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    physiology example sentences


    1. Aging can be healthier with an exercise regimen like Yoga, which prevents accumulation of stress metabolites and always keeps the physiology supple

    2. However, if you are a patient and therapeutic Yoga is your need, you will benefit in learning it from a medical practitioner who is trained to understand the physiology of the human body and can thus be watchful of the effects of Yoga if performed incorrectly

    3. You know about logic and you know the physiology of the human brain, you know it is logic conducted by nerve cells with a form of electrical charges, and you know it is moderated by chemicals and hormones

    4. The guest regarded his host carefully and began, “Some of our centers have a direct organic foundation in our physiology

    5. Each of these centers, mentioned thus far, also have a representation in the physiology of the human brain complex, as does the intellectual center, that great repository of potential connections in the gray matter of the noggin

    6. They both listened as he summarized the classification, evolution and physiology of life on the planet

    7. physiology and psychology of life is why the combined regimen of

    8. Zeradas had access to every aspect of her physiology, and – he assured her – could be in constant comms contact

    9. Despite their vast technological superiority, no one could truly understand human physiology like another human

    10. Yet, though he was certainly human, he couldn't be sure what that meant beyond the more superficial attributes of physiognomy and physiology

    11. Managing the emotions: Physiology first

    12. Unlike Physiology that monitors a body‘s physical and

    13. He also visualized the diagrams of the female anatomy from the human physiology books he had studied in college

    14. “Based upon my minimal knowledge of human physiology, and assuming the water, the most dangerous thing in there, was properly processed, it seems unlikely

    15. physiology, the social thought and the behavior is by learning and strengthen the the day after

    16. This shows only part of the human characteristics, on the other hand, in terms of human, the rule of law of human society and their own physiological the right direction, or to the rules of the development of bad entirely in the hands of human beings, humans have the ability to control the law of development, to make it perfect, let oneself physiology and social positive health perfect direction

    17. I wondered if white girls had the same physiology as black girls

    18. With her understanding of physiology and practical AA knowledge, she explained that when one is hit with the sudden complete loss of tolerance (two drinks put us on the floor on our butts when the day before we could hold a fifth), that is the end of the trail

    19. normal and abnormal physiology for the same

    20. Whatever the physiology of the process, we make decisions, make choices, make plans, and take

    21. He shrugged, rolled over, the light was extinguished and a minute later I was the only one awake – cursing my caution and revisiting the previous scene during which I'd noticed a quirk of physiology

    22. Either it’s a spell that you hit or something just geared to your physiology

    23. I’ve read many articles on the internet on the physiology on a

    24. I could see her heat signature and the slow beating of her heart; rhythms that told me she was sleeping although I wasn’t sure if the physiology of an Elassai was the same as an Oldlander

    25. The first began in the 1970‘s with a researcher in the physiology department of the University of California, San Francisco, ‗Dr

    26. His research at Stanford University‘s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behaviour and physiology of the cell

    27. The gypsy man‘s mouth was dry and any attempt to generate saliva, futile; his bluff had not only been called by the intruders but by his own physiology as well

    28. Sarah teaches biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology

    29. In a sharp break with Swordsman tradition, Emerson shared the duties of caring for the child to the extent his work schedule and physiology would allow

    30. physiology are unlike yours, not only in the species sense but

    31. all, that your anatomy, physiology, and psyche are still at the

    32. The beauty of physiology was here naked before anyone who would care to see; the miracle of the cohort that is the body, which is but many amoebae of a cooperative nature having a party

    33. My physiology had given in, and my mind had followed

    34. These descriptions can vary between psychology and physiology, but the need is recognized by all

    35. This physiology is a culmination of negative energy; it is not because you are flying

    36. You have a great deal of chest physiology because you are releasing/dumping at an incredible rate

    37. That was partly due to the fact that the suits were the best of the best, but also because they had reached a threshold of transporter use, meaning there was irreparable damage done to their physiology, damage that forced them to live out their days in the suit

    38. physiology to reproduce the sounds and so, why waste the time and energy when

    39. One of the problems with sharing the same physiology and brain with another

    40. and physiology lessons, and combat practice

    41. The studies done on Tibetan monks, for example, who have been able to use their minds and altered states of consciousnesses to manifest radical changes in their physiology, supports this

    42. She was completely tapped into his emotions and physiology via his implant when he past his tipping point and was no

    43. Colonist who stayed on Mars past a year could never return to Earth due to the change in their physiology, living under less than normal Earth gravity

    44. By the term “materialism” is meant the belief that, in the words of cognitive philosopher Daniel Dennett, “there is only one sort of stuff, namely matter – the physical stuff of physics, chemistry, and physiology – and the mind is somehow nothing but a physical phenomenon

    45. What was eye-opening was that the heart was the first part of the internal physiology to respond to the stimulus, seconds before the brain did! The heart responded and then sent information to the brain which goes against the belief of mainstream biology which says the brain is the command centre of the body

    46. Being bonded to adults has also influenced his physiology

    47. In terms of physiology, at this moment, the production of endorphin, enkephalin, etc,

    48. In terms of physiology, this involvement starts to gradually dominate the whole

    49. In fact, we could define that - in terms of physiology - the coordinated activity of all

    50. clogging to the physiology

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    "physiology" definitions

    the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms

    processes and functions of an organism