Use "persisting" in a sentence
persisting example sentences
1. Sandini was no longer interested, but was only persisting
2. At first when we heard this we had dismissed it as bullshit but the rumours kept persisting and began to get more credible so that by today we knew they were true and even which beaches they would land on and that was V Beach and our very own W Beach
3. Scott had in mind the various security procedures he would have to endure to get beyond the entrance, thoughts of simply persisting in his demands to be let in
4. Persisting, refusing to concede defeat, I’d somehow managed to rise up and carry on singing anyway
5. These impressions are such that we can believe that physical objects have a persisting
6. I was never meant to be happy but I kept on persisting stubbornly, trying to keep something that was maybe never mine to have
7. Yet the figure is persisting right there
8. side, but one at a much higher level than the other, and therefore persisting
9. 1 The messengers of Melchizedek penetrated far into China, and the doctrine of one God became a part of the earlier teachings of several Chinese religions; the one persisting the longest and containing most of the monotheistic truth was Taoism, and Ganid collected the following from the teachings of its founder:
10. We used to have that often, it seems as if we have a telepathic connection that even keeps persisting overseas
11. I cock the pistol and stay persisting with my cool attitude
12. would have to keep persisting
13. When the perpetrator is not willing to acknowledge his/her sin as a sin and/or not willing to be changed by God, that closes the door to reconciliation and is to be considered as persisting in sin
14. Nor is this rift a persisting relic
15. It inhibits the addressee from keeping on his error and prevents him from persisting in his shunning
16. So when he realised that she was persisting in her lies he ordered his men to dress her in trousers and tie her ready to be whipped
17. Really I don't think I can let you go on persisting that they feel nothing
18. She would let go of persisting that he was a demi-god and she a sort of humble pew-opener or its equivalent in his temple
19. “And forgive me, Hag Abdullah, for persisting because I cannot understand how a man of your caliber can be so thoughtless and lacking in humanity
20. “Once again, Hag Abdullah, please forgive my persisting to express an opinion, which in the end will change nothing
21. agreed upon and are permitted to move through by persisting and changing various states or statuses
22. Anyone persisting in such activities after reading this information will have a very, very
23. The abomination is for a judge to declare innocent a wicked mail persisting in his crimes
24. “I’ve told you I don’t know anything! Why do you keep persisting in this?” He stood and started to pace, hands shoved deep in his pockets
26. As it was, the battle now went on nearly all between father and children, he persisting in his dirty and disgusting ways, just to assert his independence
27. not one of them is worthy of the philosophic nature, and hence that nature is warped and estranged;--as the exotic seed which is sown in a foreign land becomes denaturalized, and is wont to be overpowered and to lose itself in the new soil, even so this growth of philosophy, instead of persisting, degenerates and receives another character
28. "You know, sir," said the governor, persisting, "that we are not content in such cases as this with such a simple examination
29. laughing at himself, and yet persisting in the exhibition
30. Although both are now discouraged, their continued existence in psychological forms demonstrates that civilization has achieved great success in moving from the concrete and physical to the abstract and psychological, while persisting in the same purposes
31. Investing is not a smooth process to begin with and that makes persisting tough work, especially if there is a bear market along the way
32. Discussion: What is the trend of the general market? ‘Local’ trends have less chance of persisting than ‘general’ trends that have multi-market participation
33. potential site of synaptic plasticity that may account for the type of persisting
34. Crawford, and avoid both his looks and inquiries; and he, unrepulsable, was persisting in both
35. Wherefore he had no fancy for lowering for whales after sun-down; nor for persisting in fighting a fish that too much persisted in fighting him
36. However, Starbuck, who had the ordering of affairs, hung on to it to the last; hung on to it so resolutely, indeed, that when at length the ship would have been capsized, if still persisting in locking arms with the body; then, when the command was given to break clear from it, such was the immovable strain upon the timber-heads to which the fluke-chains and cables were fastened, that it was impossible to cast them off
37. " But I was so amazed and confused that I hardly took in what he said, and could only mutter that I simply must go home, and stubbornly persisting in this, I beat a hasty retreat
38. I understood that dully and felt ashamed, but I could not help persisting
39. why is it I am here, why don't I go away, why do I go on persisting?"
40. But when that was of no use, he advised him, while persisting in prayer and fasting, to take a special medicine
41. They gave him to understand that the attack was an exceptional one, the fits persisting and recurring several times, so that the patient's life was positively in danger, and it was only now, after they had applied remedies, that they could assert with confidence that the patient would survive
42. Stepan Trofimovitch took his seat in the lecturer's chair in the midst of the still persisting disorder
43. In the mean time, still persisting in the principle of taxing our exports, a right denied even to us by the constitution
44. Yet we are not satisfied with that; persisting, in the face of the most positive and conclusive testimony to the contrary, to affect to believe that he has performed his promise, we are going beyond our contract; and, lest some doubts should arise of the Emperor's want of faith, lest our courts should decide, as they must decide, that the decrees being still in force, the act of the first of May is a mere dead letter, we are about to volunteer our services, and, by the section of the bill now under consideration, to revive those sections of the old non-intercourse law which were intended in a certain event to have been revived by the act of the first of May; to revive them against Great Britain, and that without exacting any conditions on the part of France