Use "out of practice" in a sentence
out of practice example sentences
out of practice
1. since he had dreamed anything that he was quite out of practice
2. ‘Oh, you were half awake then?’ he replied softly ‘I’m out of practice of sleeping with someone else in the bed, I’m afraid
3. I’m not in the habit of drinking quite as much as this at a sitting; I’m sadly out of practice!’
4. some kind of an accident, a fall in the woods – he was out of practice
5. I filled it, placed it on my shoulder and realized just how out of practice I was at doing this
6. The data is acquired out of practice and teaching
7. He pressed the elevator button and the doors opened up “That doctor needs to be put out of practice
8. It just struck me as funny, and I’m very out of practice in controlling my reaction to that emotion
9. But it was madness, and he was so out of practice in the ancient skills
10. ,11 recently wrote, “The best and brightest and busiest doctors are being forced out of practice, and out of state
11. “I thought I would be out of practice,” said Tim, modestly
12. Since it was a first one in quite some time, his facial muscles fell out of practice in
13. He was out of practice and he looked ashamed for having taken the first beating of the combat, but he was all she had
14. out of practice
15. I mean…at that time that you saw me sitting on the rooftop of the gymnasium…that was when I walked out of practice…because I was a total disaster
16. “I’m out of practice with that, too, I guess
17. As far as women were concerned, he was totally out of practice
18. He was out of practice, his strength wasn't what it used to be, and now his muscles screamed at him from the exertion
19. I'm out of practice
20. “Yes, a couple of worthless scroungers out of practice
21. For a man out of practice at treading land, the captain scaled the steepest slopes with a supple agility I couldn't equal, and which would have been envied by hunters of Pyrenees mountain goats
22. The Semi-drunk accepted his defeat with a good grace, and after explaining that he was a bit out of practice, placed a shilling on the counter and invited the company to give their orders
23. He was a little out of practice, he said, and was only just getting his hand in as they were finishing the other game
24. Moving east, at twenty-four, she’d been a couple years out of practice, and was hoping New York would allow her to become again a force for justice in the world
25. She traced the outline of his jaw and chin and the creases of his sorely out of practice laugh lines with her hands
26. Besides, I was out of practice in talking to him: his reserve was again frozen over, and my frankness was congealed beneath it