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    Use "mickey" in a sentence

    mickey example sentences


    1. Ignoring him, her eyes travelled on to where Mickey was sitting, his head close to Kev’s as they pored over a sheet of paper on the table

    2. ‘Fucking great bangers - great!’ Mickey called across the table to Sheila, his eyes on her ample breasts

    3. By the time the sausages had all gone, Mickey was sitting by Sheila, one of his hands out of sight under the table – by the look of it, busy investigating what was under her skirt

    4. Kev had joined Mickey stamping … the noise was deafening

    5. Chrissie posed, allowing her gaze to wash across the upturned faces in front of her – Sheila, face closed yet unpleasantly appreciative – Mickey and Kev getting into a right going state of excitement – Chas, his eyes stripping off the tiny scraps of fabric clothing her, his hands in his lap, invisible in the shadows – Ozzie, drunk and clapping not quite in time to the music

    6. She concentrated on shutting out the sounds she could hear from further down the corridor which suggested that Mickey was with Sheila as, tentatively, she crept along to the bedroom, uncertain what she would find

    7. Mickey and Kev were standing in a hole some two metres deep at its centre – up to their ankles in water by the look of it

    8. Sheila was squatting on her haunches as close as she could get to where Mickey and Kev were digging, muttering something to Mickey

    9. On the opposite side of the hole, Sheila was hauling her top over her head with appreciative commentary from Mickey, now standing on the side of the pit beside her

    10. ‘My turn!’ Mickey said, leaping into the mud beside them and grabbing at Sheila

    11. Mickey looked up briefly as she sat down at the table then, scorn in his eye, turned to Sheila and muttered something inaudible from where Chrissie was sitting

    12. She needn’t have worried; he only had eyes for Mickey

    13. Storming around the table bellowing foul language, Chas reached Mickey and lashed out with his fist

    14. Mickey rounded on Chas and retaliated with one of his great fists, lifting the man off his feet and sending him crashing to the floor

    15. Stunned, Chas lay on the floor for a moment before leaping to his feet and throwing himself at Mickey, his face a vicious mask of violence

    16. Ozzie threw himself at his friend, trying to restrain him … Kev grabbed Mickey and wrestled with him

    17. Horrified, Chrissie watched, one hand covering her mouth, as Chas hauled himself out of Ozzie’s grasp, launching himself at Mickey yet again

    18. Kev, seeing him coming, released his grip on Mickey and quickly moved out of the way

    19. Before Mickey could follow through, Kev grabbed him and hauled him off

    20. Mickey and Kev stood suddenly still

    21. ’ Mickey said quickly, ‘It was self defence

    22. He turned to Mickey and Kev

    23. Mickey was pale, his face pinched with cold

    24. ‘Chas has been having these fits since his accident … it wasn’t your fault, Mickey

    25. Mickey steadily worked his way through the bowl of porridge which Sheila plonked in front of him

    26. Apart from her concern for Mickey, Sheila was her usual self – handing out food and hot beverages in her normal, less than charming manner

    27. The door of the sitting room suddenly burst open and Mickey appeared

    28. Mickey wailed wordlessly, his eyes on Sheila’s face, as they all waited to see if she would breathe again

    29. He looked across at Mickey who nodded, his face blank

    30. Mickey had pleaded with Chrissie to help him clean and dress the body

    31. She’d been touched by the earnestness of his feelings for the dead woman and done her best to tidy up the corpse, dressing it in the clothing Mickey had selected from Sheila’s limited wardrobe

    32. Sheila’s room was stripped – anything not worth keeping she threw away – the rest she passed to Mickey to do with as he thought best

    33. ’ Mickey muttered, his voice expressing both his physical tiredness and his weariness with the whole project

    34. Mickey nodded as though he understood every word and Ozzie interpolated a phrase here and there as though proving that he too understood

    35. ‘Come and play with Mickey

    36. ’ Mickey repeated in a monotone, over and over, almost as a mantra as Ozzie half threw Chrissie into the room

    37. ’ Mickey said, grabbing her hips and hauling them towards him

    38. ’ Mickey said mournfully

    39. ‘This is where you get to, is it?’ Mickey said from behind her

    40. Her chest heaving with the effort of catching her breath, she risked a glance back down the path – Mickey was nowhere in sight

    41. Mickey was suspended some feet below the top of the cliff, holding on to the remains of the bush which had apparently collapsed under his weight when he fell onto it

    42. Then, as she watched mesmerised, the last of the roots of the bush lost its grip on the thin soil and, with a thin terrified scream, Mickey plunged towards the roiling sea below

    43. Her eyes darting around the length of the shore below her, she ran to the steps and stood uncertainly, searching for any hint that Mickey might have survived the fall

    44. Kev commented – puzzlement loud in his voice – on how they had gone along all the paths looking for Mickey

    45. ‘You sure you didn’t see Mickey anywhere?’ Ozzie asked her out of the darkness

    46. Ozzie’s behaviour after Mickey disappeared had made Kev nervous

    47. ’ Mrs Brown suggested, her hand on the knob of the next room – the one Mickey had used

    48. ‘So Mickey and Sheila hit it off, did they?’ the Inspector asked as Andy gratefully gulped his sugar-laden tea down

    49. ‘Chas at first … and then Mickey

    50. ‘Did Mr Middlesex lose interest in Mrs Hartley-Jones? Is that why Mickey got involved?’

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    Synonyms for "mickey"

    mick mickey paddy

    "mickey" definitions

    (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Irish descent