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    Use "oblivious of" in a sentence

    oblivious of example sentences

    oblivious of

    1. unaffected, oblivious of the pressure around her

    2. of the room – each couple oblivious of the other’s

    3. Those who say that men have corrupted our world are oblivious of the reality that the whole Universe incorporates the same notion

    4. The light uniforms of the soldiers lounging around the blockhouses showed up plainly; they were apparently oblivious of the approaching army

    5. Oblivious of her, the birds swarmed about her head and, within arm’s reach, remained stationary in the air, then plunged into the water

    6. This procedure unfortunately does not operate in the same manner as barbecue charcoal or wood where only a little bit of grey powder remains after the fire died! Or is she totally oblivious of the fact that the regional manager of the Independent Crematoriums South Africa, Mr Danie Coetzee, has already “spilled the bones”, I mean “spilled the beans”…)

    7. With few exceptions the silence that would guarantee their safety reigned supreme as the patrol disappeared into the mist of early morning, oblivious of the larger quarry that had eluded them

    8. morning, oblivious of the larger quarry that had eluded them

    9. She looked up to see Raffe and Kerim still arguing with each other, oblivious of anything else around them

    10. was oblivious of all the things that were just about to be snipped

    11. alone with his god, and oblivious of the rest of mankind except in so far as

    12. oblivious of that extraordinary state of affairs

    13. Behold this moment’s mystery that took Me slowly by surprise: ‘twas obvious, from where I stood, both were oblivious of Me

    14. Viliho was oblivious of what had just changed everything: I had escaped, had cheated him by more than fainting, I had died

    15. They were oblivious of the commotion that I had just caused

    16. Oblivious of the freezing, slippery conditions, and the increasing volumes of snow as the highway's elevation increased, Travis gunned the rental car along Autoroute l5 heading into the Laurentians

    17. Larry Denton, oblivious of his existence, remained in Intensive Care for five days before being placed in a private room

    18. " Curran was oblivious of the fact it was the second time in one day Harry Travis had been branded naive

    19. Now, Reed seemed oblivious of any arguments

    20. "Hey, Harry! We did it! We did it!" he cried, completely oblivious of the wild life and death argument of a few minutes before

    21. Oblivious of the smoke and bullets, oblivious of her own safety, she swept down the hill towards the eagle's house

    22. Oblivious of all danger, she goaded the animal to greater speeds and frequently missed sliding into deep, ugly chasms or colliding with boulders that frequently littered the route

    23. The people of Earth went about their daily lives, totally oblivious of the ultimate upheaval on its way

    24. Burning fiercely the robot walks towards its opposite number appearing oblivious of its burning form

    25. Oblivious of those words he aimed the gun

    26. Shouting to warn people out of her path, she still had to slow down and do a lot of pushing and elbowing to make her way through the city gate, oblivious of the protests from the men she had pushed away

    27. Nancy and the others spent the next two hours in a sad vigil, oblivious of the hot sun

    28. I collapsed onto the sidewalk oblivious of the old hen who

    29. police and paramedics were on the other side oblivious of my

    30. They were still oblivious of me and of what I was

    31. They finally all settled down and sat together on the same giant boulder, directly above Ken, completely oblivious of the surf spray drenching them, all silent, all totally lost for words in their bewilderment of their great personal loss

    32. Lewis, with a pencil up the barrel, was holding up a revolver, Ted collapsed back on to the chair his mind refused to play any further role in the enfolding nightmare and had retreated into a catatonic state, he sat oblivious of everyone around him, this attitude was mistakenly taken by the police as a further sign of Ted’s scorn, this calm façade told Detective Sergeant Shepherd and Detective Constable Lewis that Ted was without a doubt a cunning professional criminal

