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    Use "palatine" in a sentence

    palatine example sentences


    1. University of Heidelberg by the Elector Palatine, but Spinoza declined, saying that he

    2. He also spent much time on Palatine hill, where were located the emperor's residence, the temple of Apollo, and the Greek and Latin libraries

    3. Following both of them was a young man, roughly the same age as her, though quite a bit taller and broader, wearing various pieces of palatine plate armor that looked fancy enough, but had never seen a single day of battle

    4. " He punched the boy right in the center of his plate hauberk, not too hard, but it sent the would-be palatine stumbling back a step with a look of surprise on his face

    5. This one,” he pointed to the girl, “is a wizard, and this one,” he tapped the boy’s armor, “is a palatine

    6. He straddled the fallen armsman, who tried to crawl behind the palatine and get back on his feet

    7. As soon as he had arrived with the Palatine as well as with two men bearing the lotus rings, Erzsébet knew she had been betrayed

    8. The Palatine began, “My lady, in the name of His Majesty--”

    9. The Palatine had found four women in the castle the night he'd come with Jakob

    10. There were two palaces and a vineyard behind the Palatine Hill; but in these days landed property had not much value, and the two palaces and the vineyard remained to the family since they were beneath the rapacity of the pope and his son

    11. The news of his election was brought from Frankfort to Charles at Barcelona by the Count Palatine

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    Synonyms for "palatine"

    os palatinum palatine palatine bone palsgrave palatal

    "palatine" definitions

    any of various important officials in ancient Rome

    (Middle Ages) the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands

    the most important of the Seven Hills of Rome; supposedly the location of the first settlement and the site of many imperial palaces

    either of two irregularly shaped bones that form the back of the hard palate and helps to form the nasal cavity and the floor of the orbits

    relating to or lying near the palate

    of or relating to a count palatine and his royal prerogatives

    of or relating to a palace