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    operating theatre example sentences

    operating theatre

    1. In the wreckage of the mobile operating theatre, the Leader came round

    2. There were people, a frightened screaming boy being taken from a dormitory by a cyborg similar in appearance to himself, then deposited in something akin to an operating theatre

    3. We entered the harbour of Moudros and there we were transferred to the liner Mauritania which had been turned into a hospital ship the public rooms had been turned into wards Officers had the cabins and the dinning rooms had been turned into operating theatres

    4. Operating theatres were already closed for the Christmas vacation but he had people recalled to open one so he could do a biopsy

    5. It was a real operating theatre, a huge overhead light, gas bottles, trays for instruments…

    6. As the sun set I realised there was a light on a room in the left wing, about where Sebastian said he saw the operating theatre

    7. In the operating theatre there will be two nurses and two doctors

    8. They had been in the operating theatre fifty-four seconds

    9. “The samples,” said O’Donnel, “they do come from the same body and not two as we first suspected,” he led Crinigan to an autopsy table, where a large operating theatre light hung central, which shone onto a body of a Caucasian male

    10. Just before the police left the scene, a radio message was received by the vehicle radio operator, to let them know that the wounded security guard had recovered consciousness, before being taken in to the operating theatre and he had informed them that he had managed to seriously wound two of the “fake police” gang – a man with a stomach wound – and a woman with a chest wound - the woman being the one who was most seriously, probably critically, wounded

    11. They’re all kitted out, mainly hide-outs but we have workshops, ordnance stores, armouries, and we even have a unit set up as an operating theatre

    12. The girls waited outside the operating theatre, the boys spoke outside the hospital

    13. While Sir Richard was debriefing Wilson, Jared and Juanita sat side by side, in the observation area of the Centre’s operating theatre

    14. “I was allowed up in the gallery, when they went through every step to a couple of students, as they worked on a patient in the Operating Theatre

    15. In the midst of all this terror, I’m not sure when, they took me off to the ’operating theatre

    16. If I’d made the right call when I was hovering over the operating theatre, I might have been sitting up there now instead of standing down here with head bowed, and eyes as closed as my half-decayed eye-lids would allow

    17. remote room at the rear of the ship; it was a sickbay and operating theatre

    18. They said they had the operating theatre all ready to do it, but when they got there, they had decided to have a go at saving it

    19. Cut to operating theatre

    20. Although a relatively small hospital, it houses state of the art operating theatres and some of the countries, if not the worlds, top surgeons

    21. The operating theatre staff prepared for emergency surgery, and x-rays of both Dam’s shoulder, and Nick’s skull, had been taken and processed

    22. He was at either out-of-town conferences or receptions or, forever, in the operating theatre at the hospital

    23. My father was taking a short break from the intensity of the operating theatre and was standing outside when a nurse approached him

    24. There was the usual noise created by chaps under anesthetic, swearing, shouting, singing, and moaning; but the fellow in the next bed to me had not stirred since they had brought him from the operating theatre many hours before

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