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    moorings example sentences


    1. trying his best not to loosen it from its equally ancient moorings

    2. But it didn’t matter this was our leave ship and we stood against the rail and gave a cheer as it slipped its moorings and we nudged out of the harbour and out to sea heading for Blighty

    3. Most of the vessels that had been left in the harbour had sunk at their moorings

    4. By the time Boroszki had started the engine and they had cast off their moorings, the entire bay was blanketed in a thin haze that grew more dense with each passing minute

    5. There was a slight lurch as the craft was released from its moorings, and ahead on the viewing screens I could see the bay doors opening and a rush of air escaping the bay as the energy screens dropped

    6. for it means the soul had cast its moorings and is sailing for dis-

    7. The tied-down cargo strained at its moorings as the tilt increased and the ice rushed by

    8. tied-down cargo strained at its moorings as the tilt increased and the ice rushed by

    9. When at length, Suresh was finding his moorings at Tihar; Subba Rau was brought in to a near stampede there

    10. As if to aid them find their moorings, chance placed some farm-hands on the way to greet them for a wedded pair

    11. Large merchant ships lay burning at their moorings while the city’s formidable Navy was at the bottom of the harbor

    12. It had been reduced to a dirty trickle that sluggishly moved between the dry mud banks to each side, and several large, abandoned river cruise boats that had been tied up and against their concrete moorings had long since sunk into the now exposed mud

    13. 8E is top floor of The Moorings with peripheral views of the Pacific, the harbour, mountains and town

    14. Later, as his bed swung gently at its moorings, he concluded that it had

    15. With great skill Harry gently brought the Black Swan to its moorings and the

    16. But what bowled me in the end are these from the Bhakti Yoga - Scores thought over mere rotting / Betters meditation awareness too / What helps man to find moorings / Are acts his with no axe to grind; Kind-hearted ’n considerate / Friendly natured, forgiving too / Lays no store on highs and lows / Suffers no pride ’n possessive not; Who's patient ’n cheerful / Self-willed as well persevering / Who's hearty ever at work / Makes he devout My beloved; Who’s simple, never in want / Covets he not in vantage post / Shakes him none, he keeps his nerve / It’s such who Me please the most; He’s My darling who craves not / Yet won’t shun the pleasures of life / Takes but things all as they come; Treats he equal friends ’n foes / Scorn or honour minds he not / Keeps he cool in grief and joy / Nurses for none soft centre, and above all, Pats ’n slights all in the score / Treats as equal score My man / Takes he lot of his in stride/ But won’t put the blame on Me

    17. At one of our moorings a sub-standard bull appears right in front of us

    18. for the advice on the moorings

    19. It showed a crowded beach with three small sailboats tied to moorings offshore

    20. my flesh and sprang loose from deep and jealous moorings within me

    21. "What?" said Don Quixote, "cross ourselves and weigh anchor; I mean, embark and cut the moorings by which the bark is held;" and the bark began to drift away slowly from the bank

    22. The longboat's coxswain took the tiller; his four companions leaned into their oars; the moorings were cast off and we pulled clear

    23. It seemed to him that the island trembled to its base, and that it would, like a vessel at anchor, break moorings, and bear him off into the centre of the storm

    24. Here were the Leith, Aberdeen, and Glasgow steamers, loading and unloading goods, and looking immensely high out of the water as we passed alongside; here, were colliers by the score and score, with the coal-whippers plunging off stages on deck, as counterweights to measures of coal swinging up, which were then rattled over the side into barges; here, at her moorings was to-morrow's steamer for Rotterdam, of which we took good notice; and here to-morrow's for Hamburg, under whose bowsprit we crossed

    25. At last, over the rim of the waiting earth the moon lifted with slow majesty till it swung clear of the horizon and rode off, free of moorings; and once more they began to see surfaces—meadows wide-spread, and quiet gardens, and the river itself from bank to bank, all softly disclosed, all washed clean of mystery and terror, all radiant again as by day, but with a difference that was tremendous

    26. The little boats that lie tethered to the rings and stanchions of the old sea-wall are gaily painted as those I clambered in and out of in my own childhood; the salmon leap on the flood tide, schools of mackerel flash and play past quay-sides and foreshores, and by the windows the great vessels glide, night and day, up to their moorings or forth to the open sea

    27. You will be amused to learn that there was one of my agents in the pilot-boat which brought that steamer to its moorings

    28. Then, his bones seemed to explode from their moorings, blasted and erupted with pain

    29. Old Scholey ran in at breakfast-time, to say she had slipped her moorings and was coming out, I jumped up, and made but two steps to the platform

    30. The broad, swift river splashed against the sides of the ferryboats, tightening their moorings

    31. A single red lamp glowed dully far to the west; it belonged to a steamer that they had seen come to her moorings in the afternoon

    32. On the bridge, between the paddle-boxes, the captain stood with the string attached to the syren in his hand; beside him, glancing at the compass-card, grasping the spokes of the wheel, and silently awaiting instructions, was one of the men; the mate was for'ard with his whistle; and two little knots of islanders were gathered about the moorings on the quay, ready to cast off the hawsers as soon as the paddles moved and the captain gave the word

    33. Barzilla Wingate told me as we sat in the “Lovers’ Nest,” the summerhouse on the bluff by the Old Home House, and watched the Greased Lightning, Peter Brown’s smart little motor launch, swinging at her moorings below

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