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    Use "mnemonic" in a sentence

    mnemonic example sentences


    1. reminds one of the next, as though it were a kind of mnemonic, and to the

    2. ―See Grandfather! See mother! I have found the track of my enemies! I piss on this tracks like I will piss on their face!‖ The tone and diction mirrored the agitation in Joe Billie‘s scrambled psyche resulting in mnemonic rebirth of his dead Grandfather

    3. it to a more simple mnemonic: "Don't think free as in free beer; think free as in free speech

    4. The mnemonic is easily remembered and reminds us

    5. And once you can do without mnemonic, do without it

    6. The alliterative grouping is a mnemonic device and only approximates the process roughly represented by them

    7. This produced the Droid Syndrome, in which the human brain became malformed due to its internal functions atrophying through the overuse of digital memory and apps as tool extensions of the self's mnemonic abilities and, therefore, imaginative capabilities – with less ideas, less recombination of them

    8. Pearl # 3: The Mnemonic “CHAD PARS” helps recall the major causes of

    9. SMASHED” mnemonic to branch out and learn about each of those topics separately

    10. A mnemonic for remembering that CSF glucose is lower in bacterial infections (less than 40mg/dl versus greater than 45mg/dL) is that the bacteria eat up the glucose, lowering its level

    11. Indications of hemodialysis can be remembered by the mnemonic A E I O U and G

    12. A mnemonic to assist in remembering which of the tests in a SLE flare-up is decreased is to think that lupus does not deserve complements when it flares up

    13. Writing systems today with alphabetical vowels nd consonants were preceded by proto-writing, systems of ideographic (pictures) and/or early mnemonic symbols e

    14. Recall that in Chapter 2, Electrum prompted you to write down a 12-word mnemonic for backup purposes

    15. That mnemonic was, in fact, a master private key

    16. Using an interesting mnemonic device, O’Neil writes, “A potential winning stock’s relative strength should be the same as a major league pitcher’s fast ball

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    Synonyms for "mnemonic"

    mnemonic mnemotechnic mnemotechnical

    "mnemonic" definitions

    a device (such as a rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall

    of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory