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    Use "next-door" in a sentence

    next-door example sentences


    1. Why? What was there about her, ordinary Teresa Bordils of Destiny, Vermont, that this focus should be upon her, this simple American, girl-next-door?

    2. I also defied my sponsor by dating his next-door neighbor who hustled me at meetings that we all attended while her fiancé was still alive

    3. One Saturday afternoon Beverly and I were working on a jigsaw puzzle, when I accidentally received a piece of mail that was addressed to my next-door neighbor

    4. living there for years now, and spent most of our time ignoring Them (our next-door

    5. Her curiosity was roused and that day she decided to call briefly to both next-door neighbours to introduce herself on behalf of the family

    6. Rory, as chance would have it, had not taken part in the Equatorial Guinea exercise, and having always kept an extremely low profile as regarding any links with the “mythical” “Inner Circle” – was not at all under suspicion – even though one of his closest friends and also a next-door neighbour, had abruptly fled from his home in the plush suburb of Constantia in Cape Town - suspected of having a connection to the failed coup

    7. to the girl-next-door that wants a prince charming, and because they

    8. into the room next-door where they look at you

    9. He had also seen Vicky’s next-door neighbour leave her house shortly afterwards heading up the road with the baby in a push chair

    10. you,' when you're our next-door neighbors? For that you

    11. Helped by one of the aircrews, Nancy put Mary on one of the gurneys, covering her and adjusting the safety harness over her before following Rebecca in the next-door cell

    12. The mysterious messages, which appeared on mirrors and windows, were the doing of the next-door neighbor, a man given to practical jokes, who wanted to buy the house at an inexpensive price and thus double his living quarters

    13. Late in 1991, in next-door Mississippi, it took a federal judge’s intervention to save a little girl from the state court-ordered custody of the father she said used her sexually, after a doctor’s exam concluded that the child was being so abused

    14. Terrified for her mother, she asked the next-door neighbor what had happened, and they told her that her mother had died a month after she had left, and her father hastily moved out and left town

    15. The smudgy smile of little Tom, the next-door boy

    16. Supposedly, they were next-door

    17. Then the two next-door girls handed round the nuts

    18. The two next-door girls had arranged some Hallow Eve games and soon everything was merry again

    19. The next-door girls put some saucers on the table and then led the children up to the table, blindfold

    20. One got the prayer-book and the other three got the water; and when one of the next-door girls got the ring Mrs

    21. He glances up at me with those boy-next-door looks and smiles widely

    22. This year the station was packed, not just with students and newsmen, but also with parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, next-door neighbors, and utter strangers

    23. His hair was thick, with a mind of its own, and he had a pleasant face of the boy-next-door variety

    24. He heard Chang in the next-door bathroom

    25. She spent one night at a Salvation Army hostel, listening to two girls argue in the next-door cubicle, her bag clutched to her chest under the blanket

    26. † How many of our readers have even heard of International Flavors & Fragrances, next-door neighbor to Harvester on the New York Stock Exchange list? Yet, mirabile dictu, IFF was actually selling at the end of 1969 for a higher aggregate market value than Harvester—$747 million versus $710 million

    27. If a next-door neighbor accesses an unprotected wireless network and downloads anything illegally, the action can be traced to the original IP address, and the owner of the network could be charged with the crime

    28. But why did she touch the world so deeply? Perhaps it was her girl-next-door innocence alongside her anything-but-innocent sexuality

    29. Scapin's false nose is its next-door neighbor

    30. But the weight blundered out of the next-door cubby

    31. He can’t command anyone and is only interested in shagging the next-door neighbour

    32. It doesn't panic, have second thoughts, or become jealous of what its next-door-neighbor index owns

    33. The handsome, rosy man who was the father of the Large Family walked across the square in the most matter-of-fact manner, and ran up the steps of the next-door house

    34. I haven't seen a young man in Valley Road yet, except the next-door hired boy—Sam Toliver, a very tall, lank, tow-haired youth

    35. The peasant’s next-door neighbor was a son of Gordey Ivanoff, called “Gavryl the Lame

    36. Polikey’s next-door neighbors were a joiner and his wife

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