Use "nihilist" in a sentence
nihilist example sentences
1. He thought it sounded a lot like what little he’d heard of nihilist philosophy
2. Thus I am a nihilist not in the sense of ‘not believing in anything’, but in the sense of ‘not
3. “But a nice nihilist way of looking at things can be just as complete and consistent!”
4. He was a confirmed nihilist: a corrupt paid entertainer… who just happened to be slightly more honest than most of the other professional clowns who are paid to make people laugh by detaching them from reality and brainwashing them into passive obedient terrified little cowards and slaves of the rich and mighty
5. He was the first and worst nihilist
6. you are not a Nihilist of course? Answer me openly, openly!"
7. Then the doctor, a young man, not quite a Nihilist perhaps, but you know, eats with his
8. Disgraceful, sir! A Nihilist plot—that's what I make it
9. … you are not a Nihilist of course? Answer me openly, openly!’
10. “What is the matter with her? Is she a Nihilist, or simply a fool?”
11. However, a week ago, I called in a medical student, Kislorodoff, who is a Nationalist, an Atheist, and a Nihilist, by conviction, and that is why I had him
12. In inviting a nihilist to see him, Mr
13. She fancied for some reason that there must be a nihilist plot concealed in the province
14. But though she was a nihilist, Madame Virginsky did not, when occasion arose, disdain social or even old-fashioned superstitions and customs if they could be of any advantage to herself
15. " Miss Virginsky, a rosy-cheeked student and a nihilist, who was also good-looking, short, plump and round as a little ball, had settled herself beside Arina Prohorovna, almost in her travelling clothes
16. I am a nihilist, but I love beauty
17. In a line with him on each side tripped a crop-headed Nihilist girl; while vis-à-vis danced another elderly gentleman in a dress-coat with a heavy cudgel in his hand
18. Nadia was the prettiest of all the girls—a little brunette, with an impudent audacious expression; she might have been a Nihilist from the independence of her look
19. He was, according to his convictions, a Nihilist and an Atheist
20. Nihilist, Godless, paganized, the contemporary generation accepts as an undoubted law, that the development of man consists in enlarging the number of needs and refining them to the point of a cult