

    Choose language

    Use "of that" in a sentence

    of that example sentences

    of that

    1. There was some hand drawn street map in a foreign language in with it, and a faded old map of Gengee with some of that language on it

    2. are the evidence of that?

    3. Because of that he didn't go into the bedroom

    4. "Nor fjords to put it in, come to think of that

    5. There is so much proof that speaking positively, thinking positively, and being an optimist helps you to achieve so much more in

    6. going to be someone who is focused on achieving your goals then you have to be aware of that

    7. Be aware of that time us it to do

    8. And the bible is the copy of that

    9. He might have heard some of that but he was out of earshot by the time she finished

    10. He couldn't believe Herndon was right about her, that she had been raised only to follow Ava on the trail of that cargo

    11. would be base upon superficial knowledge you have of that

    12. you realize the depth of that person’s issues

    13. He tipped up and finished his fourth cup of that ale and signaled the kegman for his fifth

    14. He would keep it, he thought, along with what was left of that aluminum, for his trouble in whatever Tdeshi's ghosts were up to

    15. Sam was surprised at the crowds at the Oodle Festival, held just outside Berlin in the July of that year

    16. All of that sensory information is deteriorating as you get older because of loss of sensory cells and changes to the sensory receptors

    17. We are each the source of that transformation

    18. "I wasn't part of that movement

    19. "Because of that missing aluminum," she replied

    20. The anticipation of that tryst was what drew Tdeshi's hormones on this folly in the first place wasn't it? Maybe it was what Jorma taught her about Tdeshi that had made it so exciting

    21. They would all die, of that Onidas was certain

    22. She was starting to wonder if Venna really did have a connection to some of that aluminum

    23. Then again, seeing as Violet was only seven, she did not yet have the black market connections to pull off a transaction of that nature

    24. You try to stand in front of that thing, earplugs or no, you’d go flying all the way into the ocean

    25. she’d been involved in a long term relationship up in Bristol … it fell apart … she was considerably upset, partly because of that and partly because her sister had just got married … she was at the age when she could feel the clock ticking

    26. I'd say this is probably an outer swap crossing on the edge of that city

    27. They had a good duskmeal where they could hear the echo of that show across the harbor

    28. Herndon was actually the bumpkin, but glorious in his ignorance of that

    29. but none of that is proof that I shot her

    30. of that comes from bad judgment

    31. Reminding her sister, who also carried those memories, of that plan and its intended result, was not a diplomatic thing to do right now

    32. Damn! That’s the last of that bottle … better go and open the other one

    33. "I'm fine, now that I'm out of that camping trip

    34. I'm tired of that game

    35. Enough of that … concentrate on Emma

    36. What would the future hold for him? Who was this Antiphone, really? What if she didn’t show up? Should he wait outside? He thought of that horrible child, picking his nose

    37. Sad to say most have been trained to guard against what is not wanted and thereby attracting more of that to their life experience

    38. " He wondered how much of that pronouncement was due to the fact that Estwig was moving to this end of the harness and could be listening

    39. The visualisation of that object, imaginative perception of it and logical reasoning about it

    40. out of that primeval slime, our

    41. He did not believe in ghosts, poltergeists, zombies or any of that and wasn't about to

    42. The Kassikan did not have a floater large enough to lift that crate, he was sure of that

    43. ‘Yes, it seems he had a phone call a few weeks ago asking about ammunition for a gun of that ilk

    44. ‘Don’t know … I can’t think why anyone would want ammunition of that kind if not

    45. ‘Yes, I’d not thought of that

    46. It is not often that I see Stephen shaken by a crime – he sees too much of that sort of thing – but this has hit him

    47. But it may be that it is not stolen yet, but is about to be stolen as soon as Tahlmute gets it out of that yard

    48. the sight of and the smells of that old man

    49. care of that for you

    50. doostEr pondered the idea that this Ava, who deleted herself from search engines, could be aiding her old lover in stealing the cargo from its rightful owner who was deeper in the chaparral? It could be that Ava was arranging to have the cargo hijacked as it went by? He was suspicious of that Sorceress because of the deletions from his searches

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