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    Use "pay attention to" in a sentence

    pay attention to example sentences

    pay attention to

    1. There are some key points that you need to pay attention to and implement in your business so that you can ensure the further success of your business

    2. to pay attention to any landscape other than that small slice of the world contained

    3. Blond Annie, the 17-year-old slut in taekwondo, knows how to make all men pay attention to her: “I don't know a thing, show me!” she is always mewing and some simpleton will run to “show” her

    4. He had no need to pay attention to any landscape other than that small slice of the world contained between the edges of this black speedway, and yet, as he reached terminal velocity, something made him notice the further extremes of possibility painted upon the horizon, beyond the vortex that he created

    5. her reverie as Shovona nudged her to pay attention to

    6. Pay attention to the voices of those around you; the next time you are purchasing something worthwhile listen to the sales person

    7. Pay attention to what I'm saying

    8. He was mumbling something in silly-speak that she really didn't pay attention to

    9. I think we should take some action to teach him to pay attention to security issues, especially if what he's doing might have some importance to the war effort

    10. However, I didn’t pay attention to them since it was normal behavior

    11. Pay attention to him and forget the old men on the council

    12. I pay attention to the news because deaths are something I may, unfortunately, have to deal with

    13. She couldn’t pay attention to her fellow passengers, and gave short answers while she stewed

    14. Pay attention to the entry about the synapsase

    15. Pay attention to what he told the woman about the tree

    16. The more you pay attention to your thoughts, the more you’ll become

    17. You need to pay attention to what you are doing and where you are going

    18. Pay attention to what the sign says and what it is pointing you to do

    19. Pay attention to the actions and behavior of your dream sister

    20. pay attention to these millions of information and energy with each breath, the body sensation and awareness

    21. Pay Attention to These Two

    22. What is critical to pay attention to is the recurring self-

    23. Pay attention to the stream of thoughts

    24. Can one really take a relativistic stance with confidence, when it comes to anything for which proof exists, contrary to that in which one believes? If the Bible tells us that we are eternal beings and our choices today affect our relationship with our Creator and that our eternity depends on the choices we make while we are alive on Earth, should we not pay attention to what is said in a document that comes from Someone who holds the world’s past, present and future in his hands? If this Person is intimately involved with you, having given you your body and having created your soul and spirit within you which will never die, who is with you every second of every day of your life and says that He knows you better than you know yourself, who even knows how many hairs you have on your head at any time of your life; should we not listen to him if he states that he loves us and wants to be in a relationship with us? If the information within the pages of this hyper-dimensional document paints a defined picture of the wonderful gift that God has given us

    25. Not that we need any more proof of it than to see and pay attention to what"s going on all around us every day, but here"s just a little more

    26. means you can really pay attention to form

    27. It was difficult to pay attention to

    28. And pay attention to the weight

    29. I didn’t pay attention to them

    30. Pay attention to things like hiding,

    31. Now pay attention to the permalink of this page

    32. which means you won’t pay attention to anything related

    33. I hope this book motivates you to pay attention to how you

    34. Why did we have to tell her specifically to pay attention to us? She is totally uninterested in anything that isn't an order

    35. Right now there isn’t much incentive to pay attention to that because the proposed spending total isn’t binding, so the voters know that the party elected can do pretty much whatever it wants after the election, anyway

    36. pay attention to the thoughts that come to us

    37. They are the cousin, or brother, or sister or another, who, when they are in little league, they were not good and generally played outfield and most time did not pay attention to the game

    38. I shove my fingers in my ears and try not to pay attention to the gunshots and what they make me remember

    39. If he didn’t want to pay attention to the obvious problem then screw him

    40. know that it is for his life; now therefore, listen to Me O you children, and pay attention to the words of my mouth; do not let not your

    41. Pay attention to the intensity of the vibrations you are experiencing through your spirit group

    42. In other words, if we pay attention to our experiences, we will observe how our present actions of mind, body, and speech bring about different and instant results

    43. We tend not to pay attention to this conditioning factor of our experience, thinking instead that once an experience has passed it is gone without residue or result

    44. Pay attention to the law of cause and effect, and study the consequences of your actions, words and thoughts, realizing at all times that you are the creator behind that which you are studying

    45. Even physicians, lawyers, scientists, and engineers, who are successful by virtue of their intellectual talents rather than their physical talents, have to pay attention to the biological and emotional sectors of their lives in order to protect their health and sanity

    46. We can then pay attention to what

    47. As it was I would rather pay attention to our problem at hand and try to see if I could get him to tell me more later

    48. Unless you have already built up a relationship with this person through other social interactions, she will have no idea who you are, and no reason pay attention to you or your recommendation

    49. If you pay attention to the items mentioned above, you wil take a giant step towards building a

    50. promotions, so pay attention to the percentage that is being offered per sale and focus on products offering at least 40% commissions or higher

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