Use "operating room" in a sentence
operating room example sentences
operating room
1. He is in the operating room at this moment undergoing emergency surgery
2. What would it feel like? Obviously, to be effective, the surgeon must leave emotions outside of the operating room
3. I was very far behind in a huge truck that transported the field hospital with dozens of beds, mobile operating rooms, an assortment of devices and stretchers
4. “Our treatment does not require the sterility of an operating room, and we have found that our patients are much more comfortable in a less stressful environment
5. Blend into the ambulance guys telling me to hold on and then the blinding overhead lights of an operating room
6. Like a patient in an operating room, she could barely count to ten backwards before she was gone
7. It changes from a bright operating room to a dark, slimy room
8. Parker and Myers remained, sitting in the hall outside the operating room
9. whisked off to the operating room and had to wait a good 25 minutes while surgeons hurried
10. If needed it would be removed by the robotic system to a sterile operating area where specialists could work on the problems under operating room conditions
11. If it does not get reduced right away, swelling is going to set in and the reduction might have to be done in an operating room
12. This saves me a trip to the operating room
13. An hour or so later I received a call from the head nurse of the operating room to tell me that the person cleaning the instruments had noted that one of the instruments, a self-retaining retractor used during the procedure, had a part missing
14. Of course the piece needed to be removed and the patient was taken back to the operating room, the surgical wound reopened, and the piece easily removed
15. As a result of this nationalized system, public hospitals have a chronic shortage of operating room time
16. When a patient is then finally given a new date for her operation, the specialist, who examined her in the first instance, and who placed her on the operating room list maybe months earlier, may or may not be at that hospital anymore
17. As a newcomer, without a waiting list, I was assigned backlog cases to be placed on my operating room list
18. After my initial shock of meeting a patient and her family for the first time in the waiting area, only hours before I was scheduled to operate on her, I quickly made it a policy for any of my cases, that I wanted to meet her at least a day before the surgery, and not with one foot already almost in the operating room
19. This got us now to 2:30 pm and the operating room still needed to be cleaned before my case could get underway
20. Therefore I received a phone call from the head nurse in the operating room a bit before 3 pm that my case had been cancelled for lack of time
21. If a vaginal delivery of a breech baby is to be done, it is best performed in a hospital with a skilled obstetrician in attendance and an operating room at the ready
22. There were no medical students in Whangarei Hospital, so I did not have formal teaching duties, even though I did a lot of bedside teaching for the RMOs and instructed them in the operating room and clinics as well
23. Therefore the students were often torn between the choice of attending the seminars or to be present at the beginning of ward rounds or operating room cases; both of which started at 8 am also
24. Bigger lacerations were taken to the operating room
25. They arrive with all the necessary equipment and take over the operating room during the entire week
26. I then rushed to the operating room and started the C-Section while the patient was being transfused with my blood and that of my wife who is also O RH
27. The operating room was a rather small room and not well equipped
28. It had a low ceiling and the large operating room light (obviously donated by an NGO) came so low over the operating table that it was close over the surgeon’s head and the heat generated by the powerful light was almost unbearable on the surgeon’s bent neck
29. After she had signed a consent form (or rather placed a cross in the appropriate place of the form as she could not write), I was about to have her wheeled into the operating room
30. I’d heard someone order that I be taken directly to the operating room---that wasn’t good
31. in an operating room that he had almost forgotten what this type of pride felt like
32. He was still unconscious when wheeled into the operating room
33. ‘The doctor? The operating room? The medication?’
