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    Use "not working" in a sentence

    not working example sentences

    not working

    1. things are not working out with you as they suppose to

    2. “You’re not working on a case!” It offends me more than it should

    3. Quickly reaching into my purse, I extract a £5 note and slip it into Emma’s hand … I know how short they are of cash now that she is at home with Barney and not working

    4. "It's not working out babes

    5. It takes a second to realise that they are not working … the back of the van growing ever closer, I pump frantically at the brake pedal and swing the car onto the hard shoulder

    6. His curious eyes fixed on Alastair, he explains that Sally has gone off to North Wales to see Uncle David’s house and that they have been to church with Anna who has given them a fantastic picnic lunch in her garden, going into substantial detail before finally reaching the salient point which is that they are trying to cut Anna’s lawn, but that the lawn mower is not working properly

    7. 'The coil is not working,' I said as I came up, 'I see a mozzie party on top of your

    8. is not working that may be because you have the batteries in wrong or the

    9. Something in your waking life is not working out the way you want it to

    10. The unzipped HEPO was virtually proof that one of their number was not working with the same aims as the rest of the group

    11. “Respectfully, sir I’ll be happy to keep Shawn in the loop, but I’m not working with anyone

    12. With each workout, your body recovers faster, yet you’re not working at a level that makes overtraining a danger

    13. A pause, then, “Kewl, but you’ll have to buy, I’m not working

    14. “I’m not working for Hollowcrest,” Amaranthe said

    15. It is not working though

    16. I didn’t mind as it was his job and he was a perfectionist, but it just got very lonely sometimes and even when he was at home and not working he was very quiet and lost in his own thoughts

    17. All the criticisms add up the program not working as well as it potentially could

    18. the feeling that something is wrong or not working the way you’d hoped, you need to

    19. When she is not working

    20. The mint remedy was not working and the Baroness slipped quietly into a prolonged sleep

    21. ” He is now trying to stop the use of that term but it is not working

    22. So what I was doing to sell something would have worked before but was not working now

    23. i discovered that the shocks were not working

    24. that is not working

    25. “In cases like this, because the answers are not clear and his mind is not working

    26. My mind was not working right

    27. that the Lord was not working through me in any way

    28. It became obvious to Governor William Bradford that the communal system was not working

    29. Gasping and sobbing, and limping, as one foot was not working properly, I made my way across the football fields, and over to the back where I knew Skids had a hideout

    30. “Oh please you don’t need to try, you never had to; but poor Louis was not working with your advantages” I said, smiling

    31. Like the doctor ordered I mostly stayed in my suite but I couldn’t keep my promise on not working from there

    32. “All those days I went over to watch movies; what would Ramasamy have thought? Maybe, it must have occurred to him that my TV was not working,” she coaxed herself

    33. When we are creating, we are not working only as our conscious self, but are also being moved

    34. ” He shrugged, “ But our phone not working

    35. ’At least I seem to spend a lot of time in here when not working, especially in the winter when there’s little pleasure in being outside

    36. me not working, it was inevitable that we ran out of money

    37. “Yes! Your mind is so fixed on this relationship not working out that you’re making it that way”

    38. happy, with his first kid, although his relationship was not working as well as he

    39. really wanted to help Tony, knowing about his relationship not working

    40. It’s not working

    41. They did not however depart from God but remained in the faith although not working the works of faith

    42. I wanted to know what was working and what was not working

    43. You call the help desk and the representative says, “What is the problem?” You reply, “My computer is not working

    44. What happens if the Sales Force Automation tool is not working correctly and you are unable to update your

    45. It is no wonder why that approach is not working

    46. “Your ears are not working correctly, Red Dog,” Haye said

    47. But before you hit the panic button when things are not working as they should be, here are a few things you might want to try out

    48. What about cooking , shopping and washing? Should he get her to do that while she was not working? He didn't know what to do

    49. She was not working and she was doing a trainee ship with a charity

    50. "Yes, but it’s not working

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