    33. The next day we were up and about bright and early, I was dressed in my warrior attire and Coatl made a striking figure, insisting on wearing his ceremonial robes, we made our way to the square and the chairs and canopy set up for us, the village was very quiet, with very few people left, as we entered the square from the south, our Toxon squad came marching into the square from the west, they formed ranks in front of Coatl and I, going down on one knee they waited for orders, I told them to rise and their captain conveyed a message from Wedon stating that all the Toxon squads had arrived at their various settlements, I then deployed our soldiers to vantage points around the square, refreshing the tactics with each warrior, as the last of the villagers left for the stronghold, a deep silence descended on Tollan, in my minds eye I could picture the same situation in all of the Toltec settlements and feel the fear of the people in Bo-elon, with time to think the enormity of the challenge the Toltec had embarked upon couldn’t fail to nurture little doubts, today must be indisputably successful, then all the doubts would wash away, Coatl was totally oblivious of any doubt though, lazing back in his chair he drank another mug of brew, not a care in the world, quite frightening when you knew what he was capable of, late in the afternoon a messenger came running into the square and knelt on one knee in front of us

    34. Sheepishly with head lowered he came from behind the rock, I don’t know what he did next because Gled punched me in the stomach and I folded over, the wind knocked out of me, she could certainly punch when she thought you were making fun of her, gasping for breath I grasped Jodas’s hand and congratulated him, Gled threw her arms about my neck and hugged me almost bringing me to my knees, when we arrived back at home there was no sign of Coatl so I left Gled and Jodas, who were oblivious of my presence anyway, and went in search of him, I found him deep in conversation with two tradesmen, one was a potter, the other a metal smith, without interrupting I sat next to Coatl, he was talking about rocks, yellow rocks, black rocks, silver mines, shale, the conversation became animated when the potter mentioned that he had found a large volcanic vent further down the valley with outcrops of a yellowish rock, Coatl then went on to explain that the yellow rock should be heaped on a rocky slope wood heaped over it, a channel cut down the hill to collect the molten run-off, ignite the wood and wait for the result, he told the potter that he was in charge of collecting as much of this yellow runoff as he could, any labour that he needed would be supplied by Wedon, as many people as it would take, turning to the metal smith he then asked about the nearest silver mine or granite outcrop, an abandoned mine would serve the purpose, it was not silver that we were after he explained, but a black mineral called pitchblende this they should find in the tailings of any worked out silver mine, an oil bearing shale was the next item Coatl discussed

    35. A few minutes later the two rear scouts came walking down the road chatting and laughing, oblivious of a hundred pairs of eyes watching them as they happily followed the main force down the road

    36. Max knew she couldn’t last much longer and he looked at her, she was oblivious of everything but the unrelenting pleasure

    37. His eyes were open, their last fixed stare having recorded little more than a speedometer reading, oblivious of the steady flow of rain water that coated his scalp and trickled onto his lower being

    38. Oblivious of the reactions to her charging through the crowd, Nancy soon saw a group of tied slave girls being led out of the Agora by three men dressed in short tunics and armed with daggers

    39. Oblivious of her attention, the three Southerners walked to a four-seat table occupied by a young black couple and faced the now apprehensive man and woman

    40. he alternated bites and swigs on automatic pilot, totally oblivious of his surroundings

    41. seemed oblivious of his presence, and he stood at the silver knight’s shoulder without being

    42. Still unconscious as he laid upon the operating table, Paul continued to be totally oblivious of the surgery his body was undergoing

    43. What with Muhammad having convinced them, once and for all, that the succor of ‘the hereafter’ is the solace of the Musalmans, they tend to disregard life ‘here’, which makes them oblivious of the realities of the world

    44. “Wanting in wisdom and oblivious of the reality that I am im-

    45. only the adored goal in his mind and oblivious of all other worldly

    46. The believer is distinguished from the unbeliever by his feeling towards his link with his Provider, whereas you see the unbeliever inattentive and oblivious of it in spite of its existence and its continuity

    47. But with the passing of time we either grew oblivious of or dis-

    48. us, but unfortunately we are oblivious of it

    49. The believer is distinguished from the unbeliever by their feeling for their link with their Provider, whereas the unbeliever is inattentive and oblivious of the same link in spite of its existence and its continuity

    50. and Portia were sleeping, oblivious of her presence

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