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    owing to example sentences

    owing to

    1. If you feel that some of this rings true for you, why not try the following to put the zest back into your relationship

    2. These rivers were never allowed to turn toward the lower basin, they were always kept flowing toward that city

    3. “The chiropodist said it’s an in growing toenail”

    4. You may feel you are too sleepy to do them then but you will find that some of the asanas are very bracing owing to their stimulating effect on the nervous system and soon give you a wide-awake feeling

    5. social life and so with these online dating site services growing to accommodate their needs for

    6. They stopped throwing torches after that

    7. She is growing to love his oddly cultured yet innocent use of the English language

    8. She wasn't going to consider this a formal promise because of the volatile nature of Alan's mind that he was showing tonight

    9. for what was left of the exit screaming, the flames growing to the ceiling with each

    10. And knowing too, that it wouldn’t stop there

    11. On the banks of this brook I found many pleasant savannahs or meadows, plain, smooth, and covered with grass; and on the rising parts of them, next to the higher grounds, where the water, as might be supposed, never overflowed, I found a great deal of tobacco, green, and growing to a great and very strong stalk

    12. It was mind blowing to see how email actually works

    13. Nor in the present times is this increase principally owing to the continual importation of new inhabitants, but to the great multiplication of the species

    14. Klowa considered anyplace with ground showing to be plots though real geographers didn't use that term until you got to property where the people who lived on it grew more food than they ate

    15. country, is not altogether owing to corporations and corporation laws

    16. improvements of the country have been owing to such over flowings of the stock originally

    17. distance from one another, is probably owing to the obstruction which the law of settlements

    18. The present high rent of inclosed land in Scotland seems owing to the scarcity of inclosure, and will probably last no longer than that scarcity

    19. The scarcity which prevailed in England, from 1693 to 1699, both inclusive, though no doubt principally owing to the badness of the seasons, and, therefore, extending through a considerable part of Europe, must have been somewhat enhanced by the bounty

    20. should, in another, be owing to the extraordinary encouragement given to exportation

    21. The rise in its money price seems to have been the effect, not of any diminution of the value of silver in the general market of Europe, but of a rise in the real price of labour, in the particular market of Great Britain, owing to the peculiarly happy circumstances of the country

    22. This diminution of their value, however, has not been owing to the increase of the real wealth of Europe, of the annual produce of its land and labour, but to the accidental discovery of more abundant mines than any that were known before

    23. The same quantity of silver, it may perhaps be said, will, in the present times, even according to the account which has been here given, purchase a much smaller quantity of several sorts of provisions than it would have done during some part of the last century ; and to ascertain whether this change be owing to a rise in the value of those goods, or to a fall in the value of silver, is only to establish a vain and useless distinction, which can be of no sort of service to the man who has only a certain quantity of silver to go to market with, or a certain fixed revenue in money

    24. If the rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing altogether to a fall in the value of silver, it is owing to a circumstance, from which nothing can be inferred but the fertility of the American mines

    25. But if this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a rise in the real value of the land which produces them, to its increased fertility, or, in consequence of more extended improvement and good cultivation, to its having been rendered fit for producing corn; it is owing to a circumstance which indicates, in the clearest manner, the prosperous and advancing state of the country

    26. If this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a fall in the value of silver, their pecuniary reward, provided it was not too large before, ought certainly to be augmented in proportion to the extent of this fall

    27. But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all

    28. Their own distress, of which this prudent and necessary reserve of the banks was, no doubt, the immediate occasion, they called the distress of the country ; and this distress of the country, they said, was altogether owing to the ignorance, pusillanimity, and bad conduct of the banks, which did not give a sufficiently liberal aid to the spirited undertakings of those who exerted themselves in order to beautify, improve, and enrich the country

    29. It is partly owing to the easy transportation of gold and silver, from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted, that the price of those metals does not fluctuate continually, like that of the greater part of other commodities, which are hindered by their bulk from shifting their situation, when the market happens to be either over or under-stocked with them

    30. That it has hitherto increased them so little, is probably owing to the restraints which it

    31. This high price, however, may have been owing to the real scarcity of the herrings upon the coast of Scotland

    32. By allowing to American cattle, in all shapes, dead and alive, a very extensive market, the law endeavours to raise the value of a commodity, of which the high price is so very essential to improvement

    33. I had left the mobile battery charger hooked up, so every time the power was on, the juice was flowing to the battery

    34. and a large following to himself!!

    35. But this great naval power could not, in either of those wars, be owing to the act of navigation

    36. This high price, indeed, seems to have been principally owing to the dye

    37. instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal

    38. That degree of order and internal peace, which that empire has ever since enjoyed, is altogether owing to the influence of that army

    39. Their ill success was imputed, by their factors and agents, to the extortion and oppression of the Spanish government ; but was, perhaps, principally owing to the profusion and depredations of those very factors and agents; some of whom are said to have acquired great fortunes, even in one year

    40. Yet with one important exception: according to the theoretical model the TE wave should be slowed by at least a further multiple of ten – around twenty thousand times, an anomaly owing to its superluminal effect

    41. Ground-rents, so far as they exceed the ordinary rent of land, are altogether owing to the good government of the sovereign, which, by protecting the industry either of the whole people or of the inhabitants of some particular place, enables them to pay so much more than its real value for the ground which they build their houses upon; or to make to its owner so much more than compensation for the loss which he might sustain by this use of it

    42. It supposes, besides, that the whole public debt is owing to the inhabitants of the country, which happens not to be true ; the Dutch, as well as several other foreign nations, having a very considerable share in our public funds

    43. But though the whole debt were owing to the inhabitants of the country, it would not, upon that account, be less pernicious

    44. She watched her husband’s back with hatred vowing to make

    45. Moreover, they took in a lot of sunshine on this tropical island, returned quite sunburned from the fishing, and blistered from the rowing to and from the island

    46. I wonder: Which could be worse? One of my favorite people, though I"ve never met him, Mark Alexander, editor of the Patriot Post, had the following to say about Obama in a recent editorial

    47. Unfortunately, owing to the comm network being off line in the last two days following the e-m pulse strike, he had been denied this

    48. The advertising production team, owing to the lack of accord between the partners, was left with a two-track advertising strategy that failed to integrate the two essential themes

    49. And guess which foreign leader he would never consider bowing to: the King of Saudi Arabia, ok; the Prime Minister of Israel, not ok

    50. should have gotten a ticket for following too closely or some such offense

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