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    moveable example sentences


    1. Ackers had turned over every moveable item that he could lift and dumped its contents all over the floor, he had tossed all Johnny’s clothes from the closet, he had even taken apart Johnny’s old computer and made sure that the Chip wasn’t hidden anywhere in that prehistoric machine

    2. Mr Locke remarks a distinction between money and other moveable goods

    3. All other moveable goods, he says, are of so consumable a nature, that the wealth which consists in them cannot be much depended on; and a nation which abounds in them one year may, without any exportation, but merely by their own waste and extravagance, be in great want of them the next

    4. Gold and silver, therefore, are, according to him, the must solid and substantial part of the moveable wealth of a nation ; and to multiply those metals ought, he thinks, upon that account, to be the great object of its political economy

    5. He ventured toward one of the moveable wooden spiral steps

    6. The transference of stock or moveable property, from the living to the living, by the lending of money, is frequently a secret transaction, and may always be made so

    7. If in this latter country there should be no land tax, nor any considerable duty upon the transference either of moveable or immoveable property, as is the case in Ireland, such absentees may derive a great revenue from the protection of a government, to the support of which they do not contribute a single shilling

    8. upon the sale of every sort of property whether moveable or immoveable ; and it is repeated every time the property is sold

    9. By that I mean, a Conservative is more flexible and moveable than is a Leftist

    10. moveable powers were established, before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered together, 4 Or ever the heights of the air

    11. 1 And he said to me in the beginning when the Earth was made before the borders of the world stood or ever the winds blew 2 Before it thundered and lightened or ever the foundations of paradise were laid 3 Before the fair flowers were seen or ever the moveable powers were established before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered together 4 Or ever the heights of the air were lifted up before the measures of the firmament were named or ever the chimneys in Sion were hot 5 And ere the present years were sought out and or ever the inventions of them that now sin were turned before they were sealed that have gathered faith for a treasure: 6 Then did I consider these things and they all were made through me alone and through none other: by me also they shall be ended and by none other

    12. two connections, one fixed and the other moveable

    13. fixed and one moveable

    14. Though the printing press was developed centuries earlier in China, the challenge of assembling the great variety of moveable type necessary to represent the unwieldy Chinese system of writing proved a great hindrance to prolific Chinese printing, whereas the small alphabets of Europe were much more easily managed

    15. Robbery of moveable goods isn’t exactly a common crime in New Haven

    16. “Observe whether a planet is in the angular, succedent, or cadent houses; for planets in the angles indicate effects which are continuous – especially when also in the fixed signs … But in cadent houses and moveable signs the planets indicate things which are unstable; in the succedent houses the effects are intermediate

    17. But first I want some of you to make me the strong, moveable platform that can be placed anywhere over the clay face

    18. “Have you read Hemingway"s A Moveable Feast?” Q asked

    19. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them

    20. Position the patient in sitting with their forearms resting on a moveable table in front of them

    21. Position yourself sitting with your forearms resting on a moveable table in front of you

    22. Gradually, he removed more and more hard rust and the bolt became more moveable

    23. The answer to this problem is fairly simple, a chicken coop that is moveable

    24. This type of chicken coop that is moveable is actually on wheels, so it can be moved, just as it sounds

    25. While a chicken breeder that is hardcore will probably not use it, as they make chicken coops capable of holding hundreds of chickens that lay plenty of eggs, I like a moveable chicken coop, to use during times when hurricanes show up

    26. The idea of the moveable coop came during a storm which came to my town, when my dad had to move the chicken coop in another area of the courtyard, so he could clean the mess

    27. When you have a chicken coop that is moveable, you no longer have a yard that is permanently occupied

    28. The partition of our rooms was one of those moveable ones that, when

    29. The partition of our rooms was one of those moveable ones that, when taken down, served occasionally to lay them into one, for the conveniency of as larger company; and now, my nicest search could not shew me the shadow of a peep-hole, a circumstance which probably had not escaped the review of the parties on the other side, whom much it stood upon not to be deceived in it; but at length I observed a paper patch of the same colour as the wainscot, which I took to conceal some flaw; but then it was so high, that I was obliged to stand upon a chair to reach it, which I did as soft as possible, and, with a point of a bodkin, soon pierced it, and opened myself espial room sufficient

    30. If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast

    31. He had bequeathed the whole of his, and what had been her, moveable property, to his father: the poor creature was threatened, or coaxed, into that act during her week’s absence, when his uncle died

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    Synonyms for "moveable"

    movable moveable transferable transferrable transportable

    "moveable" definitions

    capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another