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    pendulum example sentences


    1. followed by the pendulum motion of his long arms, and the whip of the ball into

    2. Ricki Takit stood for the ‘Gold Diggers and Prosperous Peoples Party’, whilst Tom Maynard represented the ‘Extreme Centre Pendulum Swinging Party’

    3. with the pendulum, which, after every deviation, comes

    4. “Alice” engraved on it, a school key chain that has an “ALICE” pendulum carved out of wood, and a food tray from the school kitchen

    5. The escapement was mounted on gimbals to maintain a level position and the pendulum automatically compensated for changes in temperature

    6. Then he flicked my necklace with might; I could feel the belt buckle nameplate shifting from side to side from one pectoral to the other like a pendulum

    7. In the center there was a bright hole with a Foucault Pendulum in it

    8. The exhibit was to show how the pendulum knocks over long lines of pegs every once in a while the proof that

    9. He hesitated; thinking in silence for a moment, then began slowly, “The plane is fixed in space while the Earth rotates under the pendulum?”

    10. When he opened them again, he looked at the pendulum

    11. In some respects, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme

    12. Of the pendulum

    13. A pendulum effect

    14. The swing of the pendulum

    15. The time of the swinging pendulum?

    16. The grisly pendulum swayed over his head

    17. Titus began to swing his legs like a pendulum

    18. Like a rope that is burning, and the rope holds up a pendulum ready to swing after the last strand is whisked away by the flame

    19. pendulum ready to swing after the last strand is whisked away by the flame

    20. One day in the future, the pendulum will remain constant

    21. spoken of the pendulum, a giant pendulum that changes with the amount of violence, hate,

    22. this negative mankind has to create a positive to counteract or to swing the pendulum back

    23. Too much can swing the pendulum in the wrong

    24. Through these struggles you will see what happens as the pendulum swings back because in

    25. The pendulum will be constant in the middle

    26. The pendulum that swings

    27. But, instead of making Gaspar release his grip, this caused the ancient, rusted gutter to tear away from the wall at one side, so that it swung down and sideways, like a single arc of a pendulum, with Gaspar still holding on tightly

    28. The ticking of the pendulum wall clock was the only sound in the room

    29. The first is that the pendulum action of winching the assemblies into the holds will tear apart both the ship and the cargo containers

    30. Each clicking of the pendulum began to echo through the silence

    31. By tools I mean things such as tarot cards, a pendulum, angel cards, a

    32. start with because you do not have to buy a pendulum, even though there are

    33. The main limitation of using a pendulum is that you can basically get only yes

    34. misplaced your keys, stand in the middle of the room with your pendulum

    35. feelings when in company, but with the pendulum of danger swinging straight at

    36. Have you tried the pendulum? Let

    37. He softly swung the small cooler like a pendulum, ice swooshing in a bath of frigid water

    38. There I was, sitting on my stool, focussed on physical and mental stillness, breathing rhythmically, seeing the pendulum, zeroed in on the dot, full on determined concentration

    39. The pendulum of fortune had swung back again in favour of Britain whose convoys reached Malta safely and the island was now stocked until the following spring

    40. It had been a hard month for the detectives and Rudolph was starting to enjoy the swing of the pendulum

    41. At higher exit valuations, the pendulum swings the other way,

    42. conversed, the pendulum began to move closer to them

    43. It would be convenient and aesthetic to use a heavy hemisphere positioned above the device itself, which would play the pendulum role swinging in a ship with the sea waves [7]

    44. measuring devices is gravity application in pendulum and weights clocks

    45. One can imagine emotion as a pendulum suspended in the heart so that it will move from a smile to tears, from optimism to pessimism or a roller-coaster life

    46. motions; floating haphazardly, or in broad circles, or swinging as if on a pendulum

    47. __dream things that happen later __know what is going to happen __move a pendulum with yr mind __move any other object that way __know about things by reading cards/runes/other ways __see/find things hidden nearby or far away __read people’s thoughts __have visions __relieve pain/heal self or others __see people’s auras __make something happen or things you need come to you

    48. It wobbled and swayed like a pendulum

    49. It had a pendulum

    50. Isn't it odd how the pendulum of favor changes over

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    "pendulum" definitions

    an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity