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    Use "observation" in a sentence

    observation example sentences


    1. It is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind

    2. Meditation is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind

    3. They refused to comment further, saying that they have no observation to make as to why he should have said such a thing

    4. "It's been under observation two thirds of a decade already," Ava said, "since it was knocked out of its original orbit

    5. It had left Sol all the way back in 2148, just a few years after the hundredth anniversary of this planet's first observation by the Chinese lagrangian observatory in 2044

    6. Her understanding was more practical than scientific, but it was clear that it was practical knowledge in agreement with scientific observation

    7. He phrased his observation in what he hoped would be taken as proper scientific reserve

    8. She resumed her observation of the banks past which the barge was steadily progressing

    9. She would theorize and compare to more observation for as long as it took

    10. "They may wish to prevent our observation of their activities

    11. Space for a single crew member in the wheel housing and steps that lead down to a tiny protected observation area and little more space for when it was too stormy to stand in the open

    12. Rayne commented on this and both smiled; an observation that seemed to please Lord Tarak

    13. Annie, knowing her brother from years of quiet observation, correctly suggested to her great-aunt that he would dedicate his new found personal freedom and financial independence to the pursuit of private digital excess, and it was this that great-aunt Edith was thinking about as she lay in bed after a very pleasant Saturday in the company of her poor, disappointed relative

    14. “You poo-poo’ed that observation a couple months ago when I made it,” he said

    15. They have a mental disorder (proven statistically, not through my own observation)

    16. observation and started to make his stealthy intrusion into the heart

    17. Unfortunately for the young man, his powers of observation did

    18. Heymon’s observation that this whole thing could be Ava playing with them came to mind

    19. observation that there is an oddity of instability to digits (such as 3

    20. growth observation may be all that matters

    21. “Queen Naria, may I make an observation?” asked Duncan

    22. Joanna's observation about him comes to mind

    23. observation, and honest perception

    24. Annie, knowing her brother from years of quiet observation,

    25. its presence without attaching to it (detached observation), you allow

    26. OBSERVE without attachment/judgement (detached observation); al ow

    27. Three months of observation and a renewed reading of my earlier writings, led me to play with them one evening

    28. particular observation was one he had not made before, “Drained and

    29. Bram’s father chuckled softly to himself at this observation, and

    30. observation point was located

    31. But that observation begged another question: even with all that

    32. recalled Ged’s observation that dragons were difficult to hit when

    33. Tom was amused by this observation – it was a far cry indeed

    34. his trance, surprised by Carl’s observation

    35. Chloe seconded her observation and opened the Baedecker to read passages describing the island's history and attractions

    36. 'As above, so below,' may be turned on its head and read the other way round as well, and that is precisely what we can see in the world within our arena of observation

    37. The saying, 'those to whom much is given, much is expected' is actually an observation of reality not a cautionary injunction

    38. 'These men apply observation rather than chicken guts in

    39. Harry had to affirm the observation, he was made well aware of his distinct status nearly from his first days in the Hundred, sometimes favorable, often eliciting some degree of initial jealousy, though soon overcome and banished

    40. He should have made it to the observation site hours ago

    41. “That sounds like a faith-based observation

    42. The observation was

    43. It took years of careful observation and correlation before she got a single clue how a session would begin

    44. I contented myself with these discoveries for this time, and came back, musing with myself what course I might take to know the virtue and goodness of any of the fruits or plants which I should discover, but could bring it to no conclusion; for, in short, I had made so little observation while I was in the Brazils, that I knew little of the plants in the field; at least, very little that might serve to any purpose now in my distress

    45. The rainy seasons sometimes held longer or shorter as the winds happened to blow, but this was the general observation I made

    46. Don't feel guilty, everything you've told me is public observation

    47. She almost panicked, almost leapt from his grip for after closer observation she couldn't help noticing how skeletal the elf actually seemed

    48. observation of Doctor Burn

    49. observation seems to be, that certificates ought always to be required by the parish where any

    50. ’ His observation was met with an ironic smile

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    Synonyms for "observation"

    observance observation watching notice reflection reflexion supervision attention view surveillance regard looking attending recognizing noticing perceiving information record mention aside note commentary remark speech utterance estimation conclusion search probe check scrutiny investigation examination once-over

    "observation" definitions

    the act of making and recording a measurement

    the act of observing; taking a patient look

    a remark expressing careful consideration

    facts learned by observing

    the act of noticing or paying attention