34. Probably Selena can go into the operating room, but I don’t know that for sure
35. ‘The doctor is awaiting you downstairs in the operating room,’ I say and point at the cellar stairs
36. In the operating room the doctors and nurses are all standing along silly and I can’t help but think they all don’t really belong in this environment, except for the Doc
37. With a big scratch on his face that bleeds a little he appears in the operating room, a pistol in his hand
38. Unfortunately, the spinning operating rooms that adjust to accommodate the direction of the simulated gravity are heavy
39. The small hospital in their town had only one operating room and it was being used by the Doctor working on Denis
40. Isaac and Joshua had spent the time in transit in the operating rooms doing the best they could to save as many lives and limbs as possible
41. The problem they discovered was that while that solved the operating room problem, the rest of the ship was designed with “down” being toward the stern when the ship was not orbiting in weightlessness
42. Isaac leaned his head back against the wall of the elevator that would take him from the bridge deck to the operating room deck
43. There are many who have observed their body while on the operating room table or after a severe trauma has taken place
44. For the first month the Queen Elizabeth was on site, the medical suites and operating rooms ran full-time saving the lives and limbs of those that they could
45. wasn’t long before I found myself in the operating room
46. Two hours later, Sam and Donna left the operating room and met John and Sir Richard in the medical conference room
47. “When I walked in the operating room, I couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched
48. Without realising it, she wandered back to the operating room
49. floating above an operating room table in a hospital
50. he was also taken back into the operating room for more corrective
51. In the operating room, she picked up a wooden spatula and obtained a sample of cells
52. As the gurney entered the operating room, the surgical team hurried in
53. Realizing the visitors would not leave until they had operated on their colleague, and that keeping them in the house would assist the Taliban, the woman showed Carla and Max to the small operating room, pointing out where everything for the operation was kept
54. He set about lighting the lanterns in his operating room, a large
55. house: his office, operating room, and home
56. them to enter, he indicated the operating room, now lit by the soft
57. into the operating room, followed closely by the rest of the family
58. Sarah Ur came to the base infirmary while holding firmly little Hien in her arms, so that the near-hysterical child would not run inside the operating room where Ingrid had just been wheeled in
59. They were greeted there by Teresa James, Gertrude Meserve and Lieutenant Colonel Tucker, who were mounting an anxious vigil in the pre-operating room
60. While The One healed me in the operating room, I didn’t resurrect Sergeant Bateman: I only pleaded with The One for him to show mercy to Denise and he listened to my prayers
61. I had to leave the operating room
62. She then ushered them into the operating room where tables and patients awaited them
63. Not unlike the proverbial calm before the storm, the operating room at Duke Medical Center at the moment was nearly empty – barring one anesthetist and her attendant who watched as the fourteen-year-old male patient silently lying next to them dropped into a deep peaceful sleep
64. Both of the morgue’s operating rooms remained dark, their mahogany doors shut
65. How about you, Mary?” James asked, turning to face his nurse-friend as she flipped the light switch inside the doorway of Operating Room #2
66. And it obviously wasn’t from the operating rooms or any of the fluorescents in the hallway
67. She carried on looking around and found a large operating room with everything she could
68. The primary objective during the redesign was to preserve the surgeons and the operating rooms, the highest-cost and highest-value portions of the system
69. “The bone cutters are in the operating room set up, not in the E
70. The crew in the operating room were shocked that someone had come out of anesthesia, let alone begin to free themselves
71. Torres was sitting on a chair by the entrance door to the operating room staring blankly at the green tile wall across the room
72. In the operating room, Melvin was sedated further by the anesthesiologist and a breathing tube was placed in his trachea
73. In a matter of minutes, Melvin’s sharp ribs managed to chew the doctor’s head off letting the body to fall to the operating room floor in a heap
74. By now the nursing staff had left the operating room in fear leaving the doctor to fend for himself
75. He was already ready to burst into the operating room
76. "I'm waiting for the doctor's to come out of the operating room
77. “Deek’s in the operating room—he went into a coma last night
78. “Deek passed away on the operating room table a few minutes ago
79. From the CAT-scan room Barker was wheeled to the operating room, where a team of neurosurgeons prepared to insert an external ventricular drain (EVD) to abate the dangerously high pressure inside his skull
80. The room was sterile, like an operating room
81. Ayurvati came out of the operating room
82. he came to the operating room corridor
83. � When we choose to say, "Mack cut Polly with a scalpel in the operating room," we come closer to the thing-in-itself not our interpretation of the thing
84. Mack cut Polly with a scalpel in the operating room to remove her inflamed appendix
85. They sent President Jimmy Carter to the operating room (he loved peanuts and a submarine commander, high fiber diet)
86. Another thing that you will want to consider is the fact that it will all go very quickly once you get into the operating room
87. Spotting Jerry Parr just before being wheeled to the operating room, Reagan shows the first signs that he might make it: “I hope they’re all Republicans,” he tells the Secret Service agent who saved his life less than thirty minutes ago
88. OVERRIDING THE PROTEST from the director of security at Metropolitan Hospital, Conklin and I took the two empty seats at the back of an amphitheater above an operating room
89. In her blue scrubs, in the operating room
90. I hope the hospital staff lets the Needermans light a candle for her, but after that nasty scene in the operating room, I kind of doubt they will
91. I assumed that the goal here would be to stabilize her if possible, then get her to the operating room
92. But then we enter the operating room and I see the scanning machine
93. The patient had been taken into the operating room, was the report that awaited Blaisdell and the bishop on their arrival at the hospital