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    Use "on the subject of" in a sentence

    on the subject of example sentences

    on the subject of

    1. thoughts on the subject of my

    2. ‘Do you want me to organise something to eat?’ I suggested, my imagination running riot on the subject of this idea of his

    3. It seems like ages before I can decently change the subject but, after an eternity, she runs down on the subject of Andy and his transgressions

    4. A quiet word with Gilla on the subject of feminine hygiene has resulted in a supply of the necessary articles being included in my baggage

    5. Tina mentioned that the school children had received an assembly on the subject of the earthquake and had made a collection to help victims

    6. In the two hours between finishing the evening’s murderous chores and Ken’s return from the pub, Helen Roach’s insidiously persuasive skills were brought to bear on her daughter, convincing Lucy that she had killed her step-brother, but that her mother loved her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the subject of Alan’s disappearance, then she would protect her forever and a day

    7. Bailey, who is a published author on the subject of hypnosis

    8. Sometimes, she’d talk about the home she used to help at … it’s where she got the idea for Danvers House, you know … she was desperate on the subject of single mums

    9. The men’s bathroom raised a couple of less than complimentary remarks from the secretary of the association … mostly on the subject of empty toilet rolls and how no man she had ever met could understand the mechanism which required the replacement of an empty toilet roll with a fresh one

    10. Roman had read books on the subject of course, and believed—as many

    11. can see she’d listen to you on the subject of improving her son’s strength

    12. A few years ago, while reading various articles on the subject of the Universe, I was astounded to learn that a number of prominent physicists were talking freely of some of their most unusual theories about the reality of universe

    13. of bally tours, is somewhat professional on the subject of

    14. In time, you will receive additional support and manpower to this end, ones who will be in a better position to expound upon the subject of the renegade and exile, Roscius Avienus

    15. Of course, I’m no authority on the subject of love and intercourse

    16. The interview also touched on the subject of reciting mantras

    17. This system, however, with all its imperfections, is perhaps the nearest approximation to the truth that has yet been published upon the subject of political economy ; and is upon that account, well worth the consideration of every man who wishes to examine with attention the principles of that very important science

    18. “On the subject of moisture, I would kill for a bath

    19. He called it like he saw it, and for the most part, got everything right, especially the insistence of the inhabitants of the states he visited on the subject of equality

    20. Once we were walking barefoot at the edge of the ocean, the sea water rushing over our feet as the flat waves trickled with the ebb and flow, did we dare to speak on the subject of his leaving again

    21. While on the subject of numbers, please explain how African Americans, who comprise approximately 12% of America‘s population, are over-whelming represented in most major sports? Do they possess genetic traits indigenous to their (own) race or is desire the key motivating factor? I will readily allow that sports have traditionally provided many under-privileged people, from all walks of life, a viable means of escaping poverty

    22. They had just driven through the camp gate and he was about to voice his thoughts on the subject of Harrington and Ferguson’s replacements when she spoke first, “Jim, they’ve fired me

    23. While we are on the subject of Temples I see that the dispute about the land surrounding the Preah Vihear site on the Thailand/Cambodia border is still unresolved

    24. Was he pro or con on the subject of science’s compatibility with religious belief? I wondered

    25. were many sermons preached with passion on the subject of helping

    26. He brought a full court press, indeed a Blitzkrieg campaign on the subject of global warming

    27. On the subject of sex

    28. On the subject of sex--and this is where you might say I could’ve been fooled--I

    29. Indeed, much of his casework is widely quoted by many authors on the subject of

    30. There are lots of definitions, opinions and numerous books have been written on the subject of budgeting for families, by families and others

    31. discovered on the subject of the Law of Attraction

    32. And while I am on the subject of noises, it’s even more

    33. “I haven’t been around your parents since the move, so due to lack of interaction I would like you to enlighten me on the subject of why you can’t, or won’t, tell your parents what’s happened these past few weeks

    34. “And while we’re on the subject of the conspiracy, do you want to tell me whatever it was that you and Alilia didn’t want me to know about when I Read you?” Mark asked

    35. On the subject of England, Stonehenge is another mystery

    36. “We have Spoken occasionally on the subject of astronomy, usually it’s more esoteric and theoretical aspects

    37. As of now, that is the newest; and, I might add, only, SOP on the subject of flybys

    38. A final note on the subject of love

    39. I can certainly agree with you on the subject of the so called fairer sex”

    40. On the subject of the lottery, do you know why many of the winners are miserable when interviewed a year later? It's because money, in itself, doesn't guarantee happiness

    41. I was thinking I would like to try and touch on the subject of magic a bit

    42. I have personally studied and researched on the subject of masculinity

    43. While on the subject of medical insurance, one of our main concerns when abroad was, and still is, medical insurance coverage

    44. When fighting failed, he resorted to swearing and fuming, mainly on the subject of what he

    45. I interviewed her on the subject of Academic

    46. A few years ago I gave a lecture on the subject of this chapter: Money, a Myth

    47. So, while on the subject of Jake, his name was mentioned several times today but as jokes rather than any angry gesture

    48. what? on the subject of what?

    49. Just think, whilst I’m still on the subject of death, in a

    50. eral dozen books on the subject of Near Deaths, and a cross-linkage to a second

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