Use "pantheism" in a sentence
pantheism example sentences
1. doctrines by advancing plausible interpretations contrary to biblical teachings and superseding them with spiritually abstract new-age assumptions bordering on Pantheism
2. ’ Since there can only be one ‘All-knowing’ there can only be one God, although there could, I suppose, have been a ‘shake-out’ period that could have corresponded to the ancient Greek notions of pantheism
3. This is the basis of the so-called pantheism the Hindus are often
4. In India God is everything, but not as pantheism understands it but from the closer view of panentheism
5. Although they sound similar, pantheism and panentheism are spiritually different approaches
6. Pantheism can become atheist -atheistic pantheism-; but not panentheism, which is a more complex understanding of God, the divinity, as one, omnipresent and omniscient
7. is a tiny part of an all-inclusive pantheism
8. But not in this sense – that you are a part, a piece, of an eternal, infinite being, an aspect or modification of it, as Spinoza’s pantheism
9. From the standpoint of the individual, there is little difference between pantheism and
10. It consisted with the Divine wisdom to permit first of all of the corruption of patriarchal theology into pantheism and world-wide idolatry
11. There is also a lack of vital joyfulness in the modern gospel itself, which renders it weaker than it should be before the fatalism, the pantheism, and the cruel idolatries of the East
12. ’ It avails nothing to stay the popular relapse into pantheism; for this is the chief characteristic of the momentous revolution that the current of thought rushes logically over that Niagara