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    Use "opposite side" in a sentence

    opposite side example sentences

    opposite side

    1. It was a such a crowded streetcar that they had to take opposite sides

    2. Abdullah and Akbar take up positions on opposite sides of the Rover

    3. Except for one, its entire surface is a large window, and on the opposite side is a room that matches Apollo's, exactly

    4. His feet would then extend beyond the opposite side of this ring of reed clumps

    5. over to the opposite side

    6. The young man stood in the shadows on the opposite side of the street and watched as Tiffany’s father thrust the blooms into the dustbin and slammed down the lid

    7. In their respective hotel suites on opposite sides of the world, the young man and his soon to be divorced wife considered the lessons they had learned from married life

    8. In hotel rooms on opposite sides of the world the young man and the young woman looked at their reflections in the bedroom mirror and smiled to themselves

    9. The young man stood in the shadows on the opposite side of the

    10. In their respective hotel suites on opposite sides of the world, the

    11. In hotel rooms on opposite sides of the world the young man and

    12. Roof slates lay smashed beneath the overhang of the main barn roof, and on the opposite side of the yard are the rib thin remains of pig units

    13. A glass smashes on the opposite side of the room

    14. On the opposite side of the table, there were three children who he

    15. On the opposite side of the hole, Sheila was hauling her top over her head with appreciative commentary from Mickey, now standing on the side of the pit beside her

    16. in homes on opposite sides of the crossing

    17. one on the opposite side

    18. On the opposite side of the room was the

    19. The staircase, clad in robust cord carpet, stretches up the opposite side of the hall to that in her house

    20. the car and started to follow on the opposite side of the street

    21. Alex pauses in the shadows of a box hedge on the opposite side of the road as Ted fumbles for his keys under the last of the working street lights, takes another hit on his flask and pushes open the gate in the small front garden of one of the villas

    22. She watched him leave the court on the opposite side

    23. door in the living room over to the dining room on the opposite side of the house

    24. The view he had was not definitive, but there was someone a few doors down on the opposite side who could be the same guy

    25. Unlike any of the other rooms, it had two doors, one that entered from each hall, on opposite sides

    26. There were two extra bunks set up on opposite sides of the room, the elaborate trysting bed in the middle of the room being piled with the biggest collection of clothes Klowa had ever seen

    27. On the opposite side there are plenty of average or poor quality products

    28. Helez moved to the opposite side of the bed and stood next to the commander

    29. That is accomplished by refracting the incoming light such that the parallax of the light from the opposite side of the object, relative to the viewer, is presented to the viewer without the reflected light of the object itself

    30. I motioned Joss to the back of the house, and we circled around from opposite sides

    31. “First I recommend we move along to where the opposite side of this crevasse is still intact

    32. ’ She indicated towards an upright leatherette chair on the opposite side of the desk

    33. If we were able to move around at will through the Universe, and perform additional observations, this would then have allowed us to go to the opposite side of an observed galaxy, at the same distance as it is viewed from the Earth, measure and record the properties of the light which this galaxy emits, and compare the new results with the results as measured from Earth

    34. A figure appeared, over on the opposite side of the room

    35. He spoke to Captain Melstone who was in charge and told him to move us off at that moment a horse coming past on the opposite side slipped on the wet cobbles and shied this in turn upset his horse and it took him all his time to control the beast and stop himself being unseated

    36. We saw the Indian muleteers again with their charges huge strings of mules loaded with supplies moving ever forward as on the opposite side of the road empty mule trains returned to the supply dumps to pick up more loads we could see that their bellies and legs were caked with the white chalky mud of this region

    37. There was an open road that ran through here and the reserve trenches finished only to restart on the opposite side so the guide was sending squads of men across this open section to the opposite side

    38. Rosemary passed around the coffee mugs and when they had all completed the ceremony of milking and sugaring she had to pull out a chair on the opposite side of the table from Frank to sit

    39. I looked around and saw Ted Wallace on the opposite side of the crater I made my way across him he was led against the craters side

    40. There were a group of men on the opposite side of the hole but I couldn’t see who they were because they were in shadow and I shouted

    41. Saldon and Halon leaned on the opposite side of the boat to counterbalance the gunwale that was nearly underwater, but Manna was skilled in racing boats and there was never a real threat of capsizing

    42. The next morning after parade and breakfast we were loaded into cattle trucks and taken to the SAP Quarter Master in Silverton, which is on the opposite side of Pretoria

    43. Following the half-Elf’s example, Saldon and Flesh’ailer leapt for cover on the opposite side of the dock gates, hiding the glare of the torchlights as best they could

    44. Not one minute later, from the exact opposite side of the compound, erupted more screams

    45. Hamp had purchased fifteen acres outside of Martinez on the North side of Highway number 4 and had also purchased another two acres on the opposite side of Highway number 4 where he built his home and shops

    46. Books slid onto a stool on the opposite side of the counter

    47. Sespian rolled to the opposite side and scrambled to his feet

    48. Once Stelze had satisfied her thirst she slowly made her way up the cliff on the opposite side of the gorge

    49. I walked out of there, holding my hand over my nose and mouth and went past the lounge and dining room to the bedrooms on the opposite side of the house

    50. Carefully she rolled the key over and pressed the opposite side into the unmarked area of the cheese block

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