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    Use "mythology" in a sentence

    mythology example sentences


    1. I have been reading much on mythology, particularly the end times

    2. Lang is now chiefly known for his publications on folklore, mythology, and religion

    3. In Myth, Ritual and Religion (1887) he explained the "irrational" elements of mythology as survivals from more primitive forms

    4. of communism had read a little mythology!) Along with

    5. attentively the Mythology, beyond the stories, we shall

    6. BC, but the Mythology places them in the

    7. The association between Mythology and

    8. They created a mythology, and not a

    9. some points of view, the Hel enic Mythology

    10. Consequently, the Mythology was good

    11. copied the Mythology almost whole,

    12. Mythology – who have been infected and the

    13. The point that caught my fancy is that our mythology included those elven people---children of Lúthien

    14. classified as Greek Mythology; but to the people of that

    15. Halin (HALE-ihn): A figure in mythology who went into the Otherworld to plead from Serren the life of his lover, a wish that was granted

    16. From, of course, classical Greek mythology

    17. Pace Greek mythology, when Pandora lifted the lid from the box, she discovered to her dismay that it contained nothing but music – rap music

    18. They first make mad, this according to Greek mythology

    19. Halon realised that Aran-dul had tried to summon a Grinelag, an ancient evil Elf, one of the most feared in Elven mythology and believed to have been wiped out many centuries ago

    20. And of course the winners get to re-write history endlessly until it meets the needs of their mythology

    21. with the instruments of mythology

    22. “The name of a many-sided movement in the 1st and 2nd centuries of the Christian era which combined the mythology and symbolism of several pagan religions with the teachings of Christ…had two characteristic features: a metaphysical dualism of matter and spirit whose origins are to be found in the physical dualism of darkness and light in the Parsic (or Persian) religion; and a doctrine of redemption, by which those who devote themselves to gnosis, or a higher knowledge, may proceed from the former to the latter realm…Much of Gnostic literature was falsely ascribed to such authors as the disciples of Jesus, Jewish prophets, heroes of antiquity, or imaginary personages…With the decline of the pagan religions around the time of Christ, a conscious movement to syncretize (attempt to smoothly unite) all religions was in progress…In the early years of Christianity, only loose boundaries were formed between the Church and contemporary cults; the syncretic movement did not exclude the new faith, nor did Christianity fail to absorb elements of foreign beliefs

    23. He peered carefully into both written history and then less clearly into oral history, and the rather confusing stories of mythology

    24. In prehistoric societies the probable vehicle for the transmission from one generation to another of the stories of selfless behavior of these remembered heroes would be the oral history recitations that have come down to us, through the imaginative renderings called mythology

    25. tragedies of Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles not only told stories about mythology, but also probed the issues of the day

    26. Although Buddhist mythology depicts these realms as having an objective existence, they're just as often used to refer to human beings who are stuck in a particular mind-state

    27. mythology? After all, she knew that the Navajo mythology about

    28. I believe fallen angels and Nephilim were responsible for much of the mythology, legends of half-gods and demigods that are still taught in schools today

    29. Teaching biblical principles our nation was founded on is forbidden while the study of polytheism and mythology in the classroom is encouraged

    30. Mythology is what brought

    31. mythology,” and it was Hoyle who gave cosmology’s theory the

    32. "I knew those stories on mythology you used to read to me would come in handy one day!"

    33. The two angels struck the city with such violence that any memory of it survive only in mythology until a time very far in the future

    34. I knew that Sumerian mythology was interesting, so I delved into it looking for ideas I could extrapolate

    35. His mythology contained ghouls, goblins, and necromancers

    36. The phoenix of mythology was a bird that could recreate and reproduce itself

    37. looks at the vampire thru mythology, history, literature, and more

    38. For example there are lists and websites dealing with history, mythology, movies, recreation, and

    39. mythology that is refreshingly unique, what inspired that?

    40. mythology of our revenant community

    41. Freud turned consistently to the mythology of the most patriarchal and sexist of

    42. Wizards and sorcerers abounded in his barbaric mythology, and any fool could tell that this was no common man

    43. " When Pilate heard this, he was all the more afraid, not only of the Jews, but recalling his wife's note and the Greek mythology of the gods coming down on earth, he now trembled at the thought of Jesus possibly being a divine personage

    44. The Pleiades were the Seven Sisters in Greek mythology

    45. There is no evidence of the rib creation story in ancient mythology

    46. These philosophies introduced the concepts of mythology that helped quell some of the old “blood” feuds that arose out of traditional scripture

    47. Many of the practices of mythology helped fuel printing, and other forms of writing appeared more frequently

    48. ” Answered Heracles, who had followed mnemotronic sessions on Greek history, sociology, arts and mythology while being educated by the World Council

    49. settle into global mythology in the ensuing centuries

    50. taught, and in some respects have developed their own mythology

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    "mythology" definitions

    myths collectively; the body of stories associated with a culture or institution or person

    the study of myths