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    Use "micro-organism" in a sentence

    micro-organism example sentences


    1. Barely discernable in the immense mirror they stood upon, was the dark silhouette of palms lining the beach and opposite, the churning foam gave off an electric-green glow, generated by hundreds of thousands of luminous micro-organisms alive in the breaking waves

    2. They are told that his doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations were on studies of micro-organisms found in remnants of meteorites

    3. All the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins required in the human diet are synthesized either by plants or micro-organisms (44), not by animals

    4. As for the possibility of biological contamination, the main computers of the VEON SHOURIA and of the KOSTROMA have exchanged a mass of biomedical data, including cell structures, tissue and blood composition, body micro-organisms and even food compatibility

    5. ‘’I remember what happened a century ago, when local micro-organisms and primitive aquatic creatures were found to populate the underground oceans of Europa, Callisto and Enceladus

    6. Every animal, whether mosquito, rat, dog or horse, is a potential carrier, and I am not even going to mention all the dirty toilets and the streets full of rubbish where micro-organisms flourish

    7. But scientists are light years away from being able to demonstrate or duplicate life as it exists today by reproducing life from its origins, from the cell of a micro-organism living in a primordial pond being the basis for the existence of life and humans today, although it could be said that evolution, in essence, has been scientifically proven

    8. If complex life as we know it today, such as all the different animals, birds, and humans, etcetera, evolved from the single cell of a micro-organism within the proverbial slimy pond

    9. And which micro-organisms in turn, evolved from the chemicals, substances and materials generated from the beginning of creation, from the collision of particles, from the ‘Big Bang’

    10. Micro-organisms, which cause so much disease and pain on earth, have either never appeared upon Mars or Martian sanitary science eliminated them ages ago

    11. They only need tear themselves away from the psychological microscope under which they examine the objects of their study, and look about them, in order to see how insignificant is all that has afforded them such naïve pride, all that knowledge not only of geometry of n-dimensions, spectrum analysis of the Milky Way, the form of atoms, dimensions of human skulls of the Stone Age, and similar trifles, but even our knowledge of micro-organisms, X-rays, etc

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