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    not strict example sentences

    not strict

    1. Not strictly proper, since she was no longer a marriageable maiden, but here in Ithaca, they wouldn’t know the difference

    2. luxurious and not strictly needed, so it becomes a want

    3. Each country had its own way of counting the years, for a King was likely to declare his ascension to the throne as Year 1, or some great battle as the start of the calendar, but even these year numbers were not strictly adhered to, and even the King’s court in various lands would get confused on the year

    4. “That’s not strictly correct, sir

    5. Fourthly, such taxes, by subjecting at least the dealers in the taxed commodities, to the frequent visits and odious examination of the tax-gatherers, expose them sometimes, no doubt, to some degree of oppression, and always to much trouble and vexation; and though vexation, as has already been said, is not strictly speaking expense, it is certainly equivalent to the expense at which every man would be willing to redeem himself from it

    6. For the briefest moment he thought about contacting the Procrastinator Militant asking for his assistance, perhaps telling him even to go as far as relaxing their vigilance in an effort to bend but not strictly break the Law

    7. The children’s certificates seemed to be plausible, even if they turned out to be not strictly accurate representations of what the State Department was using these days

    8. That’s not strictly true

    9. Becoming a career counselor who writes resumes and cover letters is not strictly a

    10. While not strictly related to the above drinking story, the mention of the riots during the Democratic convention reminded me of how strange it felt to drive back to South Shore along either Lake Shore Drive or Stoney Island and see rows of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and tents stretching from Jackson Park to Grant Park to accommodate the National Guard and Army troops who were there to “protect” the citizenry

    11. ‘Well not strictly speaking

    12. He stays late several nights a week, unpaid, helping on a project which is not strictly in his job description

    13. Many exercises are not strictly isotonic because the force on the muscle varies as the joint moves through its range of motion

    14. People that collected firearms for a hobby and wanted to own weapons that were not strictly legal

    15. Many of these homes do not receive payment from Medicaid or Medicare and are not strictly monitored

    16. She was not strictly surprised that Madame Button would

    17. I tend to be vegetarian myself—not strictly, but usually

    18. Though that was not strictly correct

    19. Not strictly true; Lucy was under deep suspicion, certainly in Superintendent Tatton's eyes, but at this juncture she was not accused of anything

    20. although not strictly logical, is correct and even elegant

    21. is not strictly regular

    22. Actually, that’s not strictly accurate – the report is by a nun from that convent and it refers to this Rowenna person

    23. which is not strictly in his job description

    24. Generally people think of hypnosis as something that sends you into a trance like state, however this is not strictly so with subliminal audio

    25. For we have already shown that the just are clearly wiser and better and abler than the unjust, and that the unjust are incapable of common action; nay more, that to speak as we did of men who are evil acting at any time vigorously together, is not strictly true, for if they had been perfectly evil, they would have laid hands upon one another; but it is evident that there must have been some remnant of justice in them, which enabled them to combine; if there had not been they would have injured one another as well as their victims; they were but half-villains in their enterprises; for had they been whole villains, and utterly unjust, they would have been utterly incapable of action

    26. See below) in a universe where they should not strictly have been

    27. Gestures of affection were prohibited between nuns, but Caris was not strict about such things

    28. persuasion that her brother Peter Featherstone could never leave his chief property away from his blood-relations:—else, why had the Almighty carried off his two wives both childless, after he had gained so much by manganese and things, turning up when nobody expected it?— and why was there a Lowick parish church, and the Waules and Powderells all sit ting in the same pew for generations, and the Featherstone pew next to them, if, the Sunday after her brother Peter's death, everybody was to know that the property was gone out of the family? The human mind has at no period accepted a moral chaos; and so preposterous a result was not strictly conceivable

    29. But we are frightened at much that is not strictly conceivable

    30. Though not strictly correct, many traders find it useful to think of the fast line as showing potential or stored energy that can be used to power the market’s next move

    31. F: This is essentially a higher time frame pullback and is not strictly part of the Anti trade, though it is an example of how a lower time frame structure (the Anti) can set up an environment that is favorable to a larger pattern

    32. But that’s not strictly true

    33. (This is not strictly true, but you follow my drift

    34. Well this is not strictly true

    35. While it is not strictly a date and time matter, it does use intervals

    36. However, this protocol cannot strictly be called an Ethernet variant because it does not use the CSMA/CD media access control mechanism

    37. Although phone and tablet security is not strictly part of networking, many businesses provide these electronic devices for use by their employees

    38. Well, that’s not strictly true

    39. Unlike Graham and Dodd and the financial accountants, we believe that a very large part of American businesses are engaged in resource conversion activities: That is, they are not strict going concerns involved only in operations that result in recurring accounting earnings

    40. When companies are not strict going concerns, management appraisals ought to assess managements not only as operators but also as investors employing and redeploying assets and also as financiers, who are financing and refinancing businesses

    41. Egypt became a British protectorate (which means ‘not strictly a colony but it is really’) in 1914

    42. It nicely rounds out our series of bullish setups since it is not strictly a befriend-the-trend kind of setup

    43. What would Sonya and the count and countess have done, how would they have looked, if nothing had been done, if there had not been those pills to give by the clock, the warm drinks, the chicken cutlets, and all the other details of life ordered by the doctors, the carrying out of which supplied an occupation and consolation to the family circle? How would the count have borne his dearly loved daughter’s illness had he not known that it was costing him a thousand rubles, and that he would not grudge thousands more to benefit her, or had he not known that if her illness continued he would not grudge yet other thousands and would take her abroad for consultations there, and had he not been able to explain the details of how Metivier and Feller had not understood the symptoms, but Frise had, and Mudrov had diagnosed them even better? What would the countess have done had she not been able sometimes to scold the invalid for not strictly obeying the doctor’s orders?

    44. There is nothing that is not strictly logical about this

    45. (As we have already seen, this is not strictly true

    46. We must take care to recognize that all market action is not strictly described by cycles alone and that cycle tools are not always appropriate

    47. For why should the sterility be so extremely different in degree, when various species are crossed, all of which we must suppose it would be equally important to keep from blending together? Why should the degree of sterility be innately variable in the individuals of the same species? Why should some species cross with facility and yet produce very sterile hybrids; and other species cross with extreme difficulty, and yet produce fairly fertile hybrids? Why should there often be so great a difference in the result of a reciprocal cross between the same two species? Why, it may even be asked, has the production of hybrids been permitted? To grant to species the special power of producing hybrids, and then to stop their further propagation by different degrees of sterility, not strictly related to the facility of the first union between their parents, seems a strange arrangement

    48. The degree of sterility does not strictly follow systematic affinity, but is governed by several curious and complex laws

    49. These means of transport are sometimes called accidental, but this is not strictly correct: the currents of the sea are not accidental, nor is the direction of prevalent gales of wind

    50. It should, however, be observed that these plants are not strictly arctic forms; for, as Mr

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