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    Use "more specific" in a sentence

    more specific example sentences

    more specific

    1. Again, but more specifical y this time, “you cannot wear that cap in here”

    2. The more specific you are the more power your brain uses to make that goal a reality

    3. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    4. Those using the name were many, but those using the name who also held a connection to human trafficking, prostitution and more specifically to the skin-trade, were a much more exclusive group

    5. More specifically, I see the woman my son wants to take with him to a garden party … he doesn’t usually take anyone, Liz

    6. "We need to give him more specific instructions in how to avoid detection

    7. Gilla is floating round the house singing to herself and, although I am delighted that she is so happy, quite frankly, it gets on my nerves and only serves to point up my own pretty parlous situation with regard to relationships … their non-existence generally and, more specifically, the chances of one actually manifesting itself at any time in the future

    8. Meanwhile both Heymon and Elmore were pestering him for results, more specifically, hounding him to find the error in his previous observations that allowed quantum information to be created

    9. Not only that but more specifically

    10. He looked through the collection of tools, assembled in a separate crate, and taking out a tape measure went about taking more specific measurements than those he'd made cursorily the day before

    11. He called it “insurance,” but wasn’t anymore specific

    12. Kennitch for his forecast of the realized benefits in more specific terms, then resumed

    13. You’ll have to be more specific

    14. Usually the more specific the word is the more it will be needed

    15. I, the author of this e-book, offer no professional services to the general public or otherwise, and more specifically, no medical, psychological or any other type of services or counseling that are, by statute or otherwise, restricted to certified professionals

    16. Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?

    17. More specifically, to see your parent(s) sleeping implies that you are turning a blind eye to certain things that would normally bother you

    18. He may have been more specific in private when speaking with his disciples, but in public, he told stories to try to get his message across

    19. more specific, Kempo mainly uses the forbidden techniques of sport karate and

    20. more specific about what wealth means to them) say that

    21. with life, or more specifically with death, the

    22. Once you have improved your golf game and see the results you were hoping to see it is possible you will search for a more specific online lesson for your needs

    23. ‘Or to be more specific I have interfaced with your south eastern core, although that was an early-stage version of you

    24. For once our Second Aid training obtained in the College was used whilst we waited for the ambulance and Flying Squad lieutenant who had to adjudicate our side bet on the biker girl, or more specifically, her hair colour

    25. Hartle tapped it in, and then the more specific instructions

    26. You need to be more specific

    27. Perhaps it would more specifically boil down to a lack of chisels

    28. “More specifically,” Jeanine says, and this time she does smile at me, broadly, forcing creases into her cheeks, “someone with many, strong mirror neurons could have a flexible personality—capable of mimicking others as the situation calls for it rather than remaining constant

    29. Another is that the definitions of the more obscure words are more specific, in interesting ways

    30. His search was more specifically directed to how the peoples who resided in what was to become the U

    31. It is not readily acceptable by you for more specific reasons and means

    32. He still thinks about her, or more specifically what might have been if they were together

    33. The source of guilt is more specific

    34. More specifically, we say that karma refers to actions that are willed or meant – in other words, those actions that have intention behind them

    35. We believe that God has called us to the ministry, and more specifically to this ministry to children

    36. When you completely fill out your profile information, it will give the panel more specific information about yourself to better match surveys to you

    37. I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific

    38. Read my Home Sweet Hell to have more specific information

    39. Read my other eBooks if you want more specific information about the reality of going to Heaven:

    40. As with any search, the more specific you can be the better the results you will get

    41. Broad terms will yield tons of results, but narrower, more specific terms lead you closer to your target market

    42. we try to talk about a pen itself, and more specifically, about a proton or electron as an isolated object

    43. whatsoever? More specifically, how can I orient our attentional directedness to intentional directedness itself? I can surely talk about a theory of intentional directedness; I can create this subject of exploration, but I cannot place intentional directedness itself within the attentional field

    44. “You need to be a little more specific, there are quite a few books that mortals should not touch

    45. “You must be a little more specific, for there are quite a few books that mortals should not touch

    46. because those genes had something more specific in mind

    47. Our Triad mission statement was more specific but not much changed from that of the Park Foundation, and we intend to honor it

    48. were taking place between the crew; though, more specifically, I

    49. It will give you more specific instructional videos on how to spin articles, submit articles, and put your links in the resource box

    50. My face, or more specifically, my nose, slammed into the

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