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    Use "navy" in a sentence

    navy example sentences


    1. "Do you remember that after I got out of the Navy I had several jobs? One of them was as a carpenter

    2. Wally was 19 when war broke out and went straight into the navy, spending most of the war years on a ship up in Scapa Flow

    3. He had retied his hair, and had on a navy turtleneck

    4. One of the men in the study had served in the Navy

    5. The navy has a reputation for severity

    6. Mum and Dad had met just after the war – Dad had been in the Navy and, from what I could see, spent a fairly boring time up at Scapa Flow trying to keep warm, at least, that is what he told me when I used to sit on his lap as a kid

    7. Dad had trouble getting a job after the war, he’d seen a bit more of the world in the Navy and this made it difficult for him settling back into the old life

    8. They're looking for auditors in the Defense Department (Army, Navy, Air Force etc

    9. By the rules of precedency, a captain in the navy ranks with a colonel in the army ; but

    10. The sovereign, for example, with all the officers both of justice and war who serve under him, the whole army and navy, are unproductive labourers

    11. The navy of England would not be sufficient

    12. An extraordinary quantity of paper money of some sort or other, too, such as exchequer notes, navy bills, and bank bills, in England, is generally issued upon such occasions, and, by supplying the place of circulating gold and silver, gives an opportunity of sending a greater quantity of it abroad

    13. By the reduction of the army and navy at the end of the late war, more than 100,000 soldiers and seamen, a number equal to what is employed in the greatest manufactures, were all at once thrown out of their ordinary employment : but though they no doubt suffered some

    14. In the Dutch war, during the government of Cromwell, her navy was superior to that of Holland ; and in that which broke out in the beginning of the reign of Charles II

    15. Its superiority, perhaps, would scarce appear greater in the present times, at least if the Dutch navy were to bear the same proportion to the Dutch commerce now which it did then

    16. And he has been in the navy a long time

    17. gets out of the navy

    18. He went on to say that he had been in the navy a long time, adding, “As was my father before me

    19. She stood, a smile on her face, her dark hair tied back neatly, wearing a thin navy suit-jacket – partly unbuttoned to reveal a tight-fitting blouse-shirt– and matching skirt, short enough to reveal a few centimetres above her dark-stockinged knees: formal yet feminine

    20. The captains of his majesty's navy, indeed, or any other commissioned officers, appointed by the board of admiralty, may inquire into the condition of the forts and garrisons, and report their observations to that board

    21. But that board seems to have no direct jurisdiction over the committee, nor any authority to correct those whose conduct it may thus inquire into; and the captains of his majesty's navy, besides, are not supposed to be always deeply learned in the science of fortification

    22. “The Navy will deal with the stragglers

    23. “How long have we got before the Navy arrive?” asked Jim, rubbing his temples with his hands

    24. “Do you really think they’ll send the entire Earth Navy to escort us back there?” added Scott

    25. “It’s the Navy! They’re bombarding the mines on Europa

    26. “As I’m sure you’ve heard, the Navy took their next move

    27. “That’s what the Navy will be hoping, sir

    28. The hope was that the two Navy frigates would not detect them, but if they did, their path would give the impression that they were heading to rendezvous with Ganymede, not approaching the far side of Europa

    29. If we get the footage from the main telescope of this station, and we splice it with footage from this video, this becomes a movie of an atrocity committed by the Navy

    30. “I don’t think the Navy realised there were families living in the mining habitats

    31. ” The admiral nodded towards the camera and the screen was again replaced with the Navy logo

    32. In England, for example, when, by the land-tax, every other sort of revenue was supposed to be assessed at four shillings in the pound, it was very popular to lay a real tax of five shillings and sixpence in the pound upon the salaries of offices which exceeded a hundred pounds a-year; the pensions of the younger branches of the royal family, the pay of the officers of the army and navy, and a few others less obnoxious to envy, excepted

    33. Three weeks later, Confederate secretary of the navy,

    34. Mallory, ordered Bulloch to go abroad to secure ships and military supplies and to build a Confederate navy that could prey on Union shipping

    35. The United States Navy

    36. the prime source of regular officers for the United States Navy

    37. George Badger as secretary of the navy

    38. Navy, having been founded in 1830

    39. Furthermore, he considered the Saginaw a political vessel that was ordered to be built in California by the secretary of the navy at the instigation of California Senator William

    40. The debts which are due, either for extraordinary services, or for services either not provided for, or not paid at the time when they are performed; part of the extraordinaries of the army, navy, and ordnance, the arrears of subsidies to foreign princes, those of seamen's wages, etc

    41. Navy and exchequer bills, which are issued sometimes in payment of a part of such debts, and sometimes for other purposes, constitute a debt of the second kind; exchequer bills bearing interest from the day on which they are issued, and navy bills six months after they are issued

    42. establishing a mint in California, the survey of the Pacific coast, and the establishment of a navy yard and station with large

    43. officers of the Monarch, the newest and largest ship of the British navy

    44. Berrien, to the secretary of the navy

    45. It could not take effect until the return of the John Adams to the United States had been reported to the Navy Department

    46. He called on the navy

    47. that they had received instructions to transfer settlement to the Navy Department

    48. Navy for services,

    49. navy steamers heading for Washington as they were heading

    50. visit the Confederate Navy headquarters in Richmond and

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    Synonyms for "navy"

    dark blue navy navy blue naval forces united states navy us navy usn fleet flotilla armada squadron

    "navy" definitions

    an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare

    a dark shade of blue

    the navy of the United States of America; the agency that maintains and trains and equips combat-ready naval forces