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    Use "painstakingly" in a sentence

    painstakingly example sentences


    1. There was a silence in the room as the policeman painstakingly wrote down what Andy had said

    2. “Then once she had rescued my shriveled male pride from the depths of despair into which I was ready to be plunged, she painstakingly guided me through rebuilding my imploded inner world, brick by brick

    3. The building itself was made of light brown sandstone slabs, painstakingly carved from huge rocks and cleverly shaped by expert craftsmen to fit together without the slightest opening between them

    4. During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

    5. Yet this hadn’t corresponded to his fantasy, painstakingly built up in a small woodlot outside of his home town, with rabbits, foxes; and the occasional turkey vulture

    6. It seemed as if it was painstakingly constructed of large bricks or blocks of whatever material it was built from

    7. It is my hope that somewhere within these words, so painstakingly transcribed, this power has, in some way, ministered to your understanding

    8. And this, out of the bits and pieces discovered separately and seemingly haphazardly, then painstakingly pieced together by the same construct that has made serendipity appear to approximate the miraculous

    9. painstakingly tugged the broken off spines out of the back of his neck and let

    10. I had looked from afar at the supposed handwritten ancient Sanskrit script painstakingly scribed by my Hindu Gods themselves, too terrified to ever touch the pages in fear of ridding the World of their glory forever

    11. The evidence that he painstakingly gathered during this ordeal

    12. exactly five years ago! Time flies when you’re painstakingly

    13. No trusted employee ever shared in his ownership, and he was painstakingly careful in his prime motivation that no relative or family member had even a small piece of his growing fortune

    14. That would mean losing you, Star One, Old Thing, the children, and all the skills that I have so painstakingly learned through thousands of years of training

    15. ” However, after seeing the little tree Nuke had painstakingly covered with white ribbons, tiny angels, and miniature ornaments, she admitted she liked it

    16. After I’d already painstakingly

    17. He had cut down the trees and painstakingly built it as a present to his soon-to-be fiancée, but he never got the chance to present the house

    18. painstakingly renovated and restored Rose’s house to circa 1870

    19. Angela twisted her head in a painstakingly slow movement until her eyes met Jonathan’s

    20. Angela moved painstakingly slow, the sofa pillows giving in to her every move, apparently making it impossible for her to get comfortable

    21. Sneha felt it was time that Gautam began to snare fortune into the spidering network he had so painstakingly woven

    22. 4 Woman's status in Palestine was much improved by Jesus' teaching; and so it would have been throughout the world if his followers had not departed so far from that which he painstakingly taught them

    23. Painstakingly he began to tap along the walls, and presently his taps rang hollow at a spot opposite the mouth of the narrow corridor

    24. Since the abductors could not communicate with us verbally, they knew that communication would be difficult and painstakingly slow

    25. No one wanted to spend the time selecting a jury and painstakingly going over each detail if the whole situation could be resolved through arbitration

    26. There is no owner in the country – white or Negro – who has operated more honestly, sincerely or painstakingly

    27. Bonnie regarded me almost painstakingly, as she formally said, “Mankind looks out upon a world with infinite potential and staggering mysteries to be explored, but in his quest for power he has again lost his connection to Spirit; the Minimal Chances that you struggle to grasp escape mankind’s grasp even in their grandest forms

    28. He identifies these witnesses painstakingly

    29. I pulled on the handle with all I had and painstakingly got through two full revolutions in about fifteen seconds

    30. I cleaned the thing as best I could, wrote down the dimensions of some O-rings and the model number of a filter and then painstakingly cleaned the heat exchanger

    31. Each interview, every uncovered fact has to be precisely recorded, times, dates, personalities and physical evidence painstakingly itemised for the day in court

    32. The major’s personal organiser was painstakingly kept with small rounded handwriting, every T crossed and every I dotted with full punctuation

    33. A few seats back, ten-year-old Johnny was so entranced by a spider painstakingly making a web in the corner of the window that he was oblivious to the fact that his collar was tucked inside his fleece and that he was wearing mismatched socks

    34. In the sky, the multitude of hovering craft formed a dense cloud which cast threatening shadows across Westminster, and it was painstakingly obvious that neither the newsreader nor the reporter knew what to say

    35. Whether he's enjoying a chilled Vermouth on the streets of Geneva, being catapault-launched off of a perfectly good aircraft carrier, or painstakingly reconstructing the Pyramid of Giza in the sand box with his son, Jack tries to appreciate the sublime nature of the moment

    36. The moaning was beginning to reach a crescendo as he painstakingly moved forward

    37. Kandras painstakingly outlined the function of each control and the actual

    38. I remember batting painstakingly that day, whether to

    39. painstakingly sought for thirty years

    40. A political commentator attending the release of Madonsela’s report said ‘As I watched Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela painstakingly ploughing through the long report, I wondered what former South African President Nelson Mandela would be saying had he still been alive

    41. Deserting the die-hard Musalmans of Medina at that stage would have amounted to jeopardizing the future of Islam which he so painstakingly nurtured

    42. Painstakingly, he saved a sum

    43. medicinal knowledge that I have painstakingly researched over the years

    44. a coffin, that with nothing to do, after researching for half a year painstakingly, I finally understand all the intricate

    45. All those letters had been painstakingly carved by Wendell

    46. They’d been painstakingly and intricately created, with every minute detail carefully and lovingly added

    47. Accustomed to regard questions as things needing conscientious answers--she was of those who painstakingly give the facts on being asked, How do you do,--this one disconcerted her extremely

    48. Once a minute pile of the pollen lay on a white sheet of paper, he painstakingly loaded a small amount in the end of three long straws, plugging each end with a piece of tissue

    49. Incredible as it seemed, we were forced to believe, for there on the table lay the graphic evidence which he had just so painstakingly interpreted

    50. The position of each object is painstakingly noted

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    Synonyms for "painstakingly"

    fastidiously painstakingly

    "painstakingly" definitions

    in a fastidious and painstaking manner