There are actually sufficient natural resources (e
It made him think of the economic potential of Alleghenia, especially with its reservoir of natural resources
How the Anglo railroad barons raped the land of its natural resources for personal profits
withstanding all its natural resources, languishes under an oppressive load of the same kind
Last summer a wildlife specialist with the Ministry of Natural Resources investigated 32 sightings in the London area, but found no hard evidence of a cougar
Mexico’s main contribution to the war effort was in providing natural resources to the U
Linkola says the use of natural resources is nothing but “ravage and despoliation
The supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources
The State of Alaska boasts, with justifiable pride, of having three thousand rivers of which, twenty-six are officially under the protection of the Department of Natural Resources of the United States
Two of the most important are the country’s individualist traditions and its wealth in natural resources
election administration debates,” launched what it calls the Natural Resources Stewardship Project
What does natural resources steward-ship have to do with “campaign finance and election administration”?
The permanent staff members of the base are mostly Martians, who must live underground in an artificially maintained environment due to the loss of Mar’s original atmosphere, which was caused by climactic imbalances created by the misuse of natural resources, a scenario similar to what has gradually been happening on Earth
capitalist or industrialist of the late 19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or other unethical means
Commerce without morality – seventeenth century onwards European countries conquered a lot of countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas to rob these countries of their natural resources
Bittu Sahgal is an environmentalist in India who is trying to protect the rivers, forests, wild life, and natural resources
Prosperity of many European countries depended on cheap labour and natural resources of their colonies
The Western life-style with emphasis on increased consumption of ‘things’, increased gross domestic (national) product (GDP), exploitation of natural resources, increasing profit at any cost, etc
He knew that his rule would be over the instant he had served Amalric's purpose; he knew, too, that so long as he continued to oppress his native kingdom the Nemedian would suffer him to reign, for Amalric wished to crush Aquilonia into ultimate submission, to destroy its last shred of independence, and then at last to seize it himself, rebuild it after his own fashion with his vast wealth, and use its men and natural resources to wrest the crown of Nemedia from Tarascus
In particular, he was concerned about safeguarding the environment and using natural resources conservatively and in sustainable ways
The Veiled’s homeworld was a large, old world, the natural resources of which had been depleted long ago
knowledge and education of usage our natural resources of the planet, and to help show
45 In reality, Leopold’s greed and treachery left thousands of Africans murdered, disabled, dehumanized, and enslaved in the Congo while he destroyed their economy and nonrenewable natural resources
His leadership in the Natural Resources Defense Council and Riverkeeper may be familiar to you
Pony was finally rescued in 2003 by the Central Kalimantan Conservation and Natural Resources Authority (BKSDA), working as a team with the Borneo Orang-utan Survival Foundation (BOF) and local military security forces
We should also realize that at the very least, mowing the lawn, trimming boundaries with weed whackers and using a chainsaw waste natural resources
Any way you look at it, the corporatists want to be there in spades to protect world oil reserves and other natural resources
With the precious land of earth and the natural resources now free,
Natural resources maybe? Now that he’s got the
Had Hitler triumphed, Germany would have possessed Russia's limitless natural resources
America has far and away historically been the largest consumer of natural resources like oil
Earth will have to understand that the current status quo on Earth, with continued uncontrolled population growth and irresponsible pilfering of irreplaceable natural resources, cannot go on
Defense, and the Natural Resources Defense Council pushed for just such atrocity
Only through those measures will Earth be able to overcome its problems of overpopulation, pollution and squandering of its precious natural resources
The Iotians have become even more aggressive than Earth of the equivalent time period, and, if they have not found a way to curve their population growth, which I believe put them in their initial crisis and, consequently, the reason for their adopting the gangster mentality, then they will be on the verge of a global war, and or exhausting all of their natural resources
Your information sent to us showed that, apart from going through a fratricidal war recently, your race’s original planet is grossly overpopulated, heavily polluted and depleted of much of its original natural resources
technological tools to exploit the natural resources with best of
It had been the idea of Leo Mutasa, the Minister of Mines and Natural Resources, many years ago, that they should collectively use their power and influence to stockpile diamonds from Sierra Leone
This was of little interest to the Zimbabwean Minister of Mines and Natural Resources, and since the government of Sierra Leone was paying the merchant, as part of the contract for Zimbabwean tobacco and copper at below market prices, he knew that wherever they came from they would be the best, or the deal was off
plundered the rich natural resources of that country for his personal ben-
Between 2000 and 2011, China spent more than $73 billion investing in natural resources, mines, oil wells and other projects in Africa, according to statistics from Aid Data and the Centre for Global Development in the map shown above
The aim was to get natural resources that could be sold to home consumers: spices, tea, coffee, sugar
The term ‘kleptocrat’ was first used in the 1960s to describe the activities of the ruler of the independent Congo, Colonel Joseph Mobutu Seseseko, who plundered the rich natural resources of that country for his personal benefit
The story of Africa is one of the Europeans plundering the natural resources of the continent and then, when caught with their hands in the cookie jar, hastily effecting a democratic handover to the most likely African kleptocrat’
•Shall be responsible for the protection of our natural resources, on land or in the sea
Economic monopolies come about when scarce natural resources come under the control of a company (or companies) who agree on the price
Which animal’s excess numbers are responsible for more death, destruction, starvation, ruination of natural resources and other assorted damage than any other—possibly more than all the others put together? The elephant? Or man?
