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    Use "not exactly" in a sentence

    not exactly example sentences

    not exactly

    1. She’s not exactly the best catch

    2. ’ He said, his expression suggesting that ‘nice’ is not exactly the word he would use to describe his feelings in the matter

    3. ‘No … not exactly

    4. ‘By the look of this lot, we’re not exactly going to starve

    5. That pastry at the cafe was very nice but not exactly sustaining and it is now getting on for two in the afternoon

    6. ‘I mean, we’re not exactly kids in the first throes … I sort of anticipated that I’d be more mature … less frenetic … but it’s not like that at all

    7. But that is not exactly the case with the 'given' of his spiritual nature

    8. He has, in his own way, treated her better than most of the shits out on the street, not exactly as an equal, but he does seem to recognise her humanity

    9. ‘I understand why, but not exactly how

    10. crowd stood in ovation, not exactly cheering—it was more ominous than that—

    11. My poor wife works hard at Starbucks part time but you're not exactly going to get the Rolls-Royce by working for Starbucks if you know what I mean

    12. Even though the base ball was at 450 feet away, Paul Ray Powell was not exactly a leading speedster running about the bases because he was pretty big and bulky and muscular but he still got a triple

    13. The bus was not exactly high-tech because it used the a six volt battery instead of the 12 volt battery like most cars do and in an amazing feat of safety ignorance, Volkswagen had placed the battery in the back where the engine was

    14. Though not exactly the order he expected from his senior officer, Pete complied, and together they poked their heads up from the tower wall

    15. "Good, then you should understand why I'm not exactly thrilled by the sight of you

    16. Though not exactly the type of drink he had in mind, Alec drank the liquid with greed while Nathalia began recounting the morning's events

    17. Not exactly pulled more a case of pointing the finger as each peg then shot out and whirled over his head to land in Lemoss's sack

    18. Though not exactly pleased at the current situation, he was strangely relieved knowing that he wouldn't have to cross it

    19. It’s not exactly something they would be accepting of

    20. Alternatively, it could be that what your device generated was not exactly identical to the real wave

    21. Dad took me on it a couple of times, but I was coming from Ohiopyle, so I’m not exactly sure where it is

    22. This was the place he had come to in anger with thoughts of, if not exactly revenge, then at least retribution

    23. "Yes, they're there, but I'm not exactly

    24. Not exactly scientific

    25. Adem was aware that arrogance was common amongst mortal Alit’aren, and it was not exactly uncommon amongst some immortals, though the Sons of Odin saw their ability to wield the Power as a part of their duty, not something they should boast about

    26. Not exactly a paragon of morality

    27. He was over three hundred years old, which was not exactly old for an immortal, even these days, as some mortal wielders still lived to this day who were twice his age

    28. Items, such as a data console were not exactly where they were before

    29. The memories he had of lives where he had made love to her, been married to her, had children with her, were not exactly shared experiences

    30. The Internal Revenue Service and Bernie were not exactly

    31. leapt from the Bimah, arms and legs not exactly in a ski jump position but not far off it, to try to sort out Bubbala, knocking over some of the chiffon and hatted lady folk, who had recovered from their frozen state and were also trying to contain the barmy lady

    32. ” Not exactly true, but she could hardly admit Sicarius had been the one to suggest the idea

    33. Not exactly a yes but close enough

    34. Their lawyers are not exactly inexperienced and know these tricks

    35. It was not exactly an endorsement, but it was as much as Sespian had dared hope for

    36. We are not exactly a sought-out destination

    37. (Not exactly a match made in heaven!) Rockefeller Republicans, in particular, have never really warmed up to these apostatizing (sic) ―upstarts

    38. Patty, Marco, Josie and I got out of the van slowly, walking hesitantly towards the others standing around, not exactly sure of what was going on or where we were supposed to be

    39. “My impression of that lump, is that it’s like an owl-cast, not exactly the same as a fur-ball or hairball

    40. Geoff and I walked side-by-side, not exactly comfortably, but I wouldn’t say the slight awkwardness was a bad thing, either

    41. While not exactly jaded by the prospect, he decided against it

    42. She appeared alone and late one night and discovered to her disappointment that Mike, his Boston friends and some San Jose bargirls were in the midst of a poolside party; not exactly her cup of tea

    43. The man standing at a tall bookcase, absently perusing an opened book in his hand was not exactly what she had expected

    44. Not exactly original, but his point was made and valid

    45. “Er, not exactly,” he admitted

    46. “And why is that? You’re not exactly shy about showing yourselves, are you? There’s fuckin’ UFOs all over the place these days!”

    47. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind

    48. The age of newness will not exactly be a return to a

    49. Often described as a very handsome man, my tall, graying and aristocratic father’s language was instructive, if not exactly a revelation

    50. Yet I could not exactly see where they landed among the sand and shore grasses either

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