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    phalanx example sentences


    1. Nerissa pelted them as rapidly as possible, but they advanced in phalanx, covering their heads and bodies

    2. phalanx stood up, she knocked the spear out of his grasp

    3. Except for Antechron, the phalanx all stood up and flung their spears

    4. “It would appear that these are an independent phalanx, separated from or perhaps assigned duty out of reach of their Cruiser

    5. What they gleaned of the little phalanx was that: They weren't attached in any way to a Naud Cruiser

    6. Song explained, “The Gammadil joined up with this phalanx after a very persuasive invitation from Captain Husim

    7. “Now then, we have another week or so before the first of the renegade phalanx reaches us---not enough time to visit Tenrith and get back here, but plenty of time to set our snares for any other vessels that may rendezvous with them here

    8. Behind these came a large phalanx of Indian lancers with their lances pointing at the sky like fingers and with their pennants gaily fluttering in the breeze their heads were covered by khaki turbans

    9. Catching the point duty policeman’s eye, Steve steered his car across a phalanx of waiting traffic, in the direction of the Derby road

    10. cavalry with his marching phalanx

    11. Alexander’s men had pikes twenty-feet long, which could penetrate three rows deep into the Persian phalanx

    12. Their only chance now was to throw themselves at the reorganising infantry before they were fully reformed into an impenetrable phalanx, even he would have trouble in penetrating such a formation

    13. dragging out a phalanx of previous thinkers—giants on top of whose shoulders I’ll stand and rant

    14. The goblins drove on up the pass, regardless of their losses, until the first phalanx reached the barbican gates

    15. Commander Algernon outlined strategy with Murphy and me, divided the Horde into smaller groups of ten and sent what he called a phalanx to destroy the ships before they could dock and disembark their soldiers

    16. If I flew up, I would run into them, down waited a phalanx of spears

    17. I knew the Emperor’s Palace was in the cooler mountains of the Duchy called Swize and was the size of a small city housing nearly 10,000 servants and an entire phalanx of soldiers–the Imperials

    18. The six cadets sprang to attention and spun to face the phalanx of Marines bearing down on them

    19. Success of the phalanx formation and of battles in general depended on the third Greek

    20. Vinny reluctantly followed the phalanx out to the parking lot

    21. The camp commander arrived with his phalanx of six Warriors

    22. The camp commander arrived with the usual phalanx of six Warriors

    23. Engelsman would have to convince a phalanx

    24. For members of the phalanx that believes we, more or less, create our own reality in the above sense this practice should feel natural

    25. In the dark stillness after the burst of sparks in the night sky, five hooded figures marched out in a phalanx formation from the surrounding forest

    26. “That’s ridiculous, as if they weren’t bringing a phalanx of their own staff, in addition to the super-tight restrictions Joel was going to run while they were here,” Sage argued

    27. As the phalanx entered the Senate Caucus Room, a large, ornate famous hearing room, they bulled their way down the far aisle to the witness table maintaining a furious momentum through the jam-packed interior that was alive with sound and cameras clicking

    28. Then, after retrieving him from the water, they formed a phalanx, forced their way into the building, and slid the doors closed behind themselves, letting in only a few Seattle pressmen

    29. Across the room, they had faced a phalanx of expensive Castrate lawyers who toiled daily in the murky world of the federal black lung system

    30. In a dense phalanx, blocking the streets from side to side, the crowd set forth, taking the route of Regent Street, Pall Mall, St

    31. They had always world in time of stress, no matter what their private opinions of the conduct of individual been a clannish tribe, presenting an unbroken phalanx of overlapping shields to the kinsmen might be

    32. “I’m getting to the part where I explain about the Phalanx, Charlie

    33. The mark of the Post-Humanist Phalanx that proliferates on the cornices of apartment buildings, on housing-project handball courts, on the notebooks of the grad students, on the sides of parked cars, on subway station entrances, scratched into the plexiglass of a phone booth, as if mechanically reproduced all over the East Village, stamped out in some factory of the image

    34. I’ll send a whole phalanx over to serve a warrant on his crash-pad, bring in anyone else we find

    35. Still, it seems far-fetched that whatever the inspector said, a phalanx, is on its way right now to check out the boy’s story

    36. ships, or a phalanx of flying swans; there was a red thunderstorm and a

    37. Just when we thought we had seen the last of the marchers, another phalanx turned the corner onto Willow

    38. Kate and I jump inside the phalanx of sheriffs who circle Dante, and as they usher us out a side door, my eyes lock with Spielberg’s screenwriter, Alan Shales

    39. There was also a shifting phalanx of reporters jostling for a lead like a pack of hounds on the scent of a rabbit

    40. Just then, on schedule, the Roman phalanx reappeared, far off, double-timing

    41. And there was the merest whisper from the mob, the crowd, the phalanx, and in the midst of that silence, Fritz at last walked through the people until he reached my side, by which time I was half-blind with emotion

    42. To whom did this anarchical scoffer unite himself in this phalanx of absolute minds? To the most absolute

    43. I gazed upon a tapestry of beauty, a golden phalanx freshly out of the Elysian fields and hills

    44. Whether the law under which a direct tax was collected, was constitutional or not, has it not as equally received the disapprobation of the Republicans of the United States as the sedition law? If then it was the object of the democratic party to rid the country of such a law as much as of the sedition law, I ask whether those who suffered under each law have not equal claims? There can be no legal claim upon the House under either law; but we know that it was the hardy yeomanry who presented a firm phalanx to the irresistible torrent of injurious laws of the Federal Administration, and who gave the present party the ascendency, and many of them have not, as the gentleman from Kentucky has been, compensated for their suffering by a long continuance in an honorable and lucrative office which he enjoys by the confidence of his constituents

    45. And if, during the agitation of the present question, the renewal has, on one side, been opposed on party principles, let me ask if, on the other, it has not been advocated on similar principles? Where is the Macedonian phalanx, the opposition in Congress? I believe, sir, I shall not incur the charge of presumptuous prophecy, when I predict that we shall not pick up from its ranks one single straggler! And if, on this occasion, my worthy friend from Georgia has gone over into the camp of the enemy, is it kind in him to look back upon his former friends, and rebuke them for the fidelity with which they adhere to their old principles?

    46. My honorable friend from Georgia has been reminded of the Macedonian phalanx

    47. I trust, sir, we shall ever be found associated with a phalanx American, Republican, in heart and sentiment

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    "phalanx" definitions

    any of the bones of the fingers or toes

    any closely ranked crowd of people

    a body of troops in close array