We have abused the earth, sky, water, air and natural resources
Products and Natural resources with
natural resources are the five elements of the
capital and the classifying of natural resources as income
This is how the IMF and other USA banks had crippled many third world countries, with the intention of takings its natural resources
Similar scenarios arise when industries exploit natural resources without caring for the
management of common natural resources, notably water and the atmosphere, so as to avoid
Government has systematically undermined, sabotaged and aborted any socialist/democratic movement in poor countries who want to improve their lot; because they do not want those poor country’s natural resources to be nationalized and used for the betterment of that country’s population
The very use of the term; ‘Exploitation of natural resources… once a common term, has been replaced with the politically correct term: ‘allocation of natural resources’… to make sure that educated people will not become aware of just truly monstrous this exploitation
By wasting 5lbs of oil to get 1 lb of artificial fertilizer; we are depleting all the limited natural resources of the world, killing the soil of all its living organisms, creating huge international corporations whose agenda is the bottom-line; the lowest form of human greed in existence, creating huge stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, destroying the small farmers of the world, putting them out of business so they are forced to move into huge overpopulated cities in order o make a living, leaking trillions of excess tons greenhouses gases into the atmosphere which has caused the Global Warming crisis which now threatens to destroy the entire world including human civilization while depleting all the natural gas reserves and oil reserves of the world… and for what!? Just to add an extra 2 more billion humans on this planet? Gee… that makes a lot of sense
They destroyed themselves simply by an irrational, exorbitant use of their natural resources
in the beginning: they did not need the natural resources of other countries for a few of their elite to become rich incredibly fast
All they had to do was rape their own natural resources
Even though every intelligent human being on this earth will admit intellectually that you cannot have unlimited growth with a limited amount of natural resources to draw upon…
Profit margins were at stake for those who made a living by degrading, peddling and consuming natural resources
There are a few lakes therein that have been managed by the Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the Texas A and M University and the Mexican Government
The availability of coal and oil as our sources of energy is rapidly being depleted, so it is becoming more and more important than ever to conserve our natural resources
When functioning properly, the EPA should work in conjunction with industry and academia to discover and employ the best strategies for preserving our environment while still being able to take advantage of our abundant natural resources
The art on the walls, the architecture of the building, the handwoven fabrics that cover the furniture—each piece carefully crafted to reflect the history, culture, and natural resources of the Pacific Northwest
One of these was that the accelerated economic growth in China and India was creating unusual and expanding demand for all natural resources, not just for oil
You can invest in companies that specialize in the production, transformation, and distribution of these natural resources
As the number of humans in the world increases, so will the demand for natural resources
Urbanization is highly significant for commodities because people who live in urban centers consume a lot more natural resources than those who live in rural areas
In addition, more natural resources are required to expand the size of cities as more people move to them (rural to urban migration) and have more kids (indigenous urban population growth)
More natural resources are required for the roads, cars, and personal appliances that are staples of city life
Another country that is having and will continue to have a significant impact on commodities markets worldwide is Brazil, the largest country in South America in terms of GDP, landmass, population, and abundance of natural resources
One of the inherent risks of commodities is that the world’s natural resources are located on various continents, and the jurisdiction over these commodities lies with sovereign governments, international companies, and many other entities
International disagreements over the control of natural resources are common
Sometimes a host country simply kicks out foreign companies involved in the production and distribution of the country’s natural resources
The higher the GDP growth, the more likely a country is to spend more money on purchasing crude oil, natural gas, and other natural resources
I’d grown up believing that despite our aspirations, humans were still just a bunch of bipedal apes, divided into arbitrary tribes that were constantly at war over their ruined planet’s dwindling natural resources
Thus, assets such as real estate, timberlands, to some extent oil and gas as well as other natural resources, have been outstanding examples of this
Where to start with Brazil? A beautiful country that has an abundance of natural resources and beautiful women, how can you go wrong? Another great factor into why I find Brazil to be such an attractive investment opportunity is the political stability it offers compared to its peers in the region and around the globe
The ETF is heavily invested in the natural resources sector and has about one-fifth of the allocation in financials
On the flip side, the country has a lot of upside potential with its abundance of natural resources, its enormous land mass, and extremely strong military
About two thirds of the ETF is invested in natural resources stocks, with telecom and finance making up the bulk of the remaining portion
When I look at its economy and prospects, I see a nation featuring China’s growth potential, but without China’s problematic lack of strategic natural resources
These robber barons, so called because they acquired their wealth by ravag-ing natural resources, exploiting workers, and cozying up to like-minded politicians, built massive palaces, collected priceless antiques or historic manuscripts, and held lavish parties for their super-rich friends
The British didn’t want Malaya to become communist (and they valued Malaya’s natural resources, too) and the Malays didn’t want the Chinese running the place, so together they fought a long campaign against the Chinese guerrillas
Our country today looks a lot better from a standpoint of natural resources than we did ten years ago
Where are you? On a flyspeck isle nine thousand miles north of nowhere!! What wealth is there? None! What natural resources? Only one: the resourceful genius, the golden mind, of everyone I've met! The mind that looks out the eyes, the words that roll off the tongue in response to events no bigger than the eye of a needle! From so little you glean so much; squeeze the last ounce of life from a flower with one petal, a night with no stars, a day with no sun, a theater haunted by old films, a bump on the head that in America would have been treated with a Band-Aid
Pessimists raise questions about sustainable growth based on climate change, environmental pollution, and scarce natural resources
Some estimates suggest that natural resources (e
25 trillion, a fraction of the size of listed natural resource companies or of privately held or sovereign-held natural resources
In the countryside there would be natural resources to draw upon
When demand for commodities is strong, countries rich in natural resources are great places to look for solid investment opportunities, and not just in commodities, but in real estate, currencies, and the stocks of the commodity-producing companies too
From the view we have taken of this county, its geology, mineralogy, and botany, the reader will probably be prepared with us to conclude, that no part of the union, of equal extent, contains within it greater natural resources, or can support a more dense population