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    Use "pass on to" in a sentence

    pass on to example sentences

    pass on to

    1. of hereditary trait that she vowed not to pass on to children of her own

    2. Should she just turn her back on the Place? Forget about building it into something to be proud of, something to pass on to the kids, perhaps, even somewhere to grow old in

    3. So we had given our letters and postcards along with small presents to our friends to pass on to our loved ones

    4. I knew that I needed to settle down and think and that I had to get a letter through to Helen I would give it to George and tell him to take it to her personally on his next leave and to give her my possessions as well I would also give him this piece of shit to pass on to her then she could see what her mother had been up to

    5. Information would be required by the Admiral, to then pass on to the Council

    6. Therefore, Julien robbed the rich of information to pass on to the needy

    7. Was she reliving what her brother had lived in those seconds? How much had he had time to pass on to his sister? Laino pulled her on

    8. It is also obvious that only those who have learned to inhibit the desires of self to a degree that allows others a closer proximity than is natural have survived to pass on to the present generation the inheritance that is Man’s world of today

    9. To complete the final rite, to allow them to pass on to another world, of which he had no conception

    10. One of the blessings that I and other older Christians try to pass on to those younger

    11. Ÿ Both had a message they wished to convey, and pass on to others that it might be

    12. heart to pass on to you here

    13. that God has laid on my heart to pass on to you here

    14. with staff development, they should also be able to pass on to you some of

    15. asked them for a piece of advice that he could pass on to his soon-to-be one-year-old son, something for him to treasure as he grew up

    16. He may pass on to the next Chain, to aid in building up its forms

    17. knowledge that they can pass on to others??

    18. The idea I am about to pass on to you is original with me as far as I know

    19. I really believe we can learn many things from other cultures that we can pass on to our children in the form of healthier living and creating a life style change that will reduce the risk of obesity in this country

    20. Business was also a bit quiet in the Film Production Industry at that moment in time, so the project was welcome…plus he would have more information to pass on to London

    21. 7 "But what is the significance of this teaching having to do with the coming of the Sons of God? Do you not perceive that, when each of you is called to lay down his life struggle and pass through the portal of death, you stand in the immediate presence of judgment, and that you are face to face with the facts of a new dispensation of service in the eternal plan of the infinite Father? What the whole world must face as a literal fact at the end of an age, you, as individuals, must each most certainly face as a personal experience when you reach the end of your natural life and thereby pass on to be confronted with the conditions and demands inherent in the next revelation of the eternal progression of the Father's kingdom

    22. They said that getting a little revenge felt wonderful, and that they were already creating legends about their own valor to pass on to their descendents

    23. can then pass on to a place where these creatures cannot reach her

    24. I pass on to you a financial insight for married couples that my mother-in-law shared with Kim and me, which blessed us greatly

    25. Her recommendation was something I will pass on to you

    26. sets a trend that you will pass on to all your future children

    27. Avoid sending stuff with a threat that they will turn into a zucchini if they don’t pass on to ten others what you sent them

    28. I believe that I have a way to pass on to the Time Patrol that information about the presumed Imperium ship being back in 1940 ‘B’

    29. the audience wants, and will pass on to their friends

    30. exactly what the contract is that they want to pass on to you

    31. on DV’s head and said, “What I have, I pass on to

    32. I learned a lot from her and am ready to pass on to you what she told me

    33. pass on to our children an education in all things not just

    34. I however have a few tragic news to pass on to you as a result of my search in time for your fellow citizens

    35. ����������� �That�s right!� Could I give you a few requests to pass on to my husband in London, along with a short note?�

    36. That is, of course, his role – to assess, and pass on to the President – his opinions and

    37. It is surprising how much information can be gathered, while mingling with the employees, that the managers omit to pass on to us

    38. She definitely had something now to pass on to General Walker and his staff

    39. Then Mosh spoke of his plans for the day when the land would pass on to him, the

    40. Next, I have a request to pass on to the French

    41. The chances were that two men would each take a key to the middleman for him to pass on to the courier

    42. You might think that had he died I would have something more profound to pass on to you than a boring story of relief

    43. It is an implied recommendation if you give a quality Ebook and users wil ing pass on to others

    44. ‘’I have some bad news to pass on to you

    45. and have no care which secrets they pass on to people not qualified to know them

    46. Another thing that kept her busy was the fact that she was still officially the Air Force Director of Aircraft Development Programs, a job she had to hurriedly pass on to Brigadier General Boyd in Muroc Air Force Base after she had been designated as commander of the Indochina task force barely two months ago

    47. Those whose destiny it is to pass on to dimensions five and above, will give up their bodies, and take up residence in the astral realm associated with that particular dimension until reincarnating there

    48. “Those are the details which I shall need to pass on to the Swiss bank,” said Robin, “unless you prefer to do that yourself, that is

    49. But he had been, and now had a rather difficult message to pass on to DCI Flower

    50. She had one further piece of information which she could also pass on to Sasha at some time, but had not yet worked out if it was a good idea to tell her or not

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