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    one-armed example sentences


    1. The one-armed boy seemed ready to kill them with his glare

    2. "Hold it there, boy!" The one-armed leader shouted as he and several of his companions held their weapons in Whimly's direction

    3. Emily could see the face of the one-armed man, a mix of wrinkles and scars

    4. The group exchanging puzzled glances, then, after a brief nod from the one-armed man, they swiveled their necks in the direction of Whimly's finger, though they still kept him in the corner of their eyes

    5. The one-armed man managed to summon the remaining travelers to him, and together, standing shoulder to shoulder, they formed a line of swords and daggers while the dark demons, slowly and cautiously, came at them, seeming to float in the air as they came over the rotting bodies of their victims

    6. "Stand ready! Strike as one!" The one-armed leader shouted, his eyes as sharp as the steel in his hand while he studied the movements of the demons advancing toward him

    7. The one-armed man and his fellow survivors decapitated their fallen companions without hesitation; carving them up as though they were butchers preparing a feast

    8. Hurry! She may have injured them, but be assured that they yet live," the one-armed man said as he thrust his sword into the chest of one of his fallen companions, gouts of dark liquid sprayed upwards as he buried the tip of his blade and then twisted his wrist

    9. The demons rounded a bend in the road, and, like a wave of darkness they flowed toward the one-armed man

    10. My favorite Trumanism, however, is his statement that he would prefer a one-armed economist in his administration, due to the fact that he tired of economic advisors telling him one thing on the one hand, and then contradicting that advice on the other

    11. He told me about his one-armed son who persisted in riding his motorcycle while drunk

    12. “And an impressive attribute it is, my love!” he chuckled as he gave her a one-armed hug

    13. Another of his headlines went something like this: In Chicago, police arrested a one-armed man in the park today for bothering others by continually rowing in a circle

    14. the apparently deserted casino, complete with rows of one-armed

    15. He helped offload heavy crates from a dark-painted seaplane at the dockside one night while a frightening, burn-scarred, one-armed, patch-eyed man looked on

    16. It wasn’t all that difficult, as she only had one hand to hang on to me (although she was surprisingly strong for a one-armed lady)

    17. A one-armed man is a symbol of justice to show the element of evenness of the individual’s physical symmetry has been destroyed

    18. An epileptic, blind, one-armed man with all the directional sense of a demagnetized compass was bound to be a better shot than that kid

    19. He snapped the case shut, slid it back to the adjacent commode, flushed the toilet, and returned to the casino, where Nurse was still playing her one-armed bandit

    20. Why did these two undead ghouls merge together inside Hitler? Both of them were one-armed ghouls seeking a likely host, to make themselves powerful so they could continue to dramatically affect the course of human history? Once a person dies: its undead energy becomes an insane evil foul rotting thing that is not sane: it becomes a blind malevolent negative force seeking only evil ends: committing evil for the sake of evil

    21. He saw a one-armed monk come out of the kitchen and cross the yard, and was struck by how familiar the man looked

    22. I still only had a one-armed suit, but at least it didn’t leak

    23. A one-armed bunk master sets forth rules in a belligerent torrent

    24. Behind them, presumably acting as their bodyguard, was the one-armed monk who had captured Ralph so cleverly nine years ago, Brother Thomas

    25. “With all due respect, My Lord,” the one-armed colonel replied, “the Inquisitor General isn’t here, and I’ve seen no written confirmation of that ‘instruction

    26. ‘Randa and Camilla Tarleton were teaching school and wasn’t that a joke? Not one-armed man from Lovejoy and they and Hetty and Jim Tarleton were raising a good a one of the Tarletons had ever been able to spell cat! Betsy Tarleton had married a fat cotton crop at Fairhill

    27. reached out exploratorily, touched the arm, and, when he saw Mercer wasn’t going to react, extended himself further, a one-armed hug that was inches from a headlock

    28. How many one-armed generals are you aware of?”

    29. Only the man who had the next bed, a stout Uhlan, continued to sit on his bed, gloomily frowning and smoking a pipe, and little one-armed Tushin still listened, shaking his head disapprovingly

    30. Shove all these facts in that one-armed bandit in your head, yank, and watch the lemons and ripe cherries spin

    31. Like those claws one-armed men used to wear on the end of their stumps, years ago

    32. In a corner of the warehouse sat The Burgundian and his one-armed protector

    33. "How it was exactly," continued the one-armed commander, "I do not know; but in biting the line, it got foul of his teeth, caught there somehow; but we didn't know it then; so that when we afterwards pulled on the line, bounce we came plump on to his hump! instead of the other whale's; that went off to windward, all fluking

    34. "Samuel Enderby is the name of my ship," interrupted the one-armed captain, addressing Ahab; "go on, boy

    35. "Oh!" cried the one-armed captain, "oh, yes! Well; after he sounded, we didn't see him again for some time; in fact, as I before hinted, I didn't then know what whale it was that had served me such a trick, till some time afterwards, when coming back to the Line, we heard about Moby Dick—as some call him—and then I knew it was he

    36. The one-armed officer glanced at him with a smile

    37. In fact, the one-armed officer's face, his attitude, and, most of all, the empty sleeve of his coat, expressed much of that tranquil indifference that may be explained in this way—that he looked upon every conversation and every occurrence as though saying, “That is all very fine; I know all about that, and I can do a little of that myself, if I only choose

    38. “Just imagine, captain,” said the one who was pouring the tea, turning to the one-armed man, and picking up the knife that the latter had dropped, “they told us that horses were frightfully dear in Sevastopol, so we bought a horse in partnership at Simferopol

    39. You can imagine how disagreeable that was! Would you like to have me make you a cigarette,” he said at that moment to the one-armed officer, who was just pulling out his cigarette-machine

    40. An old one-armed beggar, with a bag slung over his shoulder, came in with a crutch during the meal

    41. Only the man who had the next bed, a stout Uhlan, continued to sit on his bed, gloomily frowning and smoking a pipe, and little one-armed Túshin still listened, shaking his head disapprovingly

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