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    originating from example sentences

    originating from

    1. Even with its ruin and bleakness, the marvelous tales originating from the province had always fascinated her

    2. The art of Shootfighting is very old, originating from Japan as a way of self defense

    3. Kempo has been around for many years, originating from Japan

    4. If it is scientifically verifiable that the same supernatural design qualities are found in both the Old and New Testaments, would both then not need to be considered as originating from the same source and that both would be equally true, valid and important? Can we find any linkage between the New and Old Testaments that would confirm that they are meant to go together and that would reveal additional information not visible when considering only the Old Testament in isolation?

    5. There appears to be among Men of Science a Will towards God but nothing approximating the traditional Godlike Qualities that typify the faith of true believers but rather the assumption of godlike features originating from Reason‘s assault on Faith, that, having shaken its resistance, seeks to discredit the conventional propositions of Eternal Wisdom

    6. The power of the human mind, for Minsky, lies in its vast repertoire of different ways to think, and in its ability to switch among them in order to pursue its goals…[He] acknowledges that it is useful for us to conceive of our goals as originating from our ‘selves’—mental constructs that embody our personal identities

    7. Product acquisition or service that is originating from external suppliers in the international market: This situation happens when there are need of acquisition of products and services that lack in the Coordenational Structure

    8. Product acquisition or service that is originating from external suppliers in the national market: This situation happens when there is the lack of products or services that are not yet supplied internally by the Coordenational Structure

    9. Therefore, any country, it can be rich or poor, can implement our proposal and to invest in itself or in other countries because resources originating from outturn and financial amount of aid or international loan result already exist

    10. ; (2) the internal data generated by our body—the list of these are endless; however, the ones perceivable are physical pleasure, pain, and discomfort; and (3) the self-generated data originating from the mind such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions

    11. VI - resources originating from tax incentives in the terms

    12. inclusive values originating from instruction activities and of

    13. Originating from the Yang-Tsé Valley in China, the kiwi is planted now in New Zealand in rows sixteen feet apart

    14. Yelping, howling, caterwauling—these and other woeful cries are originating from this ossuary

    15. ” One thing that most moms invariably complain about is the lack of correspondence originating from their sons or daughters away at college

    16. (originating from the fiery core of the earth) (This is normally identified

    17. Originating from the Solutions Focused Approach the OSKAR

    18. Nancy sat next and grabbed her flute, playing a few tunes originating from various centuries

    19. originating from within the museum

    20. “That was a burst of healing energy originating from Nancy Laplante in Jerusalem

    21. The bar’s waitress, a very pretty young woman originating from the Indian sub-continent, then went behind the bar to prepare an order

    22. It’s an ancient technique originating from Arabia

    23. It has a spirit world-view, and in cultures where you go to in the world, some of the things that are evident in every culture I've gone to, is the evidence of witchcraft, of cultism, and strong manifestations of spiritual power originating from evil spirits

    24. thoughts were originating from within his “dreaming” body

    25. originating from within his “dreaming” body

    26. The unconscious terrorizes the conscious conditioning it as it wish originating from your childhood

    27. should try and establish where the stress is originating from

    28. one, it can be considered as a dogma, originating from a prophetic source, whose authority is

    29. When oneness is not recognized, restrictions might be regarded as originating from the

    30. difference originating from the variances of cultures that is so

    31. With a smooth motion originating from the past, rushing

    32. across the sky originating from a point just over the horizon

    33. Persistence is a force originating from within whereas all other forms of wisdom are external and hence are subject to erosion with the passage of time but the sport that persistence provides is from within and is everlasting

    34. Most are of Christian content but there are documents of historical importance originating from emperors, patriarchs, prelates, rulers and sultans

    35. That is a negative reason originating from fear and cowardice

    36. That is, the ‘words’ originating from the personal agendas and perceptions of humans mixed with the ‘words’ originating from the inspiration of ‘God’

    37. But rather, has been unequivocally and categorically without a whisper of doubt, transcended all transgressions, winning victory over all that which may have been perceived as originating from any super natural and supreme evil being

    38. But why doesn’t the Creator intervene and prevent the horrific and painful accidents and tragedies originating from both natural disasters and voluntary human behaviours in our daily lives? Firstly, there appears to be no concrete evidence to suggest that God intervenes in any way on a daily basis to prevent suffering in the world

    39. Writing is in essence, language, and language is the form of communication originating from thoughts, feelings, attitudes, values, beliefs and experiences humans have about interactions with Self, others, and the world

    40. Firstly, through belief in sectors of parapsychology being viewed as credible viable sources of esoteric knowledge regarding one’s fate, any intuitive intuition, any spark of innate spirituality, and any belief in a ‘Power’, ‘Supreme Being’ or ‘Creator’ originating from outside one’s terms of reference, no matter how fragile or seemingly insignificant, can be inadvertently snuffed out or redirected

    41. This realistic notion of humankind originating from a base of imperfection compliments and supports the scientific evidence - explored later - describing humans having evolved directly from the animal world of Apes

    42. Beliefs are concepts ó originating from yourself or from others ó that constitute a built-in

    43. Above us, huddled among the brown weeds, there floated objects originating from all over: tree trunks ripped from the Rocky Mountains or the Andes and sent floating down the Amazon or the Mississippi, numerous pieces of wreckage, remnants of keels or undersides, bulwarks staved in and so weighed down with seashells and barnacles, they couldn't rise to the surface of the ocean

    44. In a paper titled “Stocks as lotteries,” Barberis–Huang (2008) develop a model in which investors overvalue (“overweight”) low-probability events (an idea originating from Kahneman and Tversky’s prospect theory) and then overpay for assets with positively skewed, or lottery-type, return distributions

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