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    Use "oblivious to" in a sentence

    oblivious to example sentences

    oblivious to

    1. And then Ackers started up again right where he left off, completely oblivious to the tension in the room

    2. John and Teekra stand hand in hand, watching the limo burn nearby while Russ attends to Ahmed, who is oblivious to John and Teekra and still hysterical

    3. He began speeding along the hard shoulder to the left of the tailed back traffic, oblivious to the angry stares of other motorists

    4. He looks to Misery for any sign that she was the source but she seems oblivious to it, as she speaks to him again, "You never told me why you are here

    5. ’ Wiesse replied oblivious to the effect his words have had on me

    6. He was oblivious to everything

    7. oblivious to the stains that she absorbs

    8. of my own children, that I too was oblivious to it all

    9. In the station, under a huge steel sky, the two children sat quietly amid the hustle and bustle of bags and feet that rumbled by oblivious to their plight

    10. Earth on the whole is oblivious to the existence of our world

    11. ‘And as similar a situation as I can find for you to this place – I’m not oblivious to the fact that you need the peace of the countryside, Jo!’

    12. Deep in thought, he was oblivious to Lord Tarak rising and talking to him

    13. Arriving back at the Hold hours later, their arms laden with packages, Mistress Sera and Rayne were oblivious to the men gathered about the table

    14. They seemed oblivious to anything going on

    15. Oblivious to the dirt, she went about the task

    16. He appeared oblivious to the absurdity of out of placeness

    17. oblivious to the weather, heavy cloaks and drawn

    18. Matt stared ahead oblivious to all, lost in his own

    19. Billy has to jink right as he approaches a hard right hand bend, narrowly avoiding the chevron signage in the hedgerow, and, oblivious to the state of the road behind him, he slams on the brakes, white lining, and slides to a halt

    20. Several of the congregation surreptitiously watch them and whisper – the joy of living in a village! Fortunately, Anna remains totally oblivious to this; she’s so terribly shy that being the centre of attention would be hell for her

    21. Collette - oblivious to his

    22. Oblivious to his intoxication, she wrapped him in a friendly hug while in the courtyard

    23. down until he was clear of the worst of it, oblivious to the

    24. She was oblivious to who was watching, but later when Alex pulled her aside and reprimanded her, for openly carrying on with Jim

    25. Miss Hill remained oblivious to the tiny cloud before her eyes, except to notice her table mates had become very interested in the bowls of nuts provided at each setting

    26. on and on, oblivious to their misery

    27. Still oblivious to what was to come, I entered

    28. said aloud, gingerly removing his shoes and oblivious to

    29. Appearing oblivious to his opponent's presence he intercepted her every strike, his staff always a step ahead of her blades

    30. impropriety of his actions and oblivious to Bernadette’s

    31. them stood locked in each other’s arms and oblivious to

    32. Oblivious to all else, they took off down the hill at full

    33. Meanwhile, she was oblivious to Tetloan, and to his sudden success

    34. "You can't believe that!" she shouted, oblivious to the coachman's ears

    35. She wished she couldn't understand it, she wished she was intellectually oblivious to all that was going on here and never got involved

    36. Seemingly oblivious to the undead invasion, the One Elf had sat patiently throughout the battle, leaning on his staff the whole while, so silent that Alec had almost forgotten about him

    37. But Pete was oblivious to all except Beauty as she sat carefully down on the console before them

    38. the bridge, numb with shock and oblivious to everything

    39. She walked over to Jakkar, who seemed oblivious to the entire conversation, his lumpy body resting against the wall in order to avoid tipping over

    40. lost in verse, he might be oblivious to the cold

    41. To dream that someone throws a water balloon at you represents some negative emotions or anger that is directed at you, but you are oblivious to

    42. While a dozen corvettes in their midst remained oblivious to the incoming 'volunteers' intending to join their crews

    43. Ben was oblivious to the dark winds and stormy skies swirling above

    44. He is seemingly oblivious to the other activities going on in the room

    45. A Prophet was born into the royal family, and the King used that Mage in his wars, only to pretend to have been oblivious to the boy’s talents once the people found out

    46. Two weeks, and the people of Earth seemed oblivious to their fate, unable to comprehend what it meant to be wiped out from time, to no longer exist, to never – essentially – have existed at all

    47. We find some and when we get back we will pinpoint them in our report we can hear the Turkish sentries talking quietly to one another oblivious to the fact that we are right in front of them

    48. dozen mallards scooted around, oblivious to the

    49. on the couch beside her, completely oblivious to the world and her explanation! She knew how sorry he would be

    50. She was still leaning against the parapet, seemingly oblivious to the men's chatter

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