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    Use "outlandish" in a sentence

    outlandish example sentences


    1. He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs

    2. imagine – no matter how outlandish it may be

    3. "Oh how convenient, I wonder if she knew you were coming? I wonder if they already did something with him? What I think is the dumbest thing on their part is that they had to dream up such an outlandish story

    4. about Jacob’s outlandish appearance, it was the result of careful, meticulous evolution through a

    5. London appeared even more outlandish in its architecture

    6. He was walking along a tunnel that smelt outlandish, with walls that were smoother than they had any right to be

    7. Only her father remained, now a resident in a nursing home – his third because ‘the old bastard’ had been thrown out of the first two for outlandish behavior

    8. Lanris intoned the somewhat haughty word with a certain character and an outlandish accent that made everyone laugh, especially Mott whose sullen mood was eased and was now up on his feet again, stirring his stew with a certain air of culinary dexterity

    9. Nonetheless, a glance at its initial days as an English colony reveals perhaps a fanciful history in its development as a whole, but extraneous and outlandish on occasions

    10. 6 Girls who had entered the bridal chamber quite lately to enjoy the partnership of marriage exchanged pleasure for misery; and with dust scattered on their myrrh-anointed heads were hurried along unveiled; and in the midst of outlandish insults set up with one accord a lamentable cry in lieu of the marriage hymn

    11. Venn sat on the rear-deck, surrounded by piles of outlandish treasure, using a chisel to pry gems out of stolen items

    12. outlandish, wild plaid jacket with yellow trousers, his hair was plastered to his head and

    13. He was indeed skeptical of the outlandish claims made by the scientist

    14. The words sounded more outlandish than ever

    15. Surely Trask would further embellish the truth next time Barnum questioned him, and with his off-the-wall temperament he might come up with something even more outlandish than he'd threatened

    16. may sound outlandish but stick with me here, I’m making a salient point

    17. What is more, in her opinion, the witches were not but women dressed in outlandish costumes that cured with herbs and potions, which had nothing magical

    18. In between mouthfuls, but mindful not to forfeit a single crumb to sloppy storytelling, they related to the Dangler the most outlandish elements of their adventure thus far: Jai told him about Sorid, Seaweed, and Astray’s strange arrival; Ceder filled in their encounters with Ghazahg, Coral Wing, and the Sands of Syn

    19. “Naw, probably not for another nine or ten hours or so,” you reply as best you can to such an outlandish statement

    20. The two establishments rapidly developed a rivalry as to which could furnish the most outlandish and scurrilous tales

    21. The audience, who paid two cents apiece to share the difficulties of the actors, would not tolerate that outlandish fraud and they broke up the seats

    22. The prestige of his outlandish voracity, of his immense capacity as a spendthrift, of his unprecedented hospitality went be-yond the borders of the swamp and attracted the best-qualified gluttons from all along the coast

    23. She gave her a vial of castor oil, put compresses on her stomach and ice cubes on her head, and she made her stay in bed for five days and follow the diet ordered by the new and outlandish French doctor, who after examining her for more than two hours reached the foggy conclusion that she had an ailment peculiar to women

    24. On a long table, also heaped with old books and papers, the proprietor was writing tireless prose in purple letters, somewhat outlandish, and on the loose pages of a school notebook

    25. Sitting in her wicker rocking chair, she would recall the past, reconstruct the grandeur and misfortunes of the family and the splendor of Macondo, which was now erased, while Álvaro frightened the crocodiles with his noisy laughter and Alfonso invented outlandish stories about the bitterns who had pecked out the eyes of four customers who misbehaved the week before, and Gabriel was in the room of the pensive mulatto girl who did not collect in money but in letters to a smuggler boyfriend who was in prison on the other side of the Orinoco because the border guards had caught him and had made him sit on a chamberpot that filled up with a mixture of shit and diamonds

    26. Do something original, but not incomprehensible or outlandish

    27. In a matter of one-week, Choco had access to serviceable motor boats at the Dar-es-salam sailing club where he found favour amongst expatriates by his outlandish behaviour; in their nautical bunks and terrestrial bedrooms

    28. will cheerfully accommodate all of even their most outlandish

    29. Hate is even fueled by media that celebrates conflict and outlandish behavior because it

    30. As outlandish as Blake’s Chicago story sounded, it would only get

    31. But many of us turned up our noses, and ridiculed her for such outlandish proclamations

    32. She pulled out a beautiful white dress that was more outlandish than her wedding dress had been

    33. James too, wore white outlandish clothing, as well

    34. In the popular American television program Charmed, the witches have a book of shadows which conveniently contains specific spells for every single situation, no matter how outlandish, that they encounter

    35. Jesus's initial false modesty soon gave way to bragging and outlandish, often confabulatory claims

    36. Shortly after sunrise the following morning, an outlandish roar sounding like a super-sized lawnmower, began to reverberate from the edge of the farm’s ten-acre field

    37. If my suggestion that the original, directive voices generated by the unconscious modified their “sound” and nature to become stories and to conform with the more human, loving texture of our “praising” voices seems outlandish to some, it is only because we have mistakenly come to view the unconscious as a kind of

    38. outlandish piece of headgear, but it reminded me of the episode with the bio-thaumaturgical hat and

    39. He still wanted more, so I risked an outlandish lie

    40. Maybe Jade’s idea wasn’t so outlandish

    41. He had assumed that the enemy did not have a large stockpile of the impossible explosives, and thus had concocted this whole outlandish strategy with the refugee fleet

    42. “No betting? That means this will be another planet in which I didn’t place an outlandish wager during my visitation

    43. Infotainment news – a primary disseminator of ignomation – follows the continuing exploits of outrageous personalities and outlandish ideas

    44. book is so strange, outlandish that it seems as if the ancient purposely created this

    45. Are you okay? Is it true what Danny and Todd told me about Joel Garland tossing you over his shoulder and carrying you on board the plane today? Of course it’s true, for your brothers would never make up such an outlandish story

    46. “Really, this is an outlandish matter!”

    47. Editors will quickly trash media releases that make outlandish

    48. "How are my statements ridiculous exactly? I don't question you when you said you don't have any extended family, even though it sounds outlandish and is highly improbable that you don't have anyone at all," he says

    49. The few people in the greyhound station tried not to stare as the outlandish figure, wearing only his underwear, stumbled across the complex and made his way to the restroom

    50. They were only seventeen years old and Vivian sometimes said the most outlandish things

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    Synonyms for "outlandish"

    bizarre eccentric flakey flaky freakish freaky gonzo off-the-wall outlandish outre gauche clumsy awkward rude queer quaint unusual barbarian

    "outlandish" definitions

    conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual