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    persuaded example sentences


    1. ‘That explains why her brother was so easily persuaded to co-operate at any rate

    2. The great bank’s chairman was ready to fire the maid for causing so much confusion and embarrassment, but his wife had extensive experience in the realm of hotels and subterfuge, and she persuaded him to go to work and that she would sort things out with the domestic staff

    3. Unfortunately, the mood was broken when, over a large cognac, his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to make her poor spouse’s final year or two truly comfortable

    4. called Nikken, that he finally persuaded me to give

    5. him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to

    6. After much deliberation and, it has to be said, coercion on Sheila’s part, Bunty’s parents were persuaded

    7. here,” – he indicated Bram with a wave of his hand – “Has persuaded

    8. Further inspection and a little logical deduction persuaded her it was Chas’s grave

    9. As he munched Andy persuaded himself that Ozzie and Chrissie would be well clear of the barracks by the time he got there with the Sergeant and, unless the police went foraging outside the barracks, they wouldn’t find the dig either … he should be in the clear

    10. During the long, pillow tossing watches of the night, between imagined conversations during which Andy persuaded the Sergeant by sheer dint of his charismatic personality that there had been nothing going on, the unwelcome thought had occurred to Andy that the Sergeant was being exceptionally curious about what Andy had been doing since he left Tracey

    11. But if you've nothing more pressing than touring hill and dale, perhaps you could be persuaded to visit Redditch along with us

    12. The ocean was as if the starry night sky was persuaded to exchange places with Earth, and was laid out before him

    13. Jim told of how she’d persuaded Wes into sending the rope back down for him, and Mike sounded dismayed, due to the fact of her fear of height

    14. villagers - and that he might be persuaded to introduce

    15. It is by this superior knowledge of their own interest that they have frequently imposed upon his generosity, and persuaded him to give up both his own interest and that of the public, from a very simple but honest conviction, that their interest, and not his, was the interest of the public

    16. Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from

    17. She persuaded Eugenia to change into it, then led her back to the horse cart

    18. persuaded him to excoriate the suitors

    19. Verios’ reputation was one of an extremely Just man, and only that reputation had persuaded Barrin to go to Saparen after the Thane attacked Lanshire

    20. The lads were full of questions asking us what had happened but we told them that we were tired out and needed some rest this did not stop them however from bringing us mugs of tea and giving us fags with the hope we could be persuaded to tell them the story

    21. ” He brought his hands up to cover his face as sobs shook his frame and it was this and the terrible look of hurt in his eyes that persuaded me to tell him what had happened, after all were we not all a band of brothers

    22. The primary intelligence that controlled the device this time did not allow itself to be persuaded by Torbin, despite his continued support from the mind- state of Roidon

    23. Rosie took me to task calling me insensitive but I eventually made her see my point of view and she persuaded Mabel which put us on a better footing once more but I don’t think she will ever forgive me for what I said

    24. trust, be persuaded by or yield to

    25. by the early morning light as he had persuaded himself that if he

    26. No rational person can be persuaded that a philosopher suffering a toothache has a disconnect between his mind and his body

    27. I suppose, however, that that is ok, considering that he persuaded a plurality of the American electorate to cast their vote for him in 1992 and 1996

    28. If he was only to achieve locomotion by crawling on his belly, after having persuaded Eve to partake of the apple, pray tell just what detriment did he endure in becoming the recipient of such crawling, since that had been his process of locomotion, anon

    29. That was because my boss persuaded the

    30. If she had not played her part in all but seducing Gerrid Lytum into their scheme perhaps he would not have been persuaded; at least put up a greater objection, after his inevitable capture

    31. Would you believe that he tried to bite me all the way and for a few minutes afterward we reached land until the choke chain persuaded him to stop such (uncalled for if you ask me) unpleasantness

    32. If he confided in her about the things he’d been told by Sir Craig then she might be persuaded to help him

    33. If she could be persuaded to destroy them and keep quiet, he could put an end to this

    34. Before I could be accused of being a long haired liberal and worse we handed the crocodile over to the local constable for his soon to be father in law and left the scene to explain to the much amused lieutenant that “(1) yes we did indeed arrested a f crocodile and no (2) our pants are not f wet front or rear but torn by the vicious claws (read feet) of the crocodile who (3) did not want to be f arrested and (4) resisted in fact until we (5) fatherly persuaded him f otherwise

    35. —unless Brock had persuaded his mother to leave him behind so that he wasn't there to protect her

    36. You planned to use it for your own twisted ends but things went wrong for you, didn't they? And the others sent you back here with this ridiculous tale in the hope that I could be persuaded to turn a blind eye to your misdeeds

    37. Whether the (Holy) Scriptures should remain subject to generational contentions or modern interpretations, much in the manner that Constitutional Law is persuaded by the (legal) authority of evolving standards of decency, such arguments that otherwise provide recourse to alternative viewpoints, must be equally troubling as arbitrary viewpoints relating to Papal Infallibility or the Divine Rights of Kings!

    38. She persuaded the United Nations representative to allow the Security Forces to get rid of them which they did

    39. Disillusioned African Americans, persuaded that the Christian Community has fallen short of its intended promises of a color-blind society; that is to say, that the Christian Community has tacitly supported racist designs over the years while doing little to improve social conditions, have therefore decided to exchange their Christian identities (including their names) in favor of a religion perceived (more) receptive to their social and spiritual needs

    40. Finally the cat allowed himself to be persuaded to leave

    41. Because water supplies are often under local control, and state and governments can be pressured or persuaded by corporate interests easier than at the federal level, many more local water supplies remain unsafe and harm children especially

    42. “It was hard work, but I persuaded them in the end

    43. He asked if she thought the people aboard the boat could be persuaded to discreetly dispose of the corpse at sea without attracting the attention of the American authorities

    44. Joshua could see, in his day, some who could be persuaded by others to look at things differently, and he remonstrated mightily against that influence when he challenged, “Choose this day whom you will serve

    45. She placed him on the table in front of the plate and after some convincing, persuaded him eat the squashed food, but then he ate quickly

    46. Christina persuaded me to join her in getting a tattoo of the Dauntless seal

    47. I was persuaded to join the Library, the Lecture Society (addressing everything including History, Anthropology, Medicine and more); to attend a course on Ikebana (the Art of Japanese Flower Arranging) - this notion had annoyed me at first but my friend with the improbable name of Bubbles convinced me that I'd benefit, and I did

    48. I think, for a moment, that I’ve won, that I’ve persuaded her

    49. Choosing to work with the most challenging children - those apparently hopeless ones who needed to “come alive,” Maureen and Audrey had persuaded the governing body to establish this Special Unit

    50. Ahab to Samaria; And Ahab killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance, and for the people that he had with him, and persuaded him

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