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    osborne example sentences


    1. ‘Your report was very comprehensive, Miss Osborne, and made very interesting reading

    2. Several hundred miles away, set deep in the woods on the outskirts of a small town in upper Michigan, stood a very special private school; The Osborne School for the Gifted

    3. The teachers and professors of Osborne knew better than to underestimate the intelligence of these students simply because of their ages

    4. Far away in the forests of a Michigan town, the students and teachers in the Osborne School for the Gifted were all given very special dreams

    5. At the Osborne School, new dreams told them that they would be coming for them the next day

    6. It was a school for very special children; Osborne School for the Gifted

    7. Greenberg defended his selection of Nebraska…………a team whose coach (Tom Osborne) understands a

    8. of untimely losses and near misses depriving Osborne of the coveted title

    9. The car made a right onto Osborne Hill, which within seconds would turn into Jennings, just one block from Angela’s house

    10. Starring William Hurt as Alan Osborne, it is the story of Pete Carlton, a ten-year 78

    11. I was reminded of this old joke when the IMF cut its growth forecast for Britain for the third time in nine months and warned George Osborne that further under-performance would warrant a policy U-turn

    12. George Osborne in his address to the House of Commons in London last week, must be keeping a very close eye on the weather vane as the problems in the European Union, and the debt storm that rages around his ears, threaten to put his Government’s long term plans at severe risk

    13. Balmoral for Osborne Castle on the Isle of Wight

    14. A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for approximately sixty-nine years

    15. In the theatre it was the angry young men with playwright John Osborne leading the lower middle-class alienation with the British establishment

    16. Osborne when he built a school for training female nurses at Bellevue College

    17. Gibson and Harry Osborne, Truth Magazine, “The Serpent That Was Not There,” page 458, August 7, 1003, church of Christ

    18. Bloom, who met with a mixed reception of applause and hisses, having espoused the negative the vocalist chairman brought the discussion to a close, in response to repeated requests and hearty plaudits from all parts of a bumper house, by a remarkably noteworthy rendering of the immortal Thomas Osborne Davis' evergreen verses

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    Synonyms for "osborne"

    john james osborne john osborne osborne

    "osborne" definitions

    English playwright (1929-1994)