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    Use "organism" in a sentence

    organism example sentences


    1. Scientists are quite right when they say that our organism can protect

    2. If they knew they were simulating a cell in a larger organism, they would not be able to perform their function in the larger organism that is the Haad of Al-Harron

    3. He thought once again of the stages of evolution, this stage is marked by conflict between the urge to be an individual and the urge to be part of a greater organism

    4. But could they have gone the next step ahead in the evolution of humans as a colonial species? Had they evolved beyond the need for brute coercion to make the cells work as a part in a greater organism?

    5. Life itself upon, within and underneath the good, damp soil blew a fanfare to the heavens far beyond the measure of any single organism

    6. It may not be an illness but it has a well-deserved place in this book on Yoga and health because it can, ultimately, undermine the health of the entire organism by restricting breathing, and cause an unhealthy complexion due to too little oxygen reaching the blood cells

    7. Why, I wonder, did we abandon honey, nature’s most nutritious sweet food, in favour of dry, sterile, refined sugars? I am afraid that there can be only one answer—sheer ignorance of the basic needs and capabilities of the human organism

    8. Nerves and ligaments of the spine arc subjected to a healthy pull, and the spinal nerve roots and sympathetic system are toned so that this posture beneficially affects the entire organism

    9. She said ―your body is an intelligent organism

    10. “We could be fighting the immune response of a single organism millions of cubic light-years in extent

    11. “The souls trapped in that dark matter think our whole civilization and all we have explored is deep within the body of an organism

    12. However, the hot news of the year around the Kassikan was another disease organism discovered in one of the Brazilians and how he’d gone missing in West Gengee

    13. Cells organize into tissues, tissues organized into the organs of the organism of a man

    14. As soon as the energy is drained and not renewed or the organism experiences a situation where this energy is going to be lost, the mind is free to leave the organism he has been using in order to complete his stay in this human world

    15. Every independent organism treats time differently

    16. Some unexploited, even unexplored capabilities have been incorporated in your organism

    17. Participating in the cure and improvement of your organism can prove to be a valuable knowledge that you will keep with you for your whole life

    18. At one point, the process of growing stops; leaving the organism free to continue its life as a mature creation

    19. What is that force that attracted all the particles required to build men? How come they were free to be used in our composition and why will they, one day, part from us and join another organism? Why has the elusive intelligence that presided over our formation made us temporal? Is it a “use and discard” concept as some thinks of? Why does that powerful force that firmly held billions of particles together give up after 50, 70 or 100 years? Why does that force keep an interest in our organism only while it is living as a human being abandoning us afterwards?

    20. On the other hand, the society is a living organism

    21. Fresh, succulent meat served up hot and juicy right off the all-natural, prairie dining table would put a smile on his face and a sweet, gurgling sound in his stomach whenever he was fortunate enough to obtain the quantity and quality of rations that his organism called out for

    22. Fresh, succulent grasses and other options served up ripe and juicy right off the all-natural, prairie dining table would put a smile on her face and a sweet, gurgling sound in her stomach whenever she was fortunate enough to obtain the quantity and quality of rations that her organism called out for

    23. Even though Horrifying Hippo spent much of his daytime hours happily trouncing around in the mud, he did not ignore the importance of his personal hygiene and thus took pride in both his overall appearance as well as the health of his organism

    24. You are the highest form organism containing consciousness

    25. The Earth was acting as a single organism, trying desperately to attack this thing

    26. By using the word “design”, when referring to aspects within a living organism, let us quickly see what is implied

    27. An interesting concept that may be loosely defined as a group of symptoms, usually in reference to a living organism, and usually with an expectation of some sort of ultimately negative effect on that organism

    28. Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency

    29. Its elasticity renders the Constitution a ―living‖ organism subject to contemporary interpretations or (the) prevailing temper (moral climate) of modern times

    30. Just let the organism heal

    31. The psyche; the totality of conscious and unconscious activities of the organism

    32. OK! But how did each organism acquire this nature? How did this nature arise in them? The very word seems to imply a process that is natural, that is part of nature

    33. The eye seems to have evolved as a more efficient way to transmit that input at greater depth, or distance from the organism

    34. Bank3Sector of Japan credits in Virtual Coins the negotiated value in the Current Account “Personal” of the financial institution that is creditor of the foreign debt security in Japan, such as: Central Bank, private Bank, investment Fund or world financial organism

    35. If you represent a sponsor institution, international financial organism or you are a social investor that was interested in sponsoring the Project, enter in contact with the introducer and give it credit, because it only follows the orientations that we presented in this compendium as spokesperson or herald of our innovative social and economic model

    36. Testing on organism approved

    37. Now it was a shell for another organism to inhabit

    38. James Lovelock, a medical doctor, author, and independent researcher, sees the planet earth as a living organism that must be saved from human depredation

    39. highest; on each level the complexity of the organism enables

    40. is the organism, gross and subtle, illumined by the presence of

    41. An isolated picodust particle is lifeless and lacks the basic machinery for life—but when more than a trillion particles form a group, the entire collective comes to life and acts as a single living organism

    42. bacteria that could actually take over an organism

    43. organism that has learned to persist must possess at least a basic template that orders it’s

    44. With the electron microscope we can see tiny granules on the body of the organism

    45. Even if freedom is localized to the human organism, that freedom is a formal property of the

    46. upon meeting sacrifice the essence of each other to create a fused organism of greater potential

    47. exquisitely sensitive organism will be overwhelmed by the onslaught of meaning to the point of

    48. Most physicians pragmatically believe that a disease is some bodily condition, further qualified, that decreases, or has the probability of decreasing, the natural functioning of the organism

    49. It is interesting, and not often noticed, that in today’s medicine it is the parts of the organism that cause disease, and that the organism as a whole is no longer diseased

    50. equally, if not more important, they would prove to be in a mode of constant evolution over centuries, as if they were an actual living organism

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    Synonyms for "organism"

    being organism creature quadruped animal mammal reptile invertebrate vertebrate

    "organism" definitions

    a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently

    a system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body