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    Use "pants" in a sentence

    pants example sentences


    1. How serious? Consider this scenario: one of your students starts running around the classroom with his pants on his head, yelling profanities about the education system

    2. If your student is wearing his pants on his head, like our problem child above, then you are probably not LEERing at him properly

    3. He pulls on his pants, goes to the window, checks out the view

    4. I nearly soiled my pants, but those words really had come out

    5. He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

    6. He stared at the gun and struggled to put his pants on without bending over

    7. He wore a shirtless two-piece suit in the trendy mode, flowing and soft with pants that didn't conceal the size of his sack and large looping epaulettes with solid gold commandant's stars

    8. Her bosom touched his arm and Bahkmar saw Jaseem's pants move

    9. He grabbed her breast as it passed over his arm, found she was much firmer than he expected and his pants moved a bit more

    10. Legs, clad in office shoes and pants, a torso attired likewise but topped by a face that had been battered by winds the Ttharmine never blew

    11. She had on a blue shirt that draped over her ample breasts, and white Capri pants that framed a firm good-looking ass

    12. “Hey, what happened to my clothes!” he was looking at his pants, “my feet hurt too! My shoes are pinching my feet something awful

    13. I closed the door on her and pulled down my pants to relieve months of tension

    14. The village kids started to group together and move about as though they had flies in their pants, not quite sure how to look cool

    15. He put on some pants and went into the hallway just as Elizabeth was coming up the stairs

    16. Ish rubbed the ball on his pants thrice

    17. At one farm the Lord stripped down to his work pants and helped a farmer pull out a rather nasty root that was trying to take hold in his field

    18. His pants were the standard with gold braid down the side

    19. She wore a shiny red kurti and white pants

    20. She said nothing about the movement in his pants, but the motion of her hips told him she knew and approved of it

    21. took his hands out of the pants and slid it again into Ish's shorts

    22. Without Yellelle supporting him he immediately dropped to the floor behind the couch with his pants down

    23. 1As the hart pants after the water brooks, so pants my soul after thee, O God

    24. His shirt was tattered and his pants filthy but it was better than nothing

    25. When you wake, your coat, pants and money will be gone

    26. Then I would have your coat, shirt, pants and shoes

    27. dusty floor; his pants were soaked and he reeked of

    28. be cleaning his pants out instead of shoveling applesauce into his mouth

    29. dingy gray pants and a shirt that matched

    30. And as I moved to another part of the river, I nearly peed my pants when this big grinning beast appeared from out of nowhere!” said George

    31. Her eyes fly open; she pants with the effort of trying to push him away

    32. Jack poured the punch on Roman’s head as Johnny pulled Roman’s pants and

    33. his green pants smudged with mud at the knees

    34. He looked this way and that, soiling his pants

    35. trying several times with no success to pull his pants up over his barrel gut

    36. It was apparent from his wet pants that Jim had made the trek to the car

    37. There were a few people with shirts and pants and a few with just shirts, shorts or clouts

    38. She tried to open his pants, but became frustrated by the zipper

    39. Enough of that for now, it’s what’s inside I’m interested in,” and with that he was out of the pants

    40. teeth cut through Roman’s black dress pants

    41. I didn’t mean to send it, I must have rolled over on the phone in my sleep, I won’t use my pants for a pillow while it’s in the pocket, I guess the cover ain’t that strong

    42. He knew damn well what really happened was that Desa found the phone in his pants and undoubtedly poked the call button and blasted Glayet’s ear half out the other side of her chips

    43. He had the classic male-model look, and was quite well-dressed for a native in snug pants with a paisley quilted jacket trimmed with suede cuffs and collar

    44. Lenchei, who resembles Marcue a bit, was the first female he had seen with pants

    45. All the guys had pants and shirts, a couple had harnesses over them

    46. “Four way what?” he asked, puzzled, worrying more about his pants than her question

    47. Then was the pair of pants he’d allowed her to wear home, the day she was attacked by the doors

    48. I did not have to wear a silly Don Bosco tie but it was bad enough having to wear stupid suit coat and suit pants and a tie

    49. Sally undid my pants and pulled them to my ankles

    50. I took off with my pants around my ankles, tripping over the sand trap,

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    bloomers drawers knickers pants

    "pants" definitions

    (used in the plural) underpants worn by women