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    middling example sentences


    1. four or five young children, who, among the middling or inferior ranks of people in Europe, would have so little chance for a second husband, is there frequently courted as a sort of fortune

    2. All people of small or middling fortunes would be obliged to superintend themselves the employment of their own stocks

    3. A middling farmer will there sometimes have four hundred fowls in his yard

    4. The houses, the furniture, the clothing of the rich, in a little time, become useful to the inferior and middling ranks of people

    5. Were the duties upon foreign wines, and the excises upon malt, beer, and ale, to be taken away all at once, it might, in the same manner, occasion in Great Britain a pretty general and temporary drunkenness among the middling and inferior ranks of people, which would probably be soon followed by a permanent and almost universal sobriety

    6. By this statute, the high duties upon importation for home consumption are taken off, so soon as the price of middling wheat rises to 48s

    7. the quarter; that of middling rye, pease, or beans, to 32s

    8. The first of those remedies is the study of science and philosophy, which the state might render almost universal among all people of middling or more than middling rank and fortune ; not by giving salaries to teachers in order to make them negligent and idle, but by instituting some sort of probation, even in the higher and more difficult sciences, to be undergone by every person before he was permitted to exercise any liberal profession, or before he could be received as a candidate for any honourable office, of trust or profit

    9. The middling and superior ranks of people, if they understood their own interest, ought always to oppose all taxes upon the necessaries of life, as well as all taxes upon the wages of labour

    10. The whole consumption of the inferior ranks of people, or of those below the middling rank, it must be observed, is, in every country, much greater, not only in quantity, but in value, than that of the middling, and of those above the middling rank

    11. Fourthly and lastly, some part even of the rent of land belongs to the same rank ; a considerable part to those who are somewhat below the middling rank, and a small part even to the lowest rank ; common labourers sometimes possessing in property an acre or two of land

    12. But in the country, many middling and almost all rich and great families, brew their own beer

    13. By the union with England, the middling and inferior ranks of people in Scotland gained a complete deliverance from the power of an aristocracy, which had always before oppressed them

    14. The woman was mortal and of middling years - plump faced with rounded curves, dark eyes, and a pinched nose that reminded him of a sparrow

    15. Both are or were nominally liberal, but the most timid, middling, and cautious form of liberalism possible

    16. Her skin is a middling color, darker than mine

    17. First of all, because I had already graduated, and owing to the fact that I was barely at the median of our class GPA, therefore not affecting my first job, he made no attempt to disguise his disgust that I was wasting his time by bitching about my middling C in Labor Law

    18. The coming of the middling years added a slight paunch, which denoted a peaceful and contented life

    19. The middling one is that wherein Puraka is for 16 seconds, Kumbhaka for 64 seconds and Rechaka for 32 seconds

    20. If anyone gives at the 1/50th level, they have a middling eye

    21. The middling and right position is that the believer should approach towards only God through the companionship of the closer to Allah who are alive

    22. excrement, the middling ones flesh and the fine ones the mind

    23. Fair to middling, no more, no less

    24. instructions on the stages of the path of a person of middling

    25. teachings to those of middling scope, and very profound

    26. hell being, middling non-virtuous actions are the main cause

    27. middling negative karma causes rebirth as a hungry ghost and

    28. Little did she realize that these were the effects of Shiva himself blurring the line between Sivaloka and this middling realm

    29. There are three stages of feeling for God – the mild, the middling, and the intense; and it is only the intense feeling for God that finally succeeds, not the middling or the mild

    30. The reader’s needs must be considered and demands that you begin your piece with a middling pace and

    31. It is middling well as far as it goes--but is that all?

    32. "And very thankful I am they are standing," she said, "for that means they'll turn middling time this week

    33. The priest had a writing teacher at Rome make three alphabets—one large, one middling, and one small; and pointed out to him that by the help of a sharp instrument he could trace the letters on a slate, and thus learn to write

    34. “It was considered a good match: his father was a knight of the middling sort, and mine a wealthy wool merchant

    35. This one's a middling hard lot for a duke

    36. There, now we're over the worst of it, you can stand the rest middling easy

    37. It vaguely reminded me of the middling 1990s comedy Crazy People, in which Dudley Moore plays an ad exec who decides to start employing honesty in his taglines, coming up with such gems as “Volvos—Yes they are boxy, but they’re safe,” and “Jaguar—For men who’d like hand jobs from beautiful women they hardly know

    38. But surely you will ask, what sort of Cock had he who invented more fanciful Names for that common Organ than Adam invented Names for Animals? ’Twas a middling Thing, neither larger nor smaller than the Majority of Cocks, and tolerably well-shap’d, but without the inflam’d Redness of which he so constantly writes in his foolish Memoirs

    39. Thirdly, the Trade is patriotick in the Highest Sense, for as ’tis the Wish of ev’ry True-born Englishman to see his Country prosper both at Home and abroad, what could be more pleasing to the Patriotick Englishman than to view the great Advantages which have accru’d to our Nation thro’ the Bountiful Harvests of the Sugar Isles? Why, e’en the most middling sort of Londoner takes Sugar in his Tea, and buys printed Calicoes of Cotton for his Lady

    40. But after sharing out the Gems—which were all of small or middling Size—he found himself down to the last Man on the List, with only one Emerald remaining, but that one being of prodigious Size

    41. More tactically, stock markets in countries with especially high or low GDP growth rates over the preceding 5 years subsequently earned similar Sharpe ratios as markets in countries with middling past growth

    42. November is middling, but buying the right shares in October and November can be a good move in the lead up to the Christmas buying spree …

    43. Middling clothing, middling service (but a great business for traders, of course)

    44. Being curious to know what position my great bubbles occupied with regard to the new ice, I broke out a cake containing a middling sized one, and turned it bottom upward

    45. , middling quality, great quantity on hand, fit only for continental market, at 1½ a 4d

    46. On adding to each the same quantity of the solution of gelatine, abundant precipitates immediately appeared, as usual, apparently much the same in quantity; but to my astonishment, the size of the several congeries in each, bore a near proportion to that of the sticks from which they were obtained, not differing much from that of middling and of very small flakes of snow

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    Synonyms for "middling"

    middling average fair mediocre fairly jolly moderately passably pretty reasonably somewhat

    "middling" definitions

    any commodity of intermediate quality or size (especially when coarse particles of ground wheat are mixed with bran)

    lacking exceptional quality or ability

    to certain extent or degree