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    mix with example sentences

    mix with

    1. She started some trap mix with what they still had in the jar from the day before

    2. Mix with equal parts DE for an excellent dust

    3. “Well naturally those of you who filled and kept a bottle of water in your fridge to mix with your drinks will quite possible survive these two days until the end of you holiday

    4. Africans mix with Europeans, so that the

    5. in their life? What are they like socially? How do they mix with others?

    6. I was descended from Nephilim? Why would a Nephilim allow their blood to mix with a demon?

    7. Before the first one’s dripping jaws reached Nerissa, before he could grind her into pulp and swallow her to mix with Mother’s gore, she jumped down a gaping shaft that opened on the beach

    8. Where Ex and Ex ' - expenses on initial materials of concrete mix without i

    9. on concrete mix without admixture and with admixture

    10. all instructed to stay by themselves and not mix with other

    11. Lieutenant Waddell had to remain by himself and not mix with

    12. He seized the Power; lava and ice flooded his veins to mix with taint

    13. Mr Abbott had insisted that if he must mix with the others, he should at least dress well

    14. The argument was that the animals on a farm don't mix with each other so why should humans? There is no way is this world that that system can be defended

    15. I waited expectantly for him to choke on the tab, but instead he jerked his head towards the window, saying, "I bet 'e's one o' them ponced-up city buggers what's come down 'ere ter mix with the yokels and show off to 'is mates

    16. I don"t mix with that crowd much anymore

    17. I’m mixing herbs with colored grounded stones and bones, chanting prayers into the mix with a deep but almost silent voice

    18. Suddenly, she saw the interior of Nolans world mix with her own world

    19. and then moves on to mix with the seminal fluids during ejaculation

    20. They began to go down from the Holy Mountain one after another, and to mix with the children of Cain, in foul fellowships

    21. Mix with water to plastic dough

    22. Mix with the beaten egg, if used; it not, treat like the Lemon Short Cake

    23. Mix cake mix with lemon pie filling, and pour into a 9x13 inch pan

    24. worshipping other god's, or idols, and had begun to intermix with the Nephilim,

    25. They began to go down from the Holy Mountain one after another and to mix with the children of Cain in foul fellowships

    26. Mix with a wooden spoon until

    27. “And if you look around, you will notice many people who have altered their apparent size in order to mix with other races more comfortably

    28. His fear blended with the colours of the people near her and began to mix with black in her mind

    29. I like this place just the way it is, and in my opinion, there’s no reason to change a thing! I know someday my ashes will mix with the beauty of this place, and I hope they serve to do some good

    30. Certainly research staff did not mix with normal hospital staff

    31. We nurses are even allowed to mix with the male guards in supervised areas

    32. It can’t just be another mix with nothing special about it

    33. perfect ash to mix with the topsoil

    34. Then, I saw her humming a song, which sounded more like a lament, and shaking the concoction that was on the stove, whose fumes flew to mix with the smell of mildew from the walls

    35. Add the rice to the frying pan and mix with the

    36. “Still,” he thought to himself, “If you fly all over the world and mix with rich pilots and stay in exotic foreign hotels, another flash car is not about to blow your socks off

    37. ‘But surely you mix with the locals?’

    38. He did however; find it difficult to mix with members of the McGinley family, more out of embarrassment rather than familiarity

    39. Then lit the mix with his lighter (he went modern)

    40. But, as Duggar felt scandalized at finding Suresh mix with the common criminals, he averred that it was demeaning to say the least

    41. In general you mix with people of high status this month

    42. He gave me a drug to mix with my lover's wine, and he swore that when Alafdhal drank it, he would love me even more madly than ever, and grant my every wish

    43. Aside from that, you can also purchase electrolyte concentrates, which you can mix with your water, from pharmacies

    44. Mix with 1

    45. They may mix with the locals, frequent the local

    46. They did not appear to mix with the other families and the children appeared aloof to one another

    47. The robots appear a similar mix with body and limbs appearing as a coarse metal framework that supports a super computer inside the smoother metal casing of the skull

    48. He was so vain that he refused to mix with anyone he considered

    49. His companions collected his sweat to mix with their

    50. They feel vulnerable as their old feelings of loss mix with present ones, not knowing how to control the feelings or where they all come from

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