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    Use "nurturing" in a sentence

    nurturing example sentences


    1. It's critical that we be absolutely intentional about nurturing hope in our lives and the lives of our children

    2. A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

    3. One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

    4. years of it’s life it needs TLC, nurturing, and nourishment

    5. are our little children that need our love, nurturing and

    6. Positive thinking is only the foundation; it is caring for your mind, nurturing it, avoiding anxiety and worry

    7. ’ He said concentrating on nurturing the tiny flame he has managed to achieve

    8. The nurturing instinct is

    9. nurturing and nourishing their life

    10. Where would she get such a notion that a fragile ego had anything to do with being male? In fact, wasn’t it the female who was usually more involved in raising and nurturing children? “What planet are you from?” He asked, “You must have spent far too much time with the Yingolians to say a thing like that

    11. This is why a loving, nurturing environment is so essential for all children

    12. The bases for such intellectual and emotional capabilities are built through caring, consistent nurturing and age-appropriate challenges

    13. That is: to the singular creative and nurturing force behind all that exist in this 'galaxy'---the One

    14. the background caring, nurturing, protecting and

    15. I saw many black men not being faithful to their wives, and I thought I saw white men being faithful, kind and nurturing to their wives

    16. She had selected these women over time, helping them grow and nurturing their use of the power of magic

    17. I’ve seen the generosity; the caring, and nurturing character that my grandparents humbly projected

    18. If, at a young age, we are not introduced to the virtues of providing for, nurturing and loving something, then we are missing out on the foundation of life

    19. You are a RECONCILED-FATHER, a father who loves his children, takes responsibility for his children and has an on-going nurturing relationship with them

    20. What is required are healthy living environments that promote family, character, endurance, and (economic) opportunity allowing proper nurturing

    21. Here was a sacrament of nurturing

    22. focus goes to nurturing and protecting the new being we created

    23. It is by nurturing the seed and giving it expression that is

    24. principle but for others I was most impressed, it could be a matter of luck or creative nurturing, I expect a mixture of both, my marks are cast, class is dismissed, I will see you back here for the next lesson tomorrow

    25. with a warm, nurturing place where they’ll

    26. and has become a nurturing

    27. and nurturing relationships with

    28. food, surrounded by a nurturing family that genuinely cared about my wellbeing

    29. The addiction problem is due to a society defect that is based on our inability to provide a nurturing environment of truth to our children

    30. When you focus on building relationships and actively nurturing those relationships, what you are doing is laying strong foundations for converting your followers into customers and brand loyalists

    31. “The mountains are regal, mysterious, even dangerous, but at the same time, nurturing and peaceful

    32. While she waited for Simon to return, she would prepare herself for nurturing what he might have learned there so they could all use it, and she’d never found a better way of easing that journey than focusing on the stories they told, the lives from the past that they lived again

    33. Nurturing it-with the smooth voice and sensation-of a butterfly

    34. We know you will give them the love and nurturing they need

    35. The home is to be a place of nurturing, teaching, and training for

    36. swapping with and to continue nurturing that partnership

    37. We believe in nurturing that precious individuality so that the child may fully express their own unique talents and inclinations

    38. Through the faith and trust in nurturing hands

    39. Starting from nonduality and noticing what is, I could say that the elective relationship between neighbor and self has an appearance of love in the form of nurturing and growth

    40. Finally, he turned the ignition off, nurturing a need as old as

    41. The atmosphere was so nurturing that it didn"t surprise me when Jeff invited me to race him to orgasm

    42. expands so use nurturing statements to

    43. A nurturing environment must be provided

    44. ‘The female sapiens has to be protected and provided for when she is incubating and nurturing a child, which will need protection for many years

    45. In the Empress card you see the Empress in all her nurturing glory

    46. He loved watching things grow and nurturing them and would eagerly look forward to harvesting them in season

    47. His concern about nurturing a child in the city resurfaced like an itchy rash

    48. Emotional intimacy – emotional sharing and nurturing – is very important in love, perhaps just as important as the physical aspects

    49. This strange race exasperates the tendency of each one of us to live in his own world, different and separate from that of our peers, nurturing our dreams but also our nightmares

    50. limit exploration for the sake of safety and to concentrare instead on nurturing

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