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    nationalism example sentences


    1. The first is the government forces all lost the war politically in the end because they could not win against the rise of nationalism and world opinion

    2. I say think because it may be possible, as hard as it is to swallow, that many locals actually supported the terrorists because they liked their policies of nationalism and not only fear

    3. Fascism, as simply the more extreme version of capitalism and nationalism, might continue longer

    4. Having escaped the turmoil of family and French-Canadian nationalism, she was thrust into the bitter dismantling of South Africa’s apartheid — and with it her marriage

    5. The idea is that nationalism and the nation state are outmoded and need to be replaced by institutions that transcend national borders

    6. savior of Canadian nationalism will receive rich payoffs in the coming

    7. This effort proved singularly unseccessful because nationalism in 1914

    8. There followed from this a very strong growth of German nationalism, which was to be of enormous consequence to the entire world

    9. It was not based on nationalism; in fact, nationalism was its greatest enemy

    10. One of the chief counters to Polish nationalism was

    11. widespread secular Jewish response to Polish ethnic nationalism

    12. The intended consequence was to break Ukrainian nationalism


    14. A strong surge of nationalism after 911 was used to rally the country in support of the

    15. How? By invoking the principle of Nationalism

    16. The true reason for this war is nationalism, stubborn, blind nationalism

    17. That nationalism is endangering the livelihoods of billions of people and hurting the economies of dozens of countries that have nothing to do with these islands and couldn’t care less to whom they belonged

    18. I suspect that simple nationalism has a lot more to do with this conflict

    19. arrogance, nationalism and meaningless wars that led the United States downward spiral to

    20. Baroque-tinged Great Power politics clash with radical, futurist ideologies, emerging global corporations, and the burgeoning nationalism of a thousand composite cultures our world never saw

    21. In return for all these worldly and intangible goods (popularity of the leadership which yields political stability; prosperity; security; prestige abroad; authority at home; a renewed sense of nationalism, collective and community), the citizens of these countries forgo the right to be able to criticize the regime or change it once every four years

    22. Napoleon III tried to co-opt the tidal wave of modern, revolutionary, nationalism to achieve the revitalization of France and the concomitant restoration of its glory

    23. The relationship between the RSS and the BJP, though, is often more intricate—the two are umbilically tied by their shared notion of cultural nationalism, and a cadre and leadership that work in close collaboration

    24. One became an RSS pracharak and an eloquent defender of Hindu nationalism; the other is a passionate representative of socialist beliefs

    25. rican nationalism has shown itself in other African countries to be the

    26. The feeling of nationalism had started growing in the minds of Indians as early as the middle of the nineteenth century but it grew more with the formation of the Indian national Congress in 1885

    27. This alone calls for an unqualified apology from the Hindus to the Indian Musalmans and their sub-continental cousins before the Subramanian Swamys want them to own up their Hindu origins to usher in the laudable integral Indian nationalism

    28. The words promote nationalism by the growth of emotions

    29. Nationalism in the world is an effect of wild beast represented in different religions and cultures around the world to be threatened

    30. It grows out of nationalism when the religion declines

    31. Nationalism is here and there

    32. religions, nationalism, justice, love, monergy, global corporatism, sex, etc

    33. But she was not strong enough to cast aside her dignity and nationalism

    34. It was political nationalism that had brought about this seemingly benevolent law

    35. Therefore, aggressive nationalism

    36. Little by little, as Arab nationalism was born in the wake of the colonial era, the foreigners who had lived there for three or four or more generations started thinning out

    37. While the culture of mass conformity, mass fear, mass stupidity, mass insanity, and mass obedience called Nationalism … slid down into worse and worse levels of rotten corrupt patronage

    38. Why is there less overt racism, less hate and less discrimination in modern Capitalist countries now than in the past when capitalism did not exist? Humans have gone to war and killed and hated each other for thousands of years because of their religion, skin color, ethnicity, nationalism, culture, etc

    39. But the pride of Empire, the pride of patriotic nationalism, the fight for national independence of the unrecognized ethnic cultures engulfed Europe into mass conformity of going along with whatever fad or craze was the order of the day

    40. Instead of the lower classes waking up and rising up and killing the who oppressed them; they were diverted by a false flag: the red flag of war, a red flag of patriotic nationalism waved in front of dumb animals

    41. Industrialization caused human populations to explode even faster and it was the root-dynamic of overpopulation which created the new massed cultural identity of Nationalism

    42. Nationalism and hate had triumphed over their common religion

    43. The abstract identity of Nationalism was just a cover used by the ones in power to mobilize the masses and create even more factories spewing out death and explosives and destruction

    44. They were not nationalists: not like Hitler who passionately did believe in the superiority of the Germanic race and in German pride and Nationalism

    45. By giving their slaves the false perception of freedom, the false perception of democracy, the false perception of nationalism: they had succeeded in hoodwinking the entire world into fighting for their profits

    46. The only trouble was that the propaganda of German nationalism included Hitler’s supremacist racist ideology of being a master race and his megalomania of Germany ruling the whole world for 1,000 years, which was total nonsense

    47. Hitler used this National pride that arose out of mass poverty and mass hardship; and manipulated it into feeding on his own brand of Germanic supremacy and racism by brainwashing the Germans and selling Racism as a form of Nationalism

    48. Instead of destroying the obsolete idea of Nationalism: the 2nd World War legalized Nationalism as the only possible form of human society

    49. They ALL fled like the scum they were… That was the death of nationalism as a myth

    50. Nationalism remains only as a token

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    Synonyms for "nationalism"

    nationalism patriotism allegiance loyalty

    "nationalism" definitions

    love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it

    the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other

    the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination

    the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals