unprofessional but the occasion merited this one small lapse in her behaviour

    9. Has not the unsaved person earned or merited this gift of salvation

    10. brella, Stallman says its possible that, if born 40 years later, he might have merited just such a diagnosis

    11. Wearing our finery and treating the occasion with the ceremony it merited

    12. The cares of this world and all that it persuades to offer is represented by the thorns; for the sacrifice the world asks for is at the expense of merited living, and will never suffice

    13. 'Because I think you should,' Stick stated, looking somewhat more smug than the situation merited, Midge thought

    14. In normal times, the audio tapes would have merited a detailed investigation, with tough questions being asked

    15. ” This merited argument, of course, but I was groggy, and fed up with arguing, and instead I thought how his hands had trembled after holding my spirit

    16. organisation merited its own In House Fund thus allowing the cream of the deals

    17. “Quite outstanding ladies, you truly have merited my time and attention, it is a good story

    18. The sight alone inspires within Mary a sense of accomplishment that she feels, in that instant, is merited

    19. He would crush you like a fly if you stepped out of line but treat you with equal admiration if he thought you merited it

    20. What merited serious thought, as he cleaned up the edges of Rod's project evaluation problem, was his own final timetable

    21. I have had a few proposals but no one worthwhile came along who merited taking the risk of losing my security with Vera

    22. Under what lucky star was I born to have merited such a fate? Kiss me my love

    23. In my heart of hearts, I felt she merited a Prince

    24. General Nadero had a slight smile on his face as he said, “A great responsibility has been placed on your strong young shoulders, one that is fully merited in my opinion!”

    25. What was down here certainly merited around the clock guards

    26. They are not responsible for being, they had no choice in it, they taste but few of life’s treasures…to say eternal torment would be justly merited by these people…would be out of all proportion

    27. sense of his betrayal in the Jewish psyche; which of course merited a desire for absolution

    28. "A compliment," said the Marquis, "to the grandeur of the family, merited by the manner in which the family has sustained its grandeur

    29. Ah heavens! how many letters did I write her, and how many dainty modest replies did I receive! how many ditties and love-songs did I compose in which my heart declared and made known its feelings, described its ardent longings, revelled in its recollections and dallied with its desires! At length growing impatient and feeling my heart languishing with longing to see her, I resolved to put into execution and carry out what seemed to me the best mode of winning my desired and merited reward, to ask her of her father for my lawful wife, which I did

    30. Those the soldier shows on his face and breast are stars that direct others to the heaven of honour and ambition of merited praise; and moreover it is to be observed that it is not with grey hairs that one writes, but with the understanding, and that commonly improves with years

    31. The wounded gentleman opened his all but closed eyes, and recognising Claudia said, "I see clearly, fair and mistaken lady, that it is thou that hast slain me, a punishment not merited or deserved by my feelings towards thee, for never did I mean to, nor could I, wrong thee in thought or deed

    32. merited, I was told by this--why must I call her woman?--'that it would go against her conscience to recommend a kept mistress

    33. sacred--a thousand times a day, he asked himself how he had merited such

    34. His complexion was white with agitation, and he looked as if fearful of his reception, and conscious that he merited no kind one

    35. He began to despise her a little, as if she had merited it!

    36. To be sure, one might have doubted, after the wayward and impatient existence she had led, whether, she merited a haven of peace at last

    37. I have already successfully conducted several public prosecutions, and brought the offenders to merited punishment

    38. "Oh, you do not know what is seventeen months in prison!—seventeen ages rather, especially to a man who, like me, had arrived at the summit of his ambition—to a man, who, like me, was on the point of marrying a woman he adored, who saw an honorable career opened before him, and who loses all in an instant— who sees his prospects destroyed, and is ignorant of the fate of his affianced wife, and whether his aged father be still living! Seventeen months captivity to a sailor accustomed to the boundless ocean, is a worse punishment than human crime ever merited

    39. The bloody and inhuman scene rather incidentally mentioned than described in the preceding chapter, is conspicuous in the pages of colonial history by the merited title of "The Massacre of William Henry

    40. "But our presence—the authority of Colonel Munro—would prove sufficient protection against the anger of our allies, especially in a case where the wretch so well merited his fate

    41. Why, she did not know, but yet she did not the less feel that these reproaches were merited

    42. "It seems to me," said Franz, speaking in an undertone to Albert, "that if this person merited the high panegyrics of our landlord, he would have conveyed his invitation through another channel, and not permitted it to be brought to us in this unceremonious way

    43. They flouted at his efforts, and told him, with bitter scoffs, that his feet were better than his hands; and that he merited wings, while he knew not the use of an arrow or a knife

    44. Franz congratulated Albert, who received his congratulations with the air of a man conscious that they are merited

    45. Twenty knives gleamed in the air, and as many warriors sprang to their feet, at this biting, and perhaps merited retort; but a motion from one of the chiefs suppressed the outbreaking of their tempers, and restored the appearance of quiet

    46. Villefort merited punishment for what he had done to you, and, perhaps, to others

    47. He approached, paid her some well merited compliments on her toilet, and offered his arm to conduct her to a seat

    48. After all, hang it, they had their eleven and more humdrum months of it and merited a radical change of venueafter the grind of city life in the summertime for choice when dame Nature is at her spectacular best constituting nothing short of a new lease of life

    49. His brother had failed to treat the earl’s men with the deference they merited, and now he would see the consequences

    50. No doubt, he thought, this was some hero of the warren, wounded in a great fight and now infirm, whose past services merited an honorable escort when he went out

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    Synonyms for "merited"

    deserved merited earned warranted fitting proper justified fit appropriate

    "merited" definitions

    properly